Chapter 891 Palms of Fate [Ko-Fi Donation Bonus Chapter]
Chapter 891 Palms of Fate [Ko-Fi Donation Bonus Chapter]
Their roar was akin to a true command of the world itself.
Runes as black as ash formed in the skies.
The Dogon Ancestors only had the time to widen their eyes, their hearts leaping into their throats before [King’s Bind] descended.
The oppression of their E-Grade auras was torn to pieces.
The limitations of Earth were obvious. Making it to the E-Grade was barely possible, and there was no doubt that those that did were talents the likes of which could truly shake the wider Galaxy should Earth ever be able to succeed in its upgrade.
Unfortunately, the world they lived in was too limited.
Despite how long it had been, each and every one of these Ancestors was just Level 51.
Sylas was unable to read their stats, but it was simply unnecessary. All he needed was his Will to feel the fact that here, at the center of the Earth, with the Will of his World itself at his beck and call…
He could crush them.
As though the brand of the world had descended, the black Runes pierced the foreheads of the Dogon Ancestors.
Sylas hardly registered what he was doing. His Will was so powerful, his Rune Spark Mastery so almighty, everything flowed naturally from one aspect to the next.
He didn’t even notice that the death Runes he had used just now had come from Aki’s Corrupt Aether. He grasped it with a glance, expelling it as though he had used them all his life.
Despite having never drawn these Runes before, not only were they made of 50 Foundations, but each one was formed to Breath Mastery.
And there were simply too many of them.
After they shattered the first round, there was a second round. And following the second’s failure, there was a third.
A Dogon Ancestor lunged at them, a bone spear forming out of his palm.
He looked so…
Sylas hardly realized just how many larger than life opponents he had been forced to face since he entered this world. Even now, sometimes things felt like more fantasy than reality to him.
But right now, sitting in the body of a Basilisk King, he felt every fiber of reality as though it was ingrained into his soul, his psyche.
He realized then that this was the influence of Gogo’s mind.
To Gogo, this was the only world he had ever known, the only one that made sense to him. A world where the victor took everything and the loser lost even the right to have their own sense of being.
This was the world that he was in.
When that sank into Sylas’ Will, he felt like he had touched something that had been oh so faint to him before.
The giggle in his ears became sharper, clearer, as though a little girl was whispering right into his ears and cupping his cheeks.
How would it be possible to understand the essence of Greed, of Gluttony, if you couldn’t understand the fundamental rules of the world you lived in?
Sylas thought himself to be someone who adapted well, but had he truly adapted? Did he truly accept that this was his new world?
Or was he fighting everything at every corner, trying to maintain control in the palm of his hands without understanding what it truly required?
[King’s Bind].
The Skill activated once again, the bone spear freezing in the air. The Ancestor had only just ripped through the last one, and was more than prepared to counter this one, and yet… somehow…
He was caught even easier now than he had been before?
Voice of a King.
He felt an oppression on his soul, the likes of which sank into his Will. His power was slipping from him, and Sylas and Gogo…
They were only growing stronger with every passing second.
[Palms of Fate] [The Odds shift ever against you, but who cares for Odds when you have Will] [When entering Heavily Injured status the Laws of the World soothe you.] [Note: the stronger your Will, the lower the requirements]
Palms of Fate finally activated. Its requirements were so high that it only managed to trigger just after Sylas’ battle with Aki. However, Sylas was too drained to even notice it, and with the Basilisk King slowing his perception down for him, he was even slower to notice the changes.
It was only after he completed Total Merge that he realized Palms of Fate had activated.
The real reason Earth had been able to help his Will improve by so many Levels, the real reason his crowns had fused so seamlessly and his abilities worked with the Basilisk King with such ease…
Was for no other reason than this Title!
He had to truly be half dead for it to manifest itself.
But did it matter now that he wielded such absolute strength and power?
His tail whipped out. A Glassvolt blade appeared on the end of it, pulsing with an endless might.
The Dogon Ancestor was severed in two.
Sylas tried to use Extricate, but gave up on it a moment later. As strong as his Taboo Bond Profession was, it only worked on F-Grade opponents.
But that much was still fine.
He didn’t need this Dogon Ancestor’s Blood Essence to slaughter the rest of them.
Two more Ancestors broke free of [King’s Bind] only to be unceremoniously frozen in place once more.
Sylas fought back the urge of Gogo to bite down on them, making the little one recall that he was in its throat.
Instead, they settled for absolute carnage.
One would have never thought that this was a battle of F-Grades versus E-Grades at all.
One after another, the Dogon Ancestors fell, unable to withstand even a single strike.
In a flash, they bore down on the last Dogon Ancestor, the very man who had spoken to them. By this point, he had suffered at the hands of [King’s Bind] three separate times and was struggling to break free once more.
For the first time, fear flashed in his eyes.
Everything had been under his control.
Just how…
Just how had this happened?
A tail descended from the skies, severing him in two