Chapter 272 - Not Worthy
When they heard the words 'Blood Warriors' leave Ghral's lips, all the orcs who had gathered there in a diplomatic meeting suddenly turned hostile. Immediately, they all took out their weapons and started to shout and yell, thrusting their fists into the air, hoping that a fight would break out.
After all, during these past two weeks, this tribe who called themselves the Blood Warriors had taken over almost half of the territories within the Chaotic Plains.
As for Tristan, he had already heard that these gatherings were happening a few weeks back. With his Blood Warriors already pushing against the orcs and closely monitoring their plans, he was able to predict they would all eventually gather in this specific place, and now that he got their attention and his troops were ready, its the best time to strike
"Chiwiikkk! Cwhiiwikk!!"
All of the orcs roared; they straightened up, readying themselves for the oncoming attacks. All the while, Karra, One Ear, and the other 10 orc champions quickly approached their leader, surrounding him on all sides as they prepared for the worst.
It appeared that a fight was going to be inevitable, but before anyone was able to throw even a single punch, Karra began to yell out.
"Osh'Kav! You are now in the presence of the chief of the Blood Warrior tribe!" Her yell quickly stopped them in their tracks.
."We are here to talk! We have the same right to speak here as any other chief!" She addressed all the other chiefs with a cold gaze in her eye, making sure her message was sent across.
The other warchief can tell there were two war chiefs that were essentially considered the leaders of the Blood Warrior clan, which were the female high orc and the one eared orc, but the other tribe leaders who were present there were surprised to hear that it was the comparably tiny white haired elf who was their true chief.
Longbeard was the one who responded first.
"Lok'mogul Zug!" He exclaimed, banging the staff of his weapon loudly on the ground.
"An elf?! Your words are not worth anything in this council!"
"Cih!" The orc spat vehemently into the ground in front of Tristan, and as a chief with such a great number of warriors as well as a good amount of popularity among the other leaders, his words were followed by the majority.
Tristan had actually discussed this with Karra beforehand, when they were strategizing the specific ways they were going to approach this gathering of orc leaders. To crash their warchief council would be the best way to avoid any more unnecessary orc deaths, although the orcs as a species were engineered to accept elves, however, when it came to matters of honor, it still needed to be proven.
Hence the reason why he believed that second best option was to send Tristan's own warchief to represent him. It was for this role that Karra had prepared herself valiantly.
"I am Karra, a high orc, a champion of the Blood Warrior clan, and it is I who will be speaking on behalf of the tribe!" She raised her fist high into the air in a show of confidence.
Now that it was a female high orc warchief who came forward, the 11 other warchiefs looked at one another, beginning to murmur amongst themselves in a rather perplexed manner. They were still undecided as to whether or not such a thing should be allowed.
Once again, Longbeard was the one to comment, a disdainful look plastered on his face.
"Huh! A female and a high orc! Chiiihh, that's even worse than an elf!" it was followed by laughed of his champions
This time, though, a few of the warchiefs disagreed with Longbeard's words. Especially Guldan, the high orc chief.
Longbeard's remarks actually caused Guldan to defend the female orc. As he spoke, he looked at Longbeard intently. "Let her have a say on this matter!
"No!" Longbeard refused. "I will not let a female lead!! Never!"
Karra's eyes met Longbeard's. The expression on her face was extremely determined, her mouth pressed into a long, thin line. She stared at him long and hard before challenging him to a duel, which the orc leader then accepted. Unexpectedly, Longbeard made a specific request.
"We shall fight unarmed. I dont not wish to hurt a female!"
As he said this, his face was split into a smug grin. His smile only grew when Karra's face fell slightly; she realized that she was actually at a disadvantage as her key abilities as a high orc did not lie in physical strength. In comparison, Longbeard was still one of the strongest orcs around.
Karra refused to bow down, and accepted the challenge anyway.
When their fight finally commenced, both sides were able to lay a hit on one another simultaneously. Being significantly bigger than Karra, though, Longbeard's punches and hits landed much harder. Being a humongous mass of muscle, the ferocious body slams he delivered were able to throw the female high orc onto the ground with extreme force.
Karra looked upwards at Tristan with determination; she would not let him be disappointed. To win this battle, she knew that she had to utilize her wit. She decided that it would be futile to fight him directly, with conventional fighting techniques. She would dodge around the large warchief and hit only when she had an opening.
After a few rounds of dodging, she saw an opportunity and kicked Longbeard's foot out from under him, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.
Longbeard was ashamed. Unexpectedly, he walked out of the duel, yelling something about how her unconventional fighting style was definitely the reason why she would never be considered a true orc.
Unfortunately for Tristan, many of the orcs listened to him just out of hatred for what she represented; being different as both a high orc and female.
Tristan was annoyed by this and wished he could just crush them all with his powers. But he tried his best to calm himself down. He turned around to face the only remaining option he had left.
He only had one ear, and in accordance to their plan he was a last resort option, so he wasn't sure One Ear was able to win. With that being said, Tristan shot a glance towards Ghral instead.
"This is your last chance! Do you want to become strong?!"
This time, Tristan realized that something was different about Ghral's expression.
Written by Avans, Published exclusively by AllNovelFull,