6 Times a Day

Chapter 1041 Suzanne And Glory Having A Moment! = Kiss

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, Carlos Heredia, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, VoidStar, WendigosArk

——————————————— 3.5K words

Suzanne drove to Glory’s apartment complex and briskly walked to the apartment she’d been in once before. She was in a big hurry because she had a lot to accomplish in the next couple of hours. She rang the doorbell.

Glory answered. “Suzanne. Come in. What’s this big emergency? Is Alan okay?”

Suzanne stepped inside and looked around. She knew that Glory was normally an extremely neat person, but her stylish apartment showed signs of having been hastily cleaned in just a few minutes. She looked at Glory and saw that she too wasn’t in her best shape, even though she’d obviously spent the minutes since Suzanne called getting dressed and applying make up. She looked like she hadn’t been sleeping much lately, which was true. Yet at the same time she was wearing a surprisingly formal and sexy black dress, as if she was going to a party and not just meeting someone for a brief chat.

Suzanne quickly took a seat on a couch in Glory’s common room and focused on the problem at hand. “Alan is okay. There’s no sudden crisis, to be honest, it’s just that I wanted to tackle this issue while I was still all worked up. Susan and Amy got me very concerned that Alan is slowly falling into darkness. Now, mind you, it’s nothing that he’s said or done lately. In fact, none of us have even seen him since this morning. That’s because he’s been at a regular periodic orgy. The SA-Club orgy. If you don’t know already, the SA stands for Service Alan.”

That hit Glory like a punch to the gut. “What?! You’re kidding me. Why haven’t I heard of this? Just who is in this so-called club?”

“Sorry, I can’t say. But this is the kind of world he’s living in, day after day,” Suzanne continued. “And frankly, the problem is much more with us than with him. He’s been doing the best he can under the circumstances. He’s trying not to go bad, but power corrupts. It’s just a matter of time before he falls. Like I said, the main problem is with us. His family. Please put aside your problem with incest for a moment because this is serious. We all love him so much; with his incredible sexual prowess we just can’t say no to anything! It’s like a race to the bottom as we fall over each other in our submissiveness. More and more, the talk is of him being our master. Hell, even I call him that sometimes, and I never imagined I’d do that for any man, ever.”

Glory gave her a disapproving look.

But Suzanne said, “Don’t look at me like that. I know you’ve felt the exact same thing with him at times, so don’t try to deny it. It would be okay if it was just for sexual matters, but it carries over into everything. I don’t know the last time anyone has asked him about homework, for instance. Or doing the chores he used to do. It’s bound to corrupt him, and I don’t want to see such a good kid go bad! I need your help. I need your strength! We have to tackle this together!”

Glory looked at Suzanne with great concern. Then she spoke. “I see. In fact, I see very clearly. I know exactly what you mean because you’re right: I’ve been noticing the same thing happening to me for some time now, and it frightens the hell out of me. That’s one of the main reasons I’ve broken up with him. I can’t say no to anything either when I’m around him. I feel like I’m going down with the sinking ship. I’ve been so torn apart, I don’t know what to do! Look at me!”

Suzanne gave Glory a good look again, but didn’t know what to say.

“You see?” Glory went on, increasingly agitated. “I’m like a junkie. I’m going through Alan withdrawal. But I can’t do it! I don’t have the willpower! You should have seen what happened at school today. I was so tempted. His big, fat, mouthwateringly juicy cock was sticking straight out, just inches from my face – don’t even ask me how, it’s a long story. You could have knocked me over with a feather. It’s a near miracle I didn’t fall on my knees and beg him to do me, then, there and forever! I’m still teetering right on the edge, even now. If he were to walk in right now and kiss me, I’d lose it completely! In fact, when you called I was moping around, drinking too much beer, and trying to decide if I should call in sick tomorrow because I just can’t face him.”

She continued, “He wouldn’t even have to say or do anything. All he’d have to do is smile at me and I’d be down on my knees, fumbling with his zipper, stuffing every inch of his glorious thickness down my throat. God, I need it! I’m hoping that if I miss school tomorrow and then there’s the four day Thanksgiving vacation after that, maybe I’ll be able to deal with him on Monday. Maybe. I’m praying the worst of the cold turkey withdrawal will be over by then, but who knows. So don’t talk to me about strength. If you want strength, you’ve come to the wrong place. I’m an Alan junkie. I’m hopeless!” Glory dropped her head into her hands and began crying.

“Now there,” Suzanne said consolingly. She stood up and began pacing around. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. We’ve all been there. Do you have any idea about how many weeks I’ve been grappling with the fact that a strong and dominant woman like me is helpless in the face of Alan’s cock? It’s been very humbling, not to mention frustrating as all get out. I’ve been there, been through what you’re going through, and come out the other side. I’ve made peace with the fact that I’m one of his harem nymphos. I imagine you will too, in time.”

