Chapter 1535 - 1535 Reinforcements… yay?
— Kat —
The summoning circle activated and everyone gathered around to see who would come through. After a bright flash of light a towering female figure appeared. Despite her large size her frame was on the smaller side, with thin limbs and a soft smile on her face that didn’t seem to quite match up with her seven-foot height.
Once you got passed the new figures height, there were several things that drew attention. The first was her skin. It was like purple velvet… in the most literal sense. She appeared to be made out of a soft velvety material that caught the line that filtered in through the trees and shined slightly.
Her eyes were just as interesting, they were large rubies with what looked like a sapphire pupil to show where her focus was, that place was currently Hunter. No question about it.
The large woman was wearing clothes over her skin. Which Kat supposed made sense, just because she looked to be made out of cloth of some kind didn’t mean that she would want to go around naked. She wore an eye searingly bright green dress that was the wrong shade to fit in with her ’skin’. It was so close to acceptable the woman had to have made the choice intentionally.
Her last eye-catching feature was, her head was graced with exceptionally odd hair. It looked to be made of silver, or perhaps platinum. Once again Kat didn’t need to use allusions in this case as her hair appeared to be made of thing metallic wires that flowed down to her shoulders. “Ya ho! It’s me, Big Sis Megthera come to help out! Please call me Meg!”
*Is… is she a Greed Demon?*
Hunter glared back, “Hunter 23HX502. It is not good to see you,”
“Boo, Hunter 23HX502 is such a dull designation and it’s not my name. My name is MEG-ther-A, but for my precious little sister and her friends, Meg is more than acceptable,” retorted Meg.
“You are younger than me and were not given leave to take a name!” hissed back Hunter. Meg then blurred forward grabbing the sides of Hunter’s face and squishing her cheeks in. Hunter was clearly not amused.
“Mou, so mean not to accept the name of your big sis! Despite the fact that I agreed to your silly request to be called Hunter 23HX443! Sure I avoid it by calling you Lil Sis most of the time but that’s still very rude you know?” said Meg with a big smile showing off razor sharp crystal teeth.
Hunter hissed back at Meg, “You are a disgrace to the clan,” though it sounded more like “Yooo r a dsgrc to th cln” because Meg hadn’t stopped messing around with Hunter’s face. Hunter was good enough at manipulating demonic translation that the message got through regardless. fгeewebnovё
“Ooh, my poor heart!” said Meg as she flew backwards, hand over her relatively small chest, especially for her large size. “My little sister really does wound me so!”
Kat couldn’t help but pause at this. As silly as this whole thing was… Meg was still a demon. She couldn’t lie. *I’m not sure what that means in this case… *
“I could kill you and ensure that your body is never found,” retorted Hunter.
Upon hearing the words Meg’s entire demeanour changed. She returned to her full height, looming over the team. Her eyes had darkened with the blue of her eyes darkening to an almost black. “I’m sure you could Hunter. That’s part of why it hurts you know? Even still… you never would.
Not because you respect me, not because you like me, but because you are so changed to the clan’s rules that you wouldn’t so much as breathe without permission if it was against the rules. So don’t threaten me with something you’ll never do, bound as you are,”
“You see chains where I find pillars of support! I know not where your hatred for the clan comes from, you’ve never told me. They have raised you, clothed you, fed you, and trained you since you were young! The fact I give the clan due respect for my power is not something you should be chastising me for. How you manage to avoid punishment constantly is beyond my ken,” hissed Hunter.
“Bah, don’t give those old fucks any credit for YOUR strength. You are strong because you trained, endlessly. Over and over. Besides, my parents brought me into this world, it is only right they feed and clothe me through my childhood. Pathetic as they are, they could do that much, but I never asked for the teachings the clan has given me you know.
I’ve told you as such before,” said Meg, eyes lightening even as she kept her glare fixed on Hunter.
“The clan does not force us to take extra burdens we cannot bear! Why would you sign up for those classes if you did not want them?” asked Hunter.
“Because unlike your parents who fucked a bunch, and then fucked off I had to deal with my parents being just enough in my life to ruin it, without spending the time and effort to actually raise me! Nope, they just paid enough attention to force me into all of the advanced classes I qualified for,” explained Meg. “I have told you as much before,”
“And I still say that is no excuse. You did not have to perform so well in your classes if you truly hated your lot in life. Additionally, you could have complained to the teachers to move you to more acceptable classes. The fact that you participated without complaining and then excelled is your own folly!” hissed Hunter.
“Why should I ruin my academic record just to avoid something I should never have been forced into? If they’d ever once listen to me, then I’d have been a lot happier. Honestly the fact that my other siblings turned out so well is a miracle. Besides, I’m stronger then all of them now,” said Meg.
“Exactly. The clan has made you strong, and you deny it the respect they deserve,” stated Hunter.
“Stop attributing our efforts to the clan! They’re a bunch of useless fucks that don’t deserve any respect. The fact that they haven’t punished me should show you how useless they truly are,” retorted Meg.
“It’s not like that would’ve stopped you considering it didn’t the previous times. You spout nonsense as if they haven’t punished you to the limits! Surely if you knew anything you’d know of the punishment limits? You seem so keen on reaching them!” hissed back Hunter.
“Bah, if I keep breaking the rules I should keep getting punished. Besides, you still haven’t addressed the matter of effort. Plenty of the kids we grew up with have amounted to nothing. We are the strongest of a generation and I don’t mean in Rank. The fact you attribute your success to the clan is wrong,” returned Meg.
Hunter rolled her eyes, “You are repeating yourself Hunter 23HX502. The clan has raised powerful hunters for many millennia. They would have fallen to internal or external pressure if their methods didn’t work. Effort is only half of the equation, if that.
I give them respect for my strength knowing what they have done for me and you spit on your teachers efforts by continually acting out but never crossing any of the more serious lines,”
Meg’s stare hardened. “Mou, you were doing so well Lil Sis and then you had to go and call me that. I told you it’s super rude you know? Besides, you said I’m up against my punishment limit so really, if you call me Meg isn’t it fine? I can’t get in any more trouble for it?”
“But I can,” hissed Hunter. “Your foolishness is not something I wish to participate in,”
“Ah, I forgot Lil Sis is still such a baby. Afraid of getting punished at the slightest sign of disobedience,” said Meg with a sigh.
Hunter’s gaze hardened, “I am older and more mature then you are Hunter 23HX502. Just because I do not continually disrespect my heritage does not mean I am afraid of the repercussions, it just means I hold myself to a stricter code then you. Assuming you even have one,”
“Bah, your parents couldn’t keep it in their pants or use a bit of protection and yet you’re all ’praise the clan, praise your ancestors’ have some self-respect Lil Sis,” said Meg.
“Self-respect is something I feel you are lacking more than I. You constantly cry out for attention by shattering the rules around you like a child throwing a tantrum and reaching for the lowest hanging baubles to smash. You could stand to follow a few rules, perhaps it would allow you to think of something useful instead.
You do not even try to drum up support for change with your hysterics, simply complaining and insulting any who will listen,” growled Hunter.
“Oh, well if you’re going to put it that way… how about I turn my attention to the peanut gallery? I mean they ARE listening to me right now aren’t they?” asked Meg to the sky.