Chapter 385 - Days And Months Passed By Part 1
Andy doesn't know that days passed by so fast and her stomach got bigger. But it wasn't any bigger as Freya and Agatha. She laughed at the thought that they are the second batch on getting pregnant after Luna, Selina, and Natasha.
"Love, I will be home late. There's a meeting with a new investor." Zachary said in a rush as he walked back and forth and couldn't find whatever he's looking for.
​​"It's fine." She took his phone and gave it to him.
"Oh! Thank you, love." He took it from her and slid it to his pocket then he kissed her lips. "I will be home as soon as the meeting is done." He knelt one knee and kissed her protruding stomach. "Daddy will be back soon, baby." He stood and looked up at her and stood. "What do you want to have later?"
"Anything. Just come back to me in a complete piece."
"I will. I love you and our baby." He kissed her lips and she escorted him to the door. "Eat well and sleep well." He kissed her forehead.
"You too, love. I already talked to Ellen about your lunch."
"Thank you." He touched her stomach and then he strode to his car.
After he left, she went to her study room to check the details of people that had entered their facility as an employee and at the same time as a double spy. Leon had gathered it well. She put it on the vault, and she continued with her work.
She's being busy but then Agatha texted her that they wanted to have a little getaway and Moira is in the house. She agreed to it and they went to their grandfather's house.
The girls are already there and their babies. Kale and Bea are on the carpet, crawling. They just looked so adorable as the two of them talked with their baby voice.
They couldn't understand them, but they are talking more and laughing. Happy babies. Andy couldn't help but admire them and it lightens her mood. Freya is also watching the babies on the carpet. Natalia and Nathaniel are on their baby basket sleeping. Freya's stomach is as big as Agatha since she's carrying twins.
"Wow… babies are around." Moira said and she started taking photos. She went to the twins and took photos of them.
She became their nanny while the mothers are preparing foods. She played with Bea and Kale and Alanis somehow stepped on the room to check on his beloved and saw it.
Andy is good at observing. Alanis's eyes twinkle and somehow, she could read on what's running on his mind. He wanted babies too and seeing how Moira played and attend the babies is what he pictures in their future. Why can't just they get married already?
Andy sipped on the smoothie that Natasha prepared for them and she waved at Alanis.
"Hey, big man! Come and sit down. Make sure that you are wearing house slippers."
"I am." He strode toward them and he removed his slippers as he stepped on the carpet and sat down to looked at the babies crawling as Moira enjoying it. "Let's make babies." Alanis proposed to her bluntly.
Andy bit back her lips. Damn, that's adorable.
"Oh, shut up," Moira muttered. She took baby Bea and gave it to him. "Here, took care of her."
Alanis expertly hold baby Bea and baby Bea looked at him strangely. Then she reached his nose with her wet hands from her mouth. Smelled like milk and baby. Alanis didn't cringe. He liked it.
"Bumbum!" She said aloud. Kale laughed and pointed Alanis.
"Babam!" Kale said aloud.
"What does that mean?" Moira asked Selina who came with a tray of cookies. She snickered and shook her head. "Hey, Selina?" She asked.
"It's baby talk."
"They had a strong connection and the way Bea cuddle to Alanis is crazy." She muttered.
Andy would love to hear her baby's first words. She rubbed her round stomach. Well, soon, their baby will come out. They still need to wait until next year. It's already at the end week of November and this year had been disastrous and she's guessing that next year would be good since babies are coming more and then weddings will be held.
"I think she's sleepy," Alanis said as Bea lean on him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Alanis hold baby Bea and caressed her back.
"Is it okay with you, Al?" Selina asked.
"Yes. Fine with me." He smiled and rubbed her smack back.
"Okay. Thank you. I'll be back in the kitchen to help them prepare for lunch."
Alanis nodded and baby Bea had fallen asleep into his shoulders.
"That was fast," Moira said and she prepared baby Bea's crib. Alanis gently put the baby down on the crib and he wrapped her arms around Moira and pressed his lips to her ear.
"You look sexy while taking care of the babies." He said softly. "I wanted to fuck you until you can't walk anymore." She nudged him and carelessly brush her hand to his crotch. Then she turned to him.
"We can't make love more when I get pregnant." She whispered to him. He slid his fingers on her nape and rubbed.
"Sweetheart, I don't care. As long as you are having my baby."
"But I am not pregnant." She hissed at him. "I don't want to get pregnant."
"We can work on that." He grinned at her.
"Hey! Just go find a room!" Andy said and the girls laughed.
Moira rolled her eyes and then she took Alanis's hand. She put her slippers on and then he also did as she took him to her bedroom in their grandfather's house. Alanis hold her hips as she unlocked the door. She grabbed him inside and shut the door, then she pushed him on the door. He hands up as she smirked at him and unbuckled his pants.
"You are so naughty!" She licked her lips as she continued peeling his shirt. He helped her removed it and then she knelt and pull own his pants and boxers. She licked her lips as she looked up at him.
"Ah, you are naughtier than me." He caressed her hair and then she sucked his shaft and he threw his head back and moaned. He pulled her up and he removed her clothes. Then she jumped on him, wrapped her legs around him and he slid it inside her.
He stepped out from his pants and boxers and he pinned her on the wall. He started thrusting deep and hard and she cried loudly, full of pleasure.
"More!" She groaned and thrust back to him. They are making love like crazy rabbits and it didn't stop on the wall, even on the floor, they continue and until they reached the bed.
Moira tangled her legs around him and she played with his nipples.
"You know what?" She asked as she tilts her head.
"You are a sex god."
He laughed and caressed her silky hair. He kissed her forehead.
"Moira you'll be a great mother." He said as he recalled in his mind on how she took care of the babies. Moira's smile faded.
"Okay!" She sat up with a sigh. "I will give you babies but not now. There are lots of going on and we aren't married yet."
"Let's get married. We can get married anytime."
"Eloping would only make others cancel their weddings. I am a Mondragon and I shouldn't mess around when another Mondragon is about to get married."
"Okay." He pointed her nose. "I love you. But you seriously need to give me babies."
"I will. I promise." She lay on his chest. "I think we need to leave the country after Andromeda gave birth to her baby."
"Yes. It's settled." She looked up at him. "Someone gave us information that the Rose Empire will proceed to search in Madagascar next year."
"Too bad. I plan to impregnate you." He kissed her hand that is rested on his chest.
"Al-babe! You've talked about this."
He laughed and he rolled over her. Then he spread her legs and started kissing her neck.
"Make love to me again."
Andy and Freya are laughing as they talked about Moira and Alanis getting it on in one of the bedrooms. Agatha would only laugh with them. It wakes baby Bea but she's already in Freya's arm and playing on her hair.
"If Alanis would impregnate Moira by now, then she won't be able to join us in our adventure." Freya thought for a while.
"What adventure?" Agatha asked.
"Oh, it's a good hiking adventure and you aren't allowed because your husband will probably be going to kill us if you came with us."
"That's unfair." Agatha frowned. "But if Dmitri stayed with me without working away, then I would just stay in the house with him and our baby." She rubbed her stomach.
"Yeah!" Andy nodded. "You better talked to Uncle about that."
"But you guys are still going to breast milk the babies. So, you won't be able to go on an adventure."
Andy and Freya looked at each other.