Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2424: Battling Yokai

Chapter 2424: Battling Yokai

Through using more of his imagination and ingenuity, Frank managed to do something he was never able to do before, combining skills effects with magic to create completely new effects and abilities. He realized that a Domain Creation Skill allowed him not to only create a Domain to conceal himself, but to also manipulate the very composition of this Domain, which was an invisible mass of space.

By manipulating this and compressing it using Mana, he created a small crystalline sphere of gray color, capable of creating a large quantity of gravity force which he could manipulate at will, and even target certain things with it. Ultimately, he was able to easily bring back Matsuo with it.

"Matsuo, can't you fly though? Did you just forget to do that?" Harumi reprimanded him.

"Sorry... sorry! And thanks for saving my life Frank, you're a real friend," sighed Matsuo in relief. "Maybe I've been too stressed lately, the clan is always giving me jobs every day... I sometimes want to rush things, so they end quickly, my bad."

"So you've been overworked..." nodded Frank. "You should definitely voice your opinion to your clan. You're a competent young member so I understand why they would ask you to help so much, but you should also ask for vacations and breaks every now and then. It's not like the clan can't function without you, I'm sure there are a lot of members, right?"

"Okay, I get it, I'll try doing that," said Matsuo. "But as someone that is seen as the next clan head one day, I really can't take that many breaks, I don't want to disappoint my family and lower their expectations of me..."


Frank disliked that way of thinking that Japanese people had so much, sometimes forcing themselves to such lengths only to not lose face and not disappoint the enormous expectations of their family members.

"Japanese are really so weird with your strange customs..." Harumi said, crossing her arms. "Just do whatever you want, Matsuo. You're decently strong so... what are they even going to do anyways? They simply have to accept you're just a weak human."

"T-Thanks Harumi, but I don't know if that was nice or just rude," muttered Matsuo, a bit weirded out by her wording there. "Anyways, Frank! That ability you used was amazing, just what was that?!"

"Ah this? Hm," Frank dismissed the crystal he created, as it cost quite a considerable amount of Mana he wanted to preserve. "I make it combining Domains and Mana together... with my own magic, Gray Magic. It is a type of Magic School that uses empty spells with no element, just pure Mana."

"Pure Mana? wouldn't that be a waste?" Harumi asked.

"It's how I fight," shrugged Frank. "Now let's go. We have to slay these Yokai. And whatever this Great Yokai is too."

"Yeah, let's not waste more time Matsuo," said Harumi angrily.

"Sorry," Matsuo nodded, quickly grabbing his golden staff. "I'll be good now; I got my wake up call."

The trio nodded, walking through the old wooden house labyrinth. Their footsteps were loud as the old wood constantly creaked, reverberating loudly with sounds of old wood.

Eventually, after just a minute of wandering around seeking a strong dark energy far away that Harumi detected as the Great Yokai...



"Who are you?!"

"Who are you!"

"Begone from here!"

"Begone from here."

"Human trash! Give us souls and blood!"

"Souls and blood, gehehe!"

A large room full of Yokai. They were giant, monstrous versions of the Sandal Yokai and also Umbrella Yokai and other small weakling Yokais that became enormous.

"Careful, these are all between Rank 2 to 3!" said Matsuo. "I'll take care of the left! You guys of the right!"



Matsuo smiled, shaking his golden staff with white colored papers attached to it, in the shape of snowflakes.

This was a special sacred staff given to him by his grandfather.

"{Holy Exorcism}"

With a single spell, he unleashed a shining brilliance of light from his staff, burning through the Yokai who screamed in agony.


Within mere seconds, those he targeted began to rapidly disintegrate, the smallest ones died instantly, although the bigger ones could resist the exorcism to an extent.

And this is where Matsuo's Martial Arts using Staff Techniques appeared.


With a furious attack, he walloped the Yokai while imbuing his staff with the power of Sunlight, burning their bodies with each blow.


Whenever they came to fight him back or conjured curses or magic, he would easily reflect them, covering his body with a samurai-like armor made of light.

"Hahah! You'll have to try harder, Yokai!"

He slammed their heads as they were burned by his exorcizing light, dying one after another.

Frank smiled as he glanced Matsuo, he was sure an amazing guy.

"Why do I feel so much nostalgia when I'm looking at him?"

As he thought that, he quickly faced a dozen Yokai himself, they were constantly licking their faces and lips, as if Frank was a delicious meal for them.

"{Dirt} + {Flying Mana Spear} + {Gust}"

Frank combined three Skills at the same time, combining hardened dirt into stones which then merged into a huge stone spear, imbued with emerald winds spiraling around it for maximum power, taking the shape of a trident instead of a spear.

"{Tempestuous Stone Trident}"


The trident of over three meters of length rushed towards the Yokai, piercing their bodies rapidly, one after another.


Their screams reverberated across the room, as they dropped dead one after another...

This was something he wouldn't had been able to do before, yet it came so easily now!

"I always thought my Skills were lame, but I have endless possibilities if I can combine their effects!"

As Frank fought, he quickly remembered he didn't come alone.

"Ruby! You can feast on them!"

He summoned Ruby out of the Monster Pet Nursery Space within his System's interface, appearing out of a small blue portal.



The little, red-scaled salamander ran towards the Yokai, launching fireballs from her jaws and

bombarding them with little, blazing explosions.


"Nicely done, Ruby, let's keep up the pace!"

Matsuo, Frank, and Harumi kept fighting through floor after floor of deadly Yokai, eventually

finally encountering something that could stop them.


A giant skeleton!

"That's a Gashadokuro?! I can't believe my eyes!"

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