Chapter 1092: The Answer To Time Magic
Chapter 1092: The Answer To Time Magic
Moving from the living room of the manor, Aurora decided to head upstairs, away from the location of the guest and her brother, but she was careful with her choice of room, as she had ventured to the room just above.
‘My brother and my future husband can’t keep a conversation out of my ears,’ Aurora thought to herself as she tensed both of her arms. ‘I need to find out what they’re talking about. It has to do with their business or magic.’
‘And then maybe I can give the answer to my dear Jake, and he’ll thank me by rewarding me with whatever I want. Or maybe it’s something secret that only I can get!’
‘And the two of us will have to work side by side to retrieve such a drastic item. Then, after going through thick and thin together, we’ll realize how perfect we are for each other.’
Aurora was giggling to herself as she looked for a piece of chalk in her room.
When Aurora had finally found her piece of chalk, to her surprise, she had an unexpected guest who was just sitting there at the window sill.
“A cat… but we don’t have a cat?” Aurora said. “Are you a stray that’s made it all the way to the manor?”
Aurora quickly waved her hand in front of her face. “No, that can’t be. It’s far too fat to be a stray.”
The next moment, before she realized it, the cat had jumped straight at her face, landing on it. She was pushed onto the floor, nearly crashing the back of her head to the ground.
Before she knew it, the cat was off her face and was walking on the edge of the bed frame. “Damn it, did you understand what I said? It’s because of your fatness that I fell over. If you understand, go on a diet!” Aurora shook her head as she realized she had more important matters at hand.
She could be missing crucial information right now.
With the piece of chalk in her hand, she started to draw the magic circle on the floor itself. ‘With this, I’ll be able to listen in on everything that’s being said from below. It will be as if I was in the room with them, and then my plan will work out!’ Aurora smiled at herself. ‘This is plan A for now. Plan B would be to become friends with Kelly…but that seems impossible.’ Aurora focused and started to draw. She was completing the circle, but in the middle of it, she felt wind pass by her hair, and at the same time, part of the circle had been smudged and was completely broken.
Looking behind her, she could immediately see who was the culprit, as the fat black cat had a whitened paw.
“You! What do you think you’re doing? I’m going to kill you!” Aurora said as she lifted her index finger, and a small flame ignited.
Downstairs in the other room, Raze had just asked a simple question to a man he believed had good current knowledge of the world of Alterian.
At times when a person was stuck on something, it was good to bounce ideas off someone. Even if those ideas would be useless 90 percent of the time, it might cause a spark in Raze’s mind.
However, the answer that he had received from Alen, it blew his mind, as it wasn’t anything he was expecting.
“The way to beat Time magic is with Dark magic?” Raze asked. “But what you said… what’s even your theory on this? In the first place, Dark magic is not even a magic that is allowed to be used in Alterian.
“So how would you even know it would be effective against Time magic?”
Seeing Raze react like this had brought quite the smile to Alen’s face.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen you so startled. I know your type; I’ve dealt with it before. You base everything on the knowledge and evidence around you. Sometimes it limits your view.”
“You’re right, I don’t really know about Dark magic or its capabilities, but wasn’t there a figure in the past who was well known to have Time magic, one that we all studied as kids?” Raze had to rack his head a bit, especially since he didn’t have the privilege to go to schooling like those above ground. Most of his childhood was spent below.
He had to pick up the slack himself and did research on things that interested him. So the basics of some things that occurred at school were missed out on for him.
“The past emperor. Wasn’t it claimed that he also had the ability to use Time magic?”
Raze’s eyes lit up. The last known emperor in Alterian, who had managed to achieve the unification of all of the countries. One of the small facts mentioned was that he had powers of Time magic.
However, they were nowhere near as powerful as what Raze had witnessed. This was one of the reasons i never came to his mind, as well as the fact that it was so long ago.
“There have been more than just the emperor who has had a special affinity with Time magic, so what makes you say that Dark magic is able to overcome this? It still makes no sense,” Raze asked.
“I’m just answering your question with the most likely answer,” Alen said. “I have no proof, but with everything you have had me look into things, I have had to always look at things from another angle these days.”
“You see, the emperor knew Time magic and was known to be one of the most powerful Light Mages in existence, which was how he could accomplish everything he had done.”
“Yet, do you remember what he had done to the world before he had left it? He had outlawed Dark Mages. Now, people will say this is because of the way one needs to increase one’s affinity with Dark Magic.”
“Now that he planned for there to no longer be war, the Dark Mages and their strength weren’t needed. However, what if we did start to look at things differently?”
“What if the strongest Light Mage, who was superior against Dark magic, actually feared it for another reason? It would make sense to get rid of what was really his only weakness… which is why I said my answer.”
“It’s not based on fact or good reasoning; it’s based on simply looking at things from another angle completely.”
Raze thought about it for a while. Was it really the answer? The magic that he already had, was it the answer in besting Heino? And just who was Heino… he couldn’t be the last emperor
of Alterian? Could he?
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