Chapter 331 The Apostle War : The Wives' Ferocity
Jadaka remained largely unfazed by the sight of all color leaving the world, but his soldiers were a different story.
While the dragonewts began to panic when all of the lights were suddenly cut out, he was cool and collected as he waited for Asmodeus’ next action.
“W-What is this?!”
“My legs!”
“Don’t touch the ground!”
Jadaka glanced over his shoulder and found his men in total panic and disarray.
Their feet that were touching the darkness produced by Asmodeus’ magic started to become black and diseased.
It appeared as though some kind of magical bacteria was traveling through their armor to infect the body itself, and it was spreading rather quickly as well.
A few appeared to be quicker mentally than others and began to fly upwards; believing that they had discovered a way to avoid this nasty trick..
But upon flying too high, their heads hit something like a ceiling.
Running headfirst into Asmodeus’ magic meant that their heads were the next to rot, and soldiers began dropping from the sky lifelessly.
Again, Jadaka did not seem to be at all fazed by the loss of any of his men and merely clicked his teeth in annoyance.
‘Utterly useless… it is a good thing that he saw fit to give me those…’ Jadaka casually floated a few inches off the ground so as not to dirty this nice armor.
“Now, where are you hiding you miserable wretch…?” Jadaka looked around for the filthy ingrate responsible for lying hands on his sister, but he didn’t find him.
However, this game of hide and seek didn’t last very long.
He felt a small disturbance from below him and looked down just in time to see an enraged black demon with soulless eyes rushing out of the ground.
Asmodeus threw a devastating uppercut from the ground up that should have taken Jadaka’s head clean off.
With one hand, the dragon king caught his fist without expending any real effort.
“You seem disconcerted, whelp. I had not expected you to be so distraught over the death of that old man. Seems he considered you more of a son than he did me.”
“Fuck that! Do you think I did not see how you looked at her?! I will burn your eyes from your skull to cleanse your insanity!”
Realizing he’d been caught, Jadaka decided to drop the act and his face broke out into a murderous and disturbing grin.
“You will learn not to threaten me, worm. I wonder how beautiful sister will look when I toss her your head next?”
Asmodeus’ voice cracked like booming thunder, and his signature weapons fell from the black sky.
Grabbing one of his chain axes out of the air, he immediately buried it in Jadaka’s side.
Well, that was what should have happened.
Against Jadaka’s morbidly powerful armor, his monstrous axe blade shattered like glass against stone.
The brief moment of shock on Asmodeus’ face offered Jadaka the greatest of joys and he silently thanked the unknown god in his head for giving him this blessing.
He kicked Asmodeus hard in the stomach, and sent the old demon lord flying.
His body easily went through the stone wall surrounding the city, before he rolled to a stop in the middle of the street. 𝑂𝑽𝐞xt.𝑶𝗆
Jadaka turned to look over his shoulder and addressed his men.
Now that Asmodeus’ darkness was slowly fading away, they were drastically calmer and could actually serve some purpose.
“Burn the city to the ground! Kill everyone inside and bring the princess before me!”
On the wall, the family had watched this entire display with deadly serious faces and they knew that the war was finally going to get underway.
Dark shifting armor covered the length of Audrina’s body as she took the reins as leader.
“They’re coming. Lusamine, Kanami, and Malenia, take Yara back to the house and be ready to evacuate if the battle gets too close. “
“””Got it.””” They agreed.
“Sisters, cut these numbers down as much as you can and keep these bastards away from our home, I don’t want to see a single one of them breach the walls.”
She grabbed Bekka and Eris by the wrist and looked at them seriously.
“The two of you are going to help me support father-in-law as we engage Jadaka. Stick to strictly long range attacks and continuously move around. Do not get close to him for a single second.”
Seras seemed to be slightly upset that she wasn’t being included in the plan to go and kill Jadaka, but there was nothing that could be done about it.
Clearly the enemy’s weapon worked especially well on dragons, and she would end up being a liability if she participated.
Despite her strength that was not far below Audrina’s, she was practically useless in the fight ahead.
It was a humbling and infuriating situation to be thrust into.
“And what about me?” Apophis asked.
“Pump out as much of your poison into the air as you can, my darling son. Everyone here already has an immunity so there’s no need for you to hold back.” Audrina said.
His eyes seem to take on a special sadistic sparkle when he heard that and he immediately concocted his plan.
He was truly Abaddon and Lailah’s son at his core.
“Everyone understand what their role is?” She asked.
“Good. Then let’s do our best to hold the line until husband returns.”
The group nodded as they vanished from atop the wall to begin their individual tasks.
Apophis was the first to make a dramatic movement, using his mother’s limitless mana to change into a giant purple serpent of over three hundred meters.
On his own he was usually around 75 meters at full size, but now he was even bigger than his father.
The mother and son pair worked on a two pronged assault.
Apophis exhaled a terrible, toxic gas from his lungs that polluted the nearby atmosphere.
