First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 648: Sif Wants More

Despite appreciating Sif’s minor wardrobe malfunction, Abaddon quickly helped her cover up to preserve her dignity.

“You seem to have missed me quite a bit, eh? Literally falling out of the sky just to see me sooner.”

Sif could barely respond to Abaddon’s accusations because her heart was about to leap out of her chest.

“I feel like Bekka shot me out of a canon..!”

“She was just playing with you I’m sure.”

“Yea, well I almost pissed myself because of her.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Jackass, you swore not to tell!” Once again, Sif became flustered and resorted to physical violence against her ex-husband, this time via strangulation.

“Don’t let us ruin you guys’ mood. S’not like we’re in this cave with you or anything…” Kanami grumbled.

“Maybe I should get a dating profile after all…” Malenia said sourly.

“For what? You hardly even have time to use that toy you bought.”


“It just sits in your drawer collecting dust all the time. I drew on it the last time I was in your room looking for clothes to steal and you still haven’t noticed.”

Malenia’s bright silver scales turned red as she lowered her head in shame.

Abaddon looked mortified, but Sif simply giggled cutely.

“I see you all are as lively as ever. I hope you don’t mind if I steal your brother away for a bit.”

Kanami: “Like you did when he was sixteen, you icy pedophile?”

“H-He was the one who literally swept me off the street! A-And in Dola he was of legal age back then!”

Kanami began singing an R. Kelly song without elaborating.

Sif tried to defend her reputation but Abaddon simply tightened his grip around her and smiled in her ear.

“Don’t worry, Rapunzel. I have many fond memories with my first cougar.”

Sif headbutted Abaddon and he laughed when his head didn’t move an inch.

A few minutes later, Malenia and Kanami left the pair alone to work in another location.

With no more papers on the desk, Abaddon placed Sif in front of him instead, but she immediately started trying to get down.

“Nope, nuh-uh.”


“Don’t put me up on anything. Whenever you put me on things you always start trying to touch me in certain places.”

“Mabe this time I just wanted to sit back and admire you.” Abaddon reclined in his seat and stared at Sif like she was a work of art.

The weight of his warm gaze on Sif’s body made her feel like she was being stared at by an animal that was about to devour her.

Sif hadn’t seen Abaddon for a few days now, and she’d forgotten just how annoyingly adept he was at turning her brain to mush.

‘Focus, Sif, focus…’

“I-I actually had something that I wanted to talk to you about.” Sif finally said.

“Alright… Why all the suspense?” Abaddon tilted his head.

“W-Well…” Sif absentmindedly twirled her fingers together; causing Abaddon to view her behavior with even greater suspicion.


“I just wanted to know how you felt about.. me?” Sif felt pathetic just saying the words.

Abaddon stared at his ex-wife curiously, almost as if he were peering into her mind.

Sif began to regret even coming here in the first place when Abaddon suddenly gave her the worst answer possible in that moment.

“You are… argumentative.”

A vein bulged in Sif’s head that was so large it practically had it’s own zip code. “BASTARD!!”

Sif threw out a bunch strong enough to knock down a building- yet Abaddon caught it as if it were harmless.

“You’re also a bit uncompromising at times… Jury is still out on whether that is good or bad.”


Sif tackled Abaddon like a professional linebacker and the two of them went crashing back into the lake behind them.

The glow produced by the giant rocks along the cave walls illuminated even the depths of the water.

As the two sank, the temperature within the lake kept getting colder and colder by the second.

Soon it was as if the pair were swimming in the antarctic.

Gills sprouted along Abaddon’s neck and his body became more compact and slender so that he could more easily glide through the freezing water.

After escaping Sif’s clutches narrowly, he continued to poke the metaphorical blonde bear.

“You’ve a bad habit of sleeping awkwardly. You know how many times you’ve elbowed me in the nose while you were next to me?”

Sif created a large axe made of ice underwater and rushed at Abaddon.

Using his tail he easily deflected the blade and any repeated strikes that followed it.

“I also feel like you might still have a bit of an anger problem… but maybe that one is just in my head, no?”

A flurry of bubbles escaped Sif’s mouth as she created another weapon and started attacking Abaddon with two hands.

Smiling to himself, he grabbed her by both of her wrists and held her arms above her head.

His tail wrapped around her waist and pulled her in close until their bodies were firmly pressed against each other.

“And yet…” he smiled. “I am utterly infatuated by you. Passion is one of the things I can always count on from you, and it is certainly always interesting.”

