Chapter 1050 Expendable
Chapter 1050 Expendable
The cursed knife self-detonated. Khan's mana constantly damaged it, and its last attack tapped into the energy that kept its fabric together. The effects were incredible, but the weapon paid a steep price.
Destructive sharp energy flew everywhere in the shape of tiny lightning bolts. Thunderous noises invaded the area as the attack devoured the denser vitality Miss Christen's sacrificial play had summoned.
Miss Christen's arm regeneration slowed down, and the incoming lightning bolts forced her to turn ethereal, interrupting her attack to deploy her evasive maneuver.
Meanwhile, lightning bolts also hit Khan, slamming on his exposed torso and burning his sleeves in random spots. Even the bandages on his left hand crumbled, revealing the injuries from Zedekiel.
That simply was a side effect. The sharp energy mainly focused on the denser vitality, chasing after it to extirpate its existence. The effort failed, but what was left of Miss Christen's influence succumbed to Khan's passive influence.
As for Khan, a few drops of blood fell from the cuts on his abdomen and left arm. The injuries quickly stopped bleeding but never claimed his attention. His eyes were on the cursed knife or what was left of it.
The blade was completely gone, leaving only a fractured handle in Khan's hand. Lifeless metal shards had entered his sleeve or had fallen on the ground, losing any connection with the weapon. Even the foreign bloodthirst in his brain started to wane, growing distant and unreachable.
A faint, almost transparent dark-red gas came out of the fractured handle, creating a weak-looking canvas. A horizontal crack opened at its center, taking the shape of long, monstrous fangs.
Khan had seen a similar scene during his first interaction with the cursed knife, but the differences were apparent. That beast-like face was slowly disappearing, losing what little remained of its power without being able to absorb any more of it.
Truth be told, the gesture looked superfluous. The cursed knife could have lived longer if it hadn't taken that relatively physical form. It wouldn't have saved it, but that expensive effort to appear before Khan remained irrational.
It almost looked like the cursed knife wanted to say goodbye.
Khan looked at the fading dark-red canvas, unclear about how to feel. He had never treated the cursed knife as a simple weapon, but that level of respect was unexpected, especially from such a bloodthirsty will.
Still, the knife couldn't talk, and its connection with Khan's brain was on the verge of vanishing. It limited itself to that simple "look", continuing to disperse into nothingness.
"What a hideous element," Miss Christen exclaimed while leaning on the nearby tree. "Prince Khan, this is your nature. You can only bring destruction to anything you touch."
Khan didn't reply. He kept looking at the dispersing canvas, seemingly paying respect to the knife's efforts and last moments.
"Something like you shouldn't exist," Miss Christen continued as her body completely healed, regrowing her arm and even closing the hole in her waist. "You'll end up destroying yourself anyway, so it's better to kill you to save the world from senseless suffering."
Khan ignored Miss Christen again, and the dark red canvas had almost disappeared by then. It had also shrunk, becoming nothing more than a sliver of ethereal gas on the verge of disappearing.
Then, a chilling voice resounded through the forest, and the world froze.
"Who gave you permission to die?" Khan asked, the emotions in his voice conveying meanings capable of crossing any language barrier.
The cursed knife's remaining sliver of will somehow stopped dispersing, hovering in the air while "looking" at Khan, awaiting his following words.
"You are mine," Khan continued. "Your life's fate is mine to decide."
Khan sounded angry, but his gestures conveyed the opposite feeling. He stretched his wounded hand, offering it to the dark-red gas, almost inviting it.
"Give me your bloodthirst," Khan ordered. "I can take it."
Cursed weapons weren't sentient. They embodied an intense desire or obsession, turning it into a single-minded effect. For example, bloodthirst drove the knife, and fulfilling it was its sole goal.
However, Khan's words resonated with that violent, unreasonable will. The dark-red gas slowly descended toward his palm, fusing with it before bringing changes inside his mind.
The bloodthirsty connection inside Khan's brain had almost disappeared. Still, it suddenly flared with new strength, flooding his mind with violent thoughts. Something more intense than the first binding unfolded, but that foreign feeling soon met its match.
A thunderous noise resounded in Khan's mind, and the bloodthirsty feeling froze, too scared to advance any further. Khan's chaos tamed that foreign emotion in no time, which obediently sent its influence to his body to alter a few details.
Khan bent forward, closing his eyes and holding his head while his mana let that foreign will slither throughout his body. Its bloodthirst resonated with his wild urges, affecting his control of his entire being. He felt like a second mind was trying to gain some agency over his flesh, but his chaos always kept it in its place.
Khan eventually roared, releasing waves of violent mana everywhere. A humming noise tried to join his voice but eventually succumbed to the clicking cry. A forceful fusion happened, and everything slowly calmed down.
"It's fine if I break," Khan whispered, but his voice spread through the forest, dispersing the dust lifted by his flares. "I'm expendable."
Khan straightened his back, looking at Miss Christen before raising his left hand. A purple-red membrane materialized around it, quickly condensing into sparks that ran over his fingers and left shallow marks on his skin.
Nevertheless, another transformation happened. The sparks changed color, becoming redder while stretching above Khan's fingers. The fanged canvas reformed, except with Khan's lightning bolts as its fabric, and a violent humming noise resounded from it.
"But," Khan continued, stretching his right arm to summon another spell. He called for his spear, but a long and crackling lightning bolt appeared, and his fingers closed on it, holding it while that energy shredded superficial layers of his skin.
"I will save you all first," Khan declared.