“Wait a second, Suzanne! Don’t call me a harem girl. I’m not even seeing him anymore!”

“Well, we’ll see. But for my purposes, it doesn’t matter if you’re with him or not. In fact, it’s better that you’re not. I have to say that I’m truly impressed that you held out as long as you did. You may think yourself weak right now, but actually you’re the strongest of us all! I’m so impressed with you. I really am.” π˜°π‘£π˜­.𝗇𝓔t

“Really?” Glory stopped sobbing and looked up at Suzanne. In fact, she’d been very hesitant to allow Suzanne over to her apartment because she knew the red-headed Amazon held some kind of strange, spellbinding power over her, but she’d relented because of the emergency. One problem was, even though Suzanne had dressed as conservatively as she could just for this meeting, Suzanne simply didn’t know how to turn her sexiness off.

Glory found herself staring at a thin slice of pale flesh on Suzanne’s thigh that had been inadvertently revealed when Suzanne stuck a curvy pose. She blushed and tried to look away.

“Of course, really! Glory, you and I are like some kind of sisters from a previous life or something. I feel such a strong affinity for you, such a natural bond. I would never lie to you. I couldn’t lie to you. The fact is, you’re a tough, little, sexy surfer chick. You can kick some serious ass. I need your strength. Alan needs your strength. You need to realize just how strong you really are and show him that you can be there for him when he needs you. He needs you now.”

“He does?” She felt like a little girl being given a pep talk by her mother, but it was working.

Suzanne suddenly sat on the couch right next to Glory so she could give her a comforting hug. “He does! Don’t miss school tomorrow. And don’t worry if you give in to his charms or not. That’s irrelevant. Suck on that big fat cock of his if it makes you feel better. The important thing, from my point of view, is that you don’t give up on him emotionally, regardless of what you decide your relationship with him should be physically. He needs you, Glory. He needs you badly. He needs someone who can tell him no. The rest of us are out of control. Now, admittedly, you can’t tell him no all the time… But then again, you really wouldn’t want to now, would you? I know I wouldn’t.”

Suzanne’s eyes grew distant and one of her hands dropped to her crotch as she imagined herself screaming “Yes! Yes! Yes!” while Alan lay on top her, plowing away.

However, Suzanne quickly refocused, pulling her hand away. “But you can tell him no some of the time! That’s good! You and I are just about the only women close to him who can do that.”

Glory didn’t know what to say about that, so she stayed quiet.

Suzanne prodded, “Do you love him?”

“Yes.” Glory’s body tingled in a strange and delightful way as Suzanne held her, but she tried to ignore the sensations.

“Do you want to see him go to a good college?”


“Do you want to see him drop out of school?”


“Do you want to see the bad Alan take over and destroy the very special young man we all love so much?”

Glory was being cradled like a little baby now. She felt extremely comforted in Suzanne’s arms. “No! God, no!”

“Then please, don’t walk out of his life! Don’t go through Alan withdrawal and free yourself of him. I won’t let you! You have a very special role in his life, a unique place in his heart. All the other women he loves have been there with him since before he could talk; you’re the only one out of all the women he could choose that he’s chosen to love. Think about that, and think about how much he respects your opinion on things. He’ll listen to you. If you leave, he’s going to drop out and go bad before long, I know it. I won’t let that happen to my Sweetie! Please, I beg of you. Let’s work together, you and I, to help each other give him the discipline he needs. Neither of us is strong enough to do it alone, but maybe we can do it if we join forces!”

“I don’t know,” Glory said hesitantly. “Alan’s broken my heart and as long as I’m with him, it’ll just keep breaking. This whole harem thing, the incest thing, him and Heather together… I don’t know…”

Suzanne looked at Glory pleadingly from just inches away, and continued to squeeze her tightly in a loving hug.

Finally, Glory broke the stare and broke her resolve. “Oh, okay already! I’m neck deep in this Alan mess, and I guess I can’t pull out now. I suppose I have to see this through, at least until he graduates. I was so despondent I saw no way out, but maybe with you, maybe there is a way out. Maybe we can do it. But! But, even though I’m willing to go to bat for him emotionally, I am NOT going to get involved again physically. No way! If I do, I’ll never get out of this Alan mess, never!”

Partly, she gave in because she really did believe the words she was saying, but partly she did it simply because she couldn’t bear to look into Suzanne’s eyes anymore. She was frightened by the disturbingly intimate feelings she was having for the buxom and incredibly sultry mother.

