Chapter 1537 - 1537 A Thought-full Moment
— Kat —
Things between Hunter and Meg… devolved? Kat wasn’t sure what the correct term for things actually was. They weren’t speaking anymore… Hunter was just sort of hissing at Meg while attacking her, but Meg was easily avoiding all of the attacks Hunter threw her way. It made Kat think Meg had to be Rank 4… but both Hunter and Meg seemed to believe that in a serious fight Hunter would still win somehow.
Ultimately, Kat felt it best to just let them get it out of their systems. She was busy comforting the other two girls. Bower was making himself scarce so that wasn’t a concern. Kat had ended up pulling out a large couch, pulled Kamiko onto it and was giving her a lap pillow while stroking her hair. Lily wasn’t left out either of course.
Kat had cajoled Lily into transforming and then stuck Lily in between her breasts.
This of course caused Lily to get stuck between freaking out, and being quite relaxed helped along by Kat using her tail to rub Lily’s head as well, setting her purring. Kat found it to be an interesting exercise in control, two hands combing Kamiko’s hair and one tail for Lily.
Keeping them all moving in different manners kept Kat occupied and ensured her thoughts didn’t stray to any potential issues that Meg’s arrival was already causing.
Kat hadn’t even noticed that she was mentally referring to Meg, as Meg instead of 23HX502 like she technically should. One could argue Kat was being polite, Meg did ask to be called Meg or Megthera… but Meg was definitely an ass, and using Meg was probably an insult to Hunter.
Yet it was just so out of Kat’s natural frame of reference that she glossed over the issue entirely, accepting Meg’s nickname as normal.
After a few minutes of relaxing Lily and Kamiko were both feeling a lot better… and Hunter was still attacking Meg. Her guns hadn’t been pulled and she wasn’t making use of any of her abilities, but Hunter was going for some lethal looking attacks on occasion. She clearly tried to rip out Meg’s throat at one point. *Hmm… then again. Does Meg actually need her throat?
Like I’m sure it’s useful but does she have like… organs and stuff?*
[That… is a good question. I’m going to assume she has something, or rather, somethings that act in place of organs. I mean, her gem eyes clearly prove that. Then again… what sort of organs would she even have? I want to ask her all sorts of questions… but she sort of scares me.]
*I could ask the questions for you?*
[Maybe… but she’d definitely know if you asked them in my stead. I’m not sure if that’s going to be a problem. I mean, it really shouldn’t be but I can see Meg making it one. Why is she so mean?]
*I’m not sure. Bower seemed to think it was parental issues… and I would guess that he’s at least somewhat right… but I can’t tell how correct. Meg only seemed concerned with his responses for a little bit. I can’t tell if they actually did anything or not because she’s shown to be able to switch her apparent emotions on a dime. Even before Bower spoke up actually…*
[I guess. That shock seemed so real… but… urgh I don’t know. What are we even meant to do about her? She’s horrendous for team composition… and like why wasn’t she summoned to deal with the drake? If she can spot weaknesses surely she could track it down and kill it?]
[And if the issue is that she’s rank 4 and they didn’t want to send one of those before… why is she allowed to come now? I just want to ask but I don’t want to risk it. I might be in a much better place then I’ve been in the past but… if she really can see weaknesses then I can imagine her really tearing into me. I think my biggest fears are safe… but I can’t imagine it would be pleasant.]
*Um… if you don’t mind sharing… why would you say your biggest fears are safe?* fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com
[Oh… well most of them involve you leaving me or trying to ruin my life. Not something I think is likely, not anymore… but back before I could see your thoughts? It was hard to trust anyway when we first met and that never quite went away. Um… the other thing would be revealing any of my more personal secrets but I think you know all of those?]
[So sure it would be embarrassing for me but like… something I could handle I’m sure. I’m more concerned with what she’d say to make me think I’m not worthy of your affection… but I’m sure I’d recover eventually.]
*You do realise you don’t have to do anything to earn that right? You already have all of my love and affection.*
[Of course. It’s probably the best part about our link… but that doesn’t mean I can’t be silly at times. When someone like her has such powerful social fu I imagine she can do a lot of damage. Just… yeah I don’t think she could do anything too bad to me because of our link? I’m more worried about Kamiko. Hunter… err… she’s dealing with it?]
*I don’t know that she’s handling it all that well… but Meg does seem to be enjoying herself. Which I guess means this is either normal or something Meg actively seeks out? For some reason?*
[Hey, you bully me occasionally just because you think it’s cute.]
*Wait… are you saying Meg’s got a crush on Hunter?*
[Eh… maybe? It’s certainly my first thought after what Bower said. If she doesn’t know how to properly show interest I could see it… but honestly I’m not sure. Like, Hunter said Meg’s younger then her… but she’s clearly still and adult and apparently quite a capable one. So I’m guessing she’s at least thirty.
Which is weird to say and not like I can tell… but while ’at least thirty’ is easy to say I’m guessing closer to like… fifty or sixty? Hunter alluded to the fact they were trained together for a time.]
[So there’s that. Not being able to believe someone could be that obtuse for so long. Then you have to consider the fact that she’s not exactly… taking liberties while being attacked. I’m not saying she would, but like, Meg doesn’t seem to be intentionally going for or avoiding Hunter’s boobs for example. Or the face for that matter.]
Kat winced. *Yeah I saw that one elbow to Hunter’s face. It nearly took out her eye.*
[See… like I can’t imagine ever doing that to someone that I like.]
Lily I can’t see you doing that to someone you don’t like either. Maybe in a couple of decades of fighting monsters but I can’t see you attacking anyone sentient like that.
[OK fine. I just don’t get it. I mean… I’ve read some things about people who flirt by fighting… but I don’t think this is it?]
Well Hunter did say if you took the translation feature to its extreme it was possible.
[Huh… you think they’re having a conversation then?]
Maybe? I feel like if they were we’d be able to hear it as well right? Is that not how it works?
[Maybe? Can you exclude stuff from our translation power? I mean… lying clearly works but could you say something you intentionally don’t want translated? If the answer is yes then it’s possible. I’m guessing it’s not happening here… but I’m guessing it IS possible? Maybe?
Another question for the pile I guess.]
*Do you think we should stop them at some point? I mean… Hunter doesn’t seem to be picking up anything more than bruises and Meg seems pretty much fine… but like. This can’t be a good thing can it?*
[While I agree it can’t be good it might be the least bad option. Just… letting them work out all of their aggression? Hopefully it gets all of Meg’s out anyway. If Hunter tires out first, like it seems as if she’s going to… Meg could start back up with her attacks. Which I’d just really rather she didn’t.
If she really wanted to go hard she’d probably just attack Kamiko because well, as I said most of my bigger insecurities involve you but our link prevents them from become issues.]
*Hmm… it makes it hard. Hunter is older and I feel like in most circumstances I can trust her to look after herself… but this is technically a social situation and she probably does need the help there. But I don’t want to risk throwing Kamiko to the woods yet. Hmmm… hmm… it makes it hard.*
[What about we both agree that it’s all fine as long as Hunter doesn’t start screaming? It’s a lot of hissing right now but isn’t that like… a warning thing when it comes to snake? Like they let out a hissing noise as a ’Hey I’m here back the fuck off’ type deal?]
*Isn’t that what rattlesnakes use their rattles for?*
[Probably? It’s not something I looked into overly much.]