Got Dropped into a Ghost Story, Still Gotta Work

Chapter 134.2

‘This is insane.’

Still, we had to ‘block’ that thing’s line of sight.

‘To do that, first…’

I needed to create a diversion.

Holding back a groan, I grabbed the high schooler’s shoulder.

“You read the leaflet, right? We have to steal something. We each have to do it ourselves.”

Before blocking the entrance ghost’s view, you have to make it mistake you for just another shopper.

Steal one of the items a shopper has already checked out and keep it on your person.

Make sure no fuss arises during the theft.

“But if we get caught…”

“If you steal something that won’t be noticed, it’s fine.”

I glanced at the entrance.

There weren’t too many people, but those who’d heard closing was near were finishing up at the registers or leaving.

‘If we just slip out among them, we might block its view without doing anything else.’

But I wasn’t about to take that risk.

“The fishing line.”

“Yes, sir.”

I immediately pulled out an item I had on me.

A spool of fishing line… and a small, red, goldfish-shaped lure on the end.


Dark Exploration Records / Supernatural Disaster Management Bureau

/ Items

Toy Bait

An item with a red lure attached to the end of a transparent fishing line.

When used, it can draw the attention of supernatural entities categorized as Fracture-sanctioned or below.

The more powerful and closer to the ‘source’ the entity is, the weaker and less effective it becomes.

Item usage condition : 7th-level or higher civil servant of the Supernatural Disaster Management Bureau, or someone with special authorization.


The instant we steal something, I’ll use this to divert the standee’s attention.

By taking turns with Agent Bronze, we could buy enough time for both high schoolers to get out.

Agent Bronze readied the fishing line and gave me a signal with his eyes.

“Start stealing.”

I nodded and turned to the two teenagers.

“W-We can’t steal…”

“Listen, kids. They can’t see us anyway, so as long as it’s not something super noticeable if it goes missing, we’ll be fine.”

People rarely pay attention if something disappears from a bag or box—especially if they’ve already bagged it.

‘So we should pick something they’re least likely to notice…’

Something small, like a daily necessity.

Something they bought because they needed it, but they’re not particularly interested in.

Something they won’t use or eat right away.


I approached a shopper sitting in a chair near the entrance.

‘It’ll be easier if they’re not moving.’

Probably waiting for someone, this person had the store’s eco-friendly tote bag on their lap, eyes closed for a moment.

I quickly examined the tote bag.


Then I slid my hand inside… and pulled out something stuck to the interior.

Dental floss.

“There are a few more in there.”


“When I took this one, I almost pulled out the others. So just grab them carefully, okay? Nice and easy.”


Swallowing hard, the high schooler reached in with a pale face, and succeeded in pulling out the floss I’d placed on top.

“…I-I got it!”

“Nicely done!”

Clutching the dental floss, the student backed away, visibly flustered.

Then both of us turned to look at the one person left.

The other high schooler, who’d been sticking close to Agent Bronze.


He approached with a worried expression, unable to hide his nerves.

“It’s alright, stay calm…”

“Oh, come on, I know that already! Please just be quiet!”


He seemed almost panicked.

The high school student who yelled at me, perhaps wanting to finish quickly, squeezed his eyes shut and reached out.

Then he shoved his hand into the tote bag and snatched the floss.

“Got i…”

The student pulled his hand out, beaming.

Wait, if you yank it out so suddenly—


The student’s hand brushed against the shopper’s cheek.

“Oh my god!”


Startled, the shopper who’d been sitting with the tote bag on her lap toppled backward off the chair.


The high schooler reacted in shock and reflexively clung to the tote bag.

“M-Mom, are you okay? Wait— gah!”

Someone who seemed to be with them ran over, grabbed the tote bag to help the shopper up, then saw the tote bag floating in midair, held by the high schooler, and freaked out.


I immediately grabbed the student and yanked him back. The tote bag fell to the floor, spilling its contents everywhere.

The bag’s owner let out a scream.

“There was a—a person here, but he disappeared!”

People around us started to buzz with confusion. Their eyes turned on us.

“What are you talking about? You must be mistaken…”

“No, Dad! Something was wrong with my bag!”

“There was some boy holding my bag! Huuuuuh…?!”

Damn it.

Under normal circumstances, shoppers would not notice you.

But they can sometimes perceive you if there’s physical contact.

If communication is possible, there are a few methods you can try to get their help in escaping.

Up to that point, it seemed hopeful.


“Excuse me! Someone help!”

“Huh? What day is it today? What’s going on? Why am I here? Huh?!”

Still, if a shopper sees you and senses something off or goes into a panic, you must quickly get away from them.


The employees are coming.

Simultaneously, Agent Bronze and I pushed the high schoolers and started sprinting toward the opposite side of the exit.

…Because something was waddling out from the escalator, from the far edge of the checkout, from the restrooms.

Screek, screek.

I could hear it.


That squeaking, rustling sound—like balloons rubbing together—pursued us from behind like madness. And it was multiplying.

Instinctively, we dashed toward a wide and complex area.

…Through the checkout counters and into the store aisles.


I glanced at my watch.

[ 20 : 29 ]

It’s over.

Closing time was almost here.

‘We have to hide.’

We had to give up on the exit for now.

Before the store finished closing, the shoppers disappeared, and even more employees appeared. We’ve got to shake them off within sixty seconds. To do that, we had to hide…

‘Four people is too many!’

I locked eyes with Agent Bronze.

He glanced upward once, nodded, and veered quickly to the side, guiding one of the high schoolers away.


“Over here.”

I took the other student and moved in the opposite direction.

We sprinted so hard we were gasping for breath. The manic squeaking still echoed behind us, but it had definitely diminished.

‘They’re going after Agent Bronze’s group more!’

He must have purposely drawn them away. I shoved my worries aside, silently grateful, and ran like a madman.

Vacuum cleaners, cosmetics, bowls, kitchenware, bleach…

All sorts of display racks repeated endlessly throughout the massive supermarket, until—

We ran right into another employee.

‘Damn it.’

Screek, screek.

They chased after us. Each time, I immediately changed direction with the student and kept running.


The high schooler was panting raggedly.

I could taste metal in my mouth.

But in this labyrinthine mart, it felt as if employees and corners were spewing out endlessly…

‘God damn it!’


We rounded corner after corner of shelves.

‘This won’t work.’

We needed somewhere to hide.

We had to find a moment when no employee would see us, somewhere we could slip inside without any prep—where two people could stay hidden!

Then, as we turned another corner…


I saw it.

[Electric Mixer 50% Off]

A mobile display stand.

‘Got it.’

I pushed the high schooler under the giant mobile stand stacked with mixers. Then I squeezed in there as well.

And, we held our breaths.

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