Upon breathing in even the faintest amount of this poison, dragonewts would drop out of the sky by the thousands as they died within a few seconds.
Those that thought to hold their breath lasted a bit longer, but eventually severe bloodless would also play a role in their downfall as they bled profusely from their eyes, ears, and mouth.
Lailah on the other hand was significantly louder and more captivating in her brutality.
What do you get when you combine a witch who eats sweets and reads spell books in her free time with a body that has no restriction on it’s mana?
A catastrophe.
The last time she counted, Lailah knew over 104 offensive spells from almost every element.
Because she could not decide which of these spells she most wanted to use against the invaders, she decided there was no point in choosing.
So she used every single one.
But would that be enough when the army numbered half a billion?
She didn’t think so.
So she decided to cast multiple copies of all of the spells that she knew, for just a little bit of extra oomph.
Five copies to be exact.
Bringing her count of spells being cast simultaneously to a grand total of 520.
In an insane display of mental gymnastics, raw talent, and indescribable power, she created an unholy storm of destruction that vaporized chunks of the army out of existence.
Tornadoes of purple fire broiled some of them alive as massive vines sprang up and yanked others out of the sky entirely.
Literal comets rained down from the purple sky as thick blizzards chilled thousands of soldiers to the bone, turning the into ugly ice sculptures.
Bolts of blue and red lightning seemed to come alive as they traveled from body to body, delivering shocks lethal enough to kill 2,000 people to only a single person.
Enormous hands of earth rose up from the ground and either swatted or smashed soldiers to pulp at the same time as fierce winds cut them into literal ribbons.
And all Lailah had to show for her effort was a sheen of sweat glistening off her forehead and a look of total concentration on her beautiful face.
The war had only been underway for five minutes, and yet she had already killed close to one hundred million soldiers on her own.
This display of magical prowess was so profound and terrifying that even her son was affected.
‘Mother is.. scary.’
“Hm? Did yo say something, my baby?”
‘…No, not at all.’
Meanwhile, the rest of the wives had taken different approaches to combatting this invasive force.
Seras had killed upwards of fifty thousand men with her spear alone before Lotan rushed to confront her for some foolish reason.
Perhaps it was due to the frustration from her current situation, but Seras was even more out of her mind than normal.
As such, she did not hold back against her one time co-worker and immediately began their squabble with a knee to his face that practically fractured every bone in his skull.
‘I didn’t… see her move…! When did she get this fast…?!’
After that first unseen attack, it was all down hill for Lotan from there.
Tossing her spear over her shoulder, the vampire dragon cracked her knuckles and beat Lotan like he owed her money, al while laughing maniacally as she did it.
She liquified his organs with rapid punches, powdered his bones with devastating kicks and made him see literal hell.
But through usage of her own element, she kept him alive by circulating his blood throughout his body; irregardless of the terrible structural damage.
While Lotan was embroiled in what felt like a never ending nightmare, Lisa was displaying a rather new and ferocious personality.
Using her four pronged tridet, she soared through the air with lightning fast speed as she pierced the heads, hearts, and lungs of these scaly invaders.
The more she killed, the more the dense red aura covering her figure began to grow.
It infected the minds of the soldiers around her, and caused them to either pick fights with each other or her.
But when she saw that they were turning against each other, she became even more enraged as she mistook their insanity for cowardice.
“Are you bastards trying to give each other a quick death?! No fucking way! Face me honorably so that I might kill you slow! Cowards! Wimps! Pussy punk bitches!”
ραndαsnοvεl.cοm The entire city of Luxuria would be mortified to learn that the gentle empress who had helped so many of them in their times of need had actually called a group of men ‘pussy punk bitches’.
A few might even think they were suffering under some kind of mass hypnosis.
“Wow… Maybe I am influencing everyone more than I thought.”
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Valerie was on the ground where she was most comfortable, playing with her newest invention via her creation magic.
Fascinated by an old movie she had seen in one of her husband’s memories, she had decided to create a magical Gatling gun that fired out projectiles in the form of bright blue energy.
And if she used her affinity to power it instead of simple mana, she could fire twelve inch shards of earth with it as well.
The weapon was staggeringly efficient, as it cut down dragonewts out of the sky with the greatest of ease.
And in the miraculous event that a soldier or two was able to get close to her, she merely summoned a thorny patch of earth that pierced them from the soles of their feet to the tips of their heads.
‘I should mass produce these things.’ She thought proudly.
Last of all of the wives was Lillian who was currently in her monstrous form and ripping soldiers limb from limb with her tentacles.
Just like her husband had taught her, she let herself be wild and destructive without harboring worries over how she looked or how she would be viewed.
All that mattered was that these people were trying to destroy the amazing home that her husband had painstakingly built, and she would never let something like that happen on her watch.
As the five of them raged on the battlefield and cut down enemies with no real difficulty, three of them were behind the city walls, engaging Jadaka in a heated struggle…