Chapter 1024 - 1024: Part 2: Arriving at the Capital
From MC’s Perspective:
In Gregor Mansion, I was contemplating whether or not to appear outside. My heart is agitated for some reason. Before I had time to think further. I hear a commotion outside.
I asked myself, “What happened?”
I could not help but recall one previous incident that occurred at the Silent Forest Border. At the time, a wizard from Lizzen State’s Top Force arrived to recruit people to enter Silent Forest.
I am guessing a similar situation is happening outside. Otherwise, there was no reason for others to cause trouble for the people of Arken City.
From the loud shouting and screaming. I was able to gather a small amount of information. Which is also consistent with my current assumptions.
After a few moments, the outside noise had subsided. I have decided to wait, as well. But the feeling of unease remains in my heart.
Shortly afterwards,
A wizard dressed in the robes of the Royal Force Hall entered the cabin. Then he began to look in every nook and corner.
He then left after completing his search. But his expression was filled with disappointment.
My eyes gleamed briefly.
“Why is someone from that Academy searching the Arken City’s airship?”
“Was that ship transporting anything valuable?” I asked myself.
Normally, the inspection was performed by authorities. The academy wizards have no reason to inspect here. Unless they seek something valuable. They will not bother to do these types of tasks.
“What could it be that the Royal Force Hall wants?” I said in my heart.
All of the passengers have left the airship. Leaving behind the crew members and the Captain.
At the same time, high-level wizards are looking for someone on the Airship. This infuriated the captain of the airship.
Even though they are doing their job. It still does not feel good to be treated this way.
Both level-8 Wizards are looking at one another. Nobody wants to back down. The old man on the Arken side has decided to file a formal complaint once he returns to Arken City.
One of the reasons he endured this humiliation was that he recognized the emblem on their chest. He knows it is a government institution.
So, even if he stages a protest here, he will not receive any assistance.
In contrast, the level-8 Wizard of the Royal Force Hall stood cross-armed in midair. He enjoys bullying foreigners in this manner.
Even though he knows Vincent Carey will not be inside. If the target was present, he would have known sooner. Especially when using the Magic Artifact. It gave no response.
Nonetheless, he has dispatched high-level wizards to inspect and demonstrate the majesty of the Royal Force Hall Academy.
10 minutes later,
The high-level wizards step out of the ship.
“Elder, there was no one else inside the airship,” one of the high-level wizards stated.
“You can go back to your position and resume your work.” The level-8 Wizard spoke with no expression on his face.
Everyone was gone in an instant.
He then smiled and thanked the old man for his cooperation. ‘I hope you forget about this minor inconvenience,” He said.
He leaves the scene after saying that.
The old man’s face was ugly. His expression alone indicates that he was not happy at all.
The old man turns around to look at the Captain.
He asked, “Do we have anything important left to do here?”
The Captain came to his senses before responding, “Elder, two packages will arrive this evening. The Head Manager has instructed you to retrieve those packages without fail.”
After learning about the Head Manager. The old man lowers his brow.
“Alright, I will rest in my cabin.” After saying that, the old man left. He obviously needs some peace of mind.
The Captain then directed the crewmembers to unload the goods. They have a lot of work left to do. Before each flight, they must perform maintenance.
So the crew members got to work right away.
Some proceeded to unload the goods. While others began cleaning work. From the deck to the cabins, they must sweep away dust.
In the Gregor Mansion, I am having trouble controlling my patience. The commotion has subsided for some time now. I suppose the passengers have already left.
I appeared in the cabin. I did not want to use any mana or mental power so as not to alert the guardian.
Fortunately, there is a small window. I approached the window to observe the outside situation.
Then I noticed that the crew members were working. Some are sweeping, and others are performing maintenance tasks. I felt this was the right time to leave.
If I delay any longer, the situation will only worsen.
I opened the door and stepped out slowly. I noticed that the workers are cleaning one side of the deck. Seeing this, I turned towards the exit ladder and began walking towards it.
In an instant, I walked downstairs and landed on the ground.
I suddenly felt someone looking at me from the left side.
One of the crew members who was cleaning earlier was startled by the sudden presence. He then recognized the person.
“Is not he the one who spends the night alone on one deck while traveling?” He said in his heart.
Then he walks up to him and says, “Passenger, what are you doing here?”
“It is not good to come back. The Guardian and Captain are both in a bad mood. “You should not be noticed by them,” He said.
Hearing that, I raised my eyebrows.
“This guy?” I recall him speaking to me during the journey. Especially when I was on deck around midnight.
“I misplaced my friend’s earrings during the commotion. That is why I came back to see.”
“Unfortunately, the place was extremely clean. I could not find it,” I admitted in a sad tone.
The worker was not surprised. He was present during the commotion. Everyone was afraid at the time. It is normal for someone to drop their valuables in panic.
“I am guessing those high-level wizards looted it. There is nothing you can do,” the worker said.
“Well, that is true. Then I am going. You can have this mana stone,” I said, handing him a mid-grade mana stone.
The worker accepted it with trembling hands.
When I noticed he was not paying attention, I quickly left.