Sif’s face went from being red with anger to pink with embarrassment in the span of five whole seconds.

“I’m enamored by your attitude, your childish fascination with new things, and your sense of virtue and adventure.

I’m jealous of your ability to befriend anyone, whether they hate you or simply don’t know you. It’s a trait I wish I had organically.” he admitted.

Abaddon lifted the two of them above the water and together the two of them stood atop the rippling water.

Now, Abaddon could hear Sif’s heart beating out of control more vividly than before.

“Can I ask what brought this about? You weren’t even this nervous the first night you stepped into our bedroom.”

Sif dropped her gaze to the floor unconsciously. Despite coming this far, she was still no closer to being comfortable with this situation.

“…I told myself that I wasn’t going to be greedy when we started this. That I wouldn’t cross over any of the lines in the sand and I wouldn’t keep wanting more from you.. or from them.

But the more time I spend with you, the more difficult it became to hold back my desires from spilling out… I guess you can add ‘greedy bitch’ to my list of detriments…”

Abaddon thought about mentioning that, but he thought that one would have really made her want to kill him.

So he holstered that one for the next time that she decided to take food off his plate at dinner.

Between her and Bekka, he was going to become seriously underweight in the next couple of years.

“I told myself that I wouldn’t say that I love you again because I didn’t want to burden you, and in a massive blunder I ended up saying that very thing.

Even worse than that… I became upset that I didn’t hear you say it back.

That’s a bit childish of me, eh? I was the one who left you the first time, and now I’m the one upset that you don’t still feel the same.”

“I never said that I didn’t feel the same.”

Sif blinked her eyes several times over as her ears seemed to fail her.

“I… What are you saying..?”

Abaddon glanced at the wall out of the corner of his eye.

Ten different pairs of eyes were nestled in the shadows in the corner.

‘We’ve waited long enough. We have to tell her the truth now.’

Even without the voices in his head urging him on, Abaddon was already aware of the fact that the moment had long since passed.

“There’s… something I need to tell you. Or maybe showing you would be better…”

Abaddon placed his hand on Sif’s forehead and he began to implant memories within her mind.


Sif looked up at him and smiled innocently.

“Do you see something surprising in there, Abaddon? I’ve hardly ever seen you look so taken aback.”

“Y-You already remember…”

Sif didn’t just remember little bits and pieces of the previous timeline, she remembered absolutely all of it.

Even her near-death experience at the hands of her own husband.

“How is this possible..? How long have you known??”

Despite the fact that the girls were supposed to be hiding in secret, they immediately popped their heads out of the ground like little groundhogs.

“What do you mean she knows?!”

“How long have you been keeping secrets from us, you hefty heffer?!”

“We helped you plan this whole rat trap, you could have atleast told us!”

Because Sif didn’t sense the girls, she screamed loudly at their sudden appearance.

“W-What are all of you doing here?! You said I could have a moment alone with him!”


“The hell it’s not, y-you all know how I feel about opening up in front of crowds!”

“Girls… please.” Abaddon felt like he aged ten years in the span of ten seconds.

He carried Sif back to the shore and placed her on the table where this entire situation originated.

The girls exited their hiding place and they also circled around Sif- just as determined to hear an explanation as he was.

“Spill.” Abaddon asked. “How long have you had your memories back?”

“And how did you even get them back?” Eris added. S~eaʀᴄh the NôᴠeFire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Sif looked embarrassed from all of the sudden attention, but she seemed to recognize that the faster she answered, the sooner she could get the focus off of her.

“W-Well do you remember the night I spent with you about a month and a half ago..?”

Lailah: “The one with the candles?”


Eris : “The night we tied you up and spanked you?”

“N-No…! Although I do want to do that again…”

Abaddon: “The night we spent on the balcony?”

“N-No!! The night where I fainted super early into it!”

“Ohhhh….” The group nodded at once.

“The night we finally convinced you to open up your back door.” Tatiana recalled fondly.

“Gods, I wish you wouldn’t say it like that, b-but yes…” If Sif was a turtle, she would have hidden herself in her shell to protect herself from this barrage of embarrassment.

“W-Well when I woke up I sort of just had both sets of my memories back…”

“And why didn’t you say anything..?” Abaddon asked in a low voice.

Sif wrapped her arms around Abaddon’s midsection and held him tight enough to crush his bones.

“Isn’t it obvious…? It’s because I was happy.”

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