Suzanne’s eyes lit up. “Oh, thank you, Glory! Thank you! I knew you’d see the light!” She leaned in and kissed Glory square on the mouth.

Glory was so taken by surprise by the unexpected kiss that her mouth opened up as if to shout, allowing Suzanne to slip in her tongue and get hot and heavy with the kiss. Glory felt a fire of passion suddenly come alight all over her body. Within seconds, she was eagerly kissing back. She wanted more, more, more!

She wanted Suzanne and Suzanne’s voluptuous body in every way. But at the same time, some part of her was horrified. This was her worst nightmare come true. This was why she knew she had to keep Suzanne at bay. Her eyes showed great shock and even terror.

Suzanne could see the look in Glory’s eyes as she kissed, and finally pulled away to ask, “What? Is something wrong?”

“Something wrong?! Yes!” Glory leaned forward to kiss Suzanne again, even as she recalled all the horrible things her parents told her about the unnatural and forbidden love between women. She wanted to kiss and hold her new friend forever.

But now Suzanne was the one to pull away, as remembrances of past experiences with Glory slowly returned to her. “Oh, Glory! I’m so sorry! I completely forgot. You told me that you don’t have a lesbian bone in your body. I’m SO sorry! I got carried away there. You see, at the Plummer house, everyone kisses everyone else on the lips about even the smallest thing. That’s how we greet each other and say goodbye, and it’s such a habit that I… Oh, Jesus! Please forgive me!” She felt truly awful.

But by now Glory was wishing Suzanne hadn’t come to her senses. Yet, now that Suzanne had reminded her about her statements vigorously denying any lesbian desires whatsoever, she knew she’d look like a complete fool if she now pushed herself on this gorgeous redhead still holding her tightly. She felt so lonely. It had only been about twenty-four hours since she’d formally broken things off with Alan, but the break up had been a long time coming and she’d been on an emotional roller coaster for weeks. Ironically, she desperately needed Alan to help her get over the break up with Alan. If she couldn’t have his touch, then she wanted Suzanne’s. But she managed to control herself, barely.

Suzanne had great sympathy for the wavering and emotionally distraught teacher, and didn’t want to take advantage of her in her current condition. She got up off of the couch and said, “Sorry again. Let’s forget that ever happened. I’m going to go powder my nose, and then when I get back we can talk about how you and I can work as a team to put Alan back on the right track.”

Glory nodded. She was afraid to talk, afraid to let out her true emotions.

Suzanne went on, “We’re not alone, you know. For instance, just today my daughter Amy showed surprising insight in pointing out the need for action with Alan in the first place. She allowed me to clear my head a bit from the usual non-stop fuck lust invading my every thought, which is why I had to come here fast, while I was still in the mood she helped create. And there are others, too, who might be able to help some, if you and I lead the way. Who knows, maybe we can even tap into Heather’s willpower somehow. The harem needs to find a balance, a stability, that’ll allow all of our special relationships to endure. Let’s talk, okay?”


Suzanne gave another encouraging smile, got up, and walked out of the room.

Glory was shaken up. She was extremely relieved that Suzanne had excused herself to the bathroom. She correctly surmised that Suzanne didn’t have to use the bathroom at all, but just wanted to give Glory some time to recover. She walked into the kitchen and fixed herself a cup of coffee. The one thing she didn’t want to do was think about the kiss that had just happened. Luckily, Suzanne had mentioned Heather, and that allowed her to turn her mental energy to the girl who was rapidly becoming her arch-enemy, at least in her own mind. Heather? Ha! I’m glad about Amy and the rest of what Suzanne said, but the day I ever cooperate with Heather… Ha! Fat chance!

Her body still trembled from the emotionally intense kiss and finally her thoughts came around to the forbidden kiss. Suzanne is right. That kiss did NOT happen! It’s bad enough that I’m so emotionally torn up about Alan. I simply have no room in my heart to think about Suzanne and lesbianism at the moment… She called me her “tough little sexy surfer chick!” Glory suddenly felt weak in the knees as she thought about that, and had to grab hold of the kitchen counter to remain standing.

But then a wave of resolve coursed through her. I am NOT a lesbian! Not in the slightest. When I see a good-looking woman walking down the street, it does absolutely nothing for me. It’s just that one remarkable pale goddess does something strange to my insides. That look in her eyes – I can’t avoid it. It’s like she’s looking straight into my soul! Maybe I’m a Suzanne-sbian.

She tried to laugh at her feeble joke, but failed. No, I’m not even that. I’m just emotionally worked up, vulnerable, and very confused. I’m going to forget it all completely. Suzanne is enough of a lady to see how that shook me up, and hopefully she’ll know now to keep her physical distance. The two of us have to move forward in a professional manner and get Alan back on track!

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