Chapter 1298 1190: Sakuya's Dream? 1
Kuina’s mother sighed while pouring what remained of the miracle water reserve into the lake. She got this from the meeting, one of the rewards she was talking about.
She looked at the ladies standing near her.πΈππxt.πt
”You should take off your clothes and dives in. How much you can acquire will depend on your luck and chance, the first effect will be an increase in your mana. Well, the luckiest will have some of their stats increased as well. Go!”
Maria and the others inhaled before undressing to enter the miracle lake.
Another strengthening journey has begun.
At first, they experienced a cooling sensation before an intense feeling of pain followed, however, they endured not letting the pain win.
And soon they experienced another change, this time their consciousness was sent somewhere, almost as if they were having a dream or maybe an illusion. Sakuya was the first one.
The Far East Empire.
Kyo City, Main Street, commercial complex.
Today, the commercial complex is rowdier than usual, there was so much energy in the air.
Rather, traffic was through the roof here, it looks like pretty much every citizen of this city was here.
Today’s the seventh of July.
It’s also the day of the Star Festival, also known as Tanabata.
The sun just retreated beyond the horizon. On such an auspicious day, traders and businessmen gunning for people’s money brook no delays. The moment the night fell, stalls were already up and running.
To the two sides of the streets were lines upon lines of stalls and shops. The shopkeepers are all calling and promoting their services and promotions. There are Takoyaki stalls, fried noodle stalls, other food outlets, toys, masks, balloons, and various other assortments of festival necessities. They were waiting for the customers to come to scoop up the goods.
It didn’t take long for the consumers to come and fill the commercial districts with humans. If a kid or someone short got mixed into this crowd then it would be hard to locate them within the dense crowd.
The exuberant shoppers visited stalls after stalls, despite the slightly higher prices compared to usual times, the shoppers still visited the shops because of the festive mood.
They can only celebrate this occasion once a year, no?
This was especially the case for couples. Intimate couples could be seen engrossing themselves in the festival mood, spending money without due caution. Naturally, the shopkeepers are more than happy to receive their cash.
Granted, the boyfriends who footed the bills are secretly crying inside for the eviscerations of their finances this month.
In any case, this year’s Tanabata was very popular.
Gracier exclaimed after seeing the dense wall of humans crowding the commercial district. It was her first time seeing so many people walking around. She grabbed Alex’s hand in excitement.
“Big brother! Look! Look! So many people!”
Alex was not a stranger to busy streets. However, the sheer volume of people here was outrageous.
Alex was dazzled by the women wearing Yukatas of various designs.
Also, the ladies around him are in Yukatas.
Gracier was wearing a red wafuku, Sakuya was sporting a black one, Luna wearing a purple yukata, and Saeko was wearing a blue one. Lastly, Maria was in a white Yukata that had floral patterns on it.
Aside from Gracier, the other four ladies had their hair tied up in low buns. The fresh hairstyle and their exquisite beauty combined into a deadly combo.
“The sky just turned dark and the street is already full of people.”
Maria chuckled. She warned Gracier and Saeko at the same time.
“There will be more people around the time of the fireworks, we should all keep an eye on each other, and make sure no one gets lost.”
Maria just finished her speech when Gracier’s nose twitched. She closed her eyes and she dashed out in the direction of that smell.
“That smells so good!”
Maria chased after her while Alex bitterly laughed.
“Come, everyone. Let’s not lose sight of them.”
“More than that, I think you should be worried about your wallet.”
Gracier teased Alex with a quick verbal jab.
“Big brother, I’m going to eat so many things, I am genuinely worried you might have to do the dishes to pay off her food debts.”
Alex’s bitter smile took on a deeper shade of bitterness.
Sakuya observed everything silently as if she was lost in thoughts before shaking her head and approaching Alex.
‘Let’s enjoy this dream or whatever it is.’ She murmured to herself.
She hugged Alex’s arm.
“Let’s enjoy the festival together!”
“Well, I don’t mind doing this.”
Alex looked at the wall of moving humans in front of him.
“I still have to help them pay the bills.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Sakuya continued grinning.
“When Maria left, she also took your wallet with her!”
Alex rummaged around his pocket only to find an empty void.
“Why that Maria, I must⦔
Alex started mumbling.
“How am I going to enjoy the festival like this?! Does she expect me to talk my way through the night?!”
“Ara, I have a bit of cash with me.”
Sakuya started using a coquettish voice with him.
“It’s not much but it should suffice for the both of us.”
“Sorry, Sakuya.”
Alex shook his head. He perked himself up after laughing bitterly one more time.
“It’s the Tanabata festival, I can’t make a lady pay like this, even if she took my wallet, I have my way, let’s go.”
Sakuya beamed up after listening to Alex. She hugged his arm tighter, pressing her ample bosom up and against his arm.
“I will accept hubby-sama’s gracious offer.”
Seeing Sakuya’s smile, Alex couldn’t help but be a bit puzzled and troubled despite the sensation of her cans pressing against his arm.
Sakuya was not acting normally. He was very familiar with her so he could tell her behavior and expressions are out of the ordinary.
In the past, Sakuya’s smile was mostly fake or forced. She was genuinely smiling right now.
Then, he recalled how she seduced him in his bedroom last night and the weird deal between Maria and her.
His gut told him that Sakuya was hiding something.