Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System

Chapter 1894: A Good Morning

Chapter 1894: A Good Morning

I woke up quite lazily the next morning, last night we did more things than I imagined before we had to actually sleep. From the huge festivities to the big dinner and everything else, we talked a lot about the trial too, and even gave a lot of tips to everyone about how to develop their Titan Soul Hearts and everything else.

And as if that wasn’t enough, when I went to sleep, my three wives caught me on bed and didn’t let go of me! I imagined they would’ve been as tired as I was, but I once more underestimated the powerful libido of Titan women. It’s not like I didn’t enjoy it myself, I had already recharged my stamina plenty with the feast, so I decided to just embrace them and shower them with all the love they wanted.

Which ended being a lot of sex.

After they drained me dry for three hours straight, I fell to the bed unconscious, and just woke up. I never imagined I could be drained to the point my mind just went blank completely. But it was really good nonetheless… as draining as it is.

By now, even Andromeda must be pregnant… She just barely got her new body, and I already got her pregnant, dammit.

Well, Kate is getting a little sibling I suppose, so she’ll be happy, nonetheless.

And… Benladann and Miranda are also pregnant already. So that means three more children for the future, huh. Benladann’s kid will probably come first, then Miranda and very lastly with Andromeda. I can feel our child will develop slowly due to her special body. S~eaʀᴄh the Nôvelƒire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


I yawned, walking to the bathroom to wash my face and drink some cold water, I could probably take a warm shower right now, but I bet it would be better to do it with my family, so I was patient and instead went to cook breakfast.

Benladann, Miranda, and Andromeda were still sleeping when I walked to the kitchen, so deeply asleep that Miranda and Benladann were snoring without a care in the world.

Andromeda is the only one that doesn’t make a single noise when she sleeps and resembles an adorable titan princess sleeping peacefully and gracefully.

Benladann and Miranda? They snore very loudly, move around the bed all the time, and sometimes kick or punch me without me even realizing.

The weird part is that when the kids sleep with us they don’t do any of that… Huh, so I guess they only relax when we are alone.

Even then, they’re beautiful and lovable, and I wouldn’t replace them for anybody or anything in the world. I myself I’m also full of flaws after all, so if anything, they’re adorable.

Yeah, they’re my life at this point, without them, I don’t think I could even keep going.

It feels that my life truly started when I met them, especially Benladann. Yeah, it was her where it all began.

I never thought that while making waffles I would begin to have these existential thoughts, but I guess a monotonous work that doesn’t require that much focus does makes you think a lot.


As I cooked, suddenly, a little sprite of several translucent, vivid rainbow colors materialized by my left, no bigger than my hand.

“Oh, Astra.”

It was Astra, the Divine Esper God Spirit we created back in the Trial, a life that was born there, that came with us.

It is one of my newest Spirits, and a rather strong one at that, that has full control over Psionic and Psychic Powers and Energies and possesses a steady connection with the Esper Dimension.

A very intriguing being born from the combination of my family and my own psychic powers, and also the crystalized fragment left behind by the Esper God.

It could be said she’s the reincarnation of that hateful being, although she clearly doesn’t remember that past.

“Hey, did you lose something?”

I noticed she flew over the pancakes I was preparing and began to smell them, her bright rainbow eyes completely fixated into their fluffy goodness.

“I suppose you’ve never eaten before… I don’t know if you even eat normally though? You’re entirely made of Esper Energy…”


She crossed her little arms and nodded.

“I suppose not just Psychic Energy but also Spirit Energy, and Divine Power, you’re… I guess you’re like all other Spirits at the end,” I sighed. “Alright, want to try some pancakes then, little Astra?”


She nodded vigorously.

“Alright then, wait a bit.”

I quickly placed a steamy hot pancake over a small plate, placed some fresh berries on top, whipped cream, some syrup, and then a cherry.

“There you go, extra fluffy and thick pancake, the kids love these.”

She didn’t make a sound, but looked fascinated, her long hair waved, resembling threads made of rainbow light, as she sat next to the pancake, and began nibbling.

She used her tiny hands to grab a fork and a knife afterwards and started cutting the pieces and putting them on her little mouth, which ate the big pieces of pancakes almost like a



She became incredibly happy, moving her little head around as she seemed to be dancing by the rhythm of the flavors in her mouth.

Astra ended finishing the pancakes in just a minute, looking completely exhausted, she sighed in relief while patting her belly, which had become really big.


She looked very happy, haha.

“Glad you liked it,” I said. “Come along, let’s bring breakfast to the family.”

Making my way back, I was quickly caught by three little ninjas that had sneaked behind me.



“Good morning daddy.”

Benladra grabbed my legs, Drakda caught my head and bit my head, and Kate cutely greeted


Haha, this alone shows their personalities at full.

“Good morning you three! Is this how you greet your father after seeing him in the morning?

Drakda stop biting my horns already…!”

“Nam, nam, nam! Hungy!” he said.

“I know you’re hungry, wait a bit…” I sighed, grabbing him with one of my extra arms and carrying him like a kitten into my room.

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