Chapter 1596: The Origin Of The Tyrant Race: 1
Chapter 1596: The Origin Of The Tyrant Race: 1
They didn’t bother to bring any other type of race for the defense of the realm because they represent the power of the entire realm and its inhabitants, both living and undead.
It is why the realm was named after them, even though they don’t have a realm lord to make that decision. Both the living and the dead, gods and demons, fear them. No one else is worthy of the name.
Being Tyrants, they don’t usually get along with each other, but they did so for this event. More than a billion of them are surrounding the realm rift. They don’t know what’s going to come out of it, but they know that whatever it is will be enemies and invaders. So they know to push back everything that comes through the rift.
Each one of them is darkly skinned, so they made the surface of the divine plane look submerged in a black tide.
A Tyrant asked in disbelief, “So we are really being invaded, and this is not a prank?”
Another replied excitedly, “It is truly not a prank. We will have a whole realm and another divine plane with a new set of gods to wipe out.”
The first Tyrant still couldn’t believe it. It said, “I still can’t believe it. Who would dare to invade us? They are either foolish and overconfident, or they are smart and rightfully confident. Which do you think it is?”
One of them scoffed and said confidently, “We have no need to fear the invaders. The Tyrant Father is protecting us so their Origin gods can’t kill us, and we have children of the realm to hold back their Supreme Origin gods.”
“So not only will we remain intact during this invasion, we will be able to expand our roots into their domains.”
Another one assured, “We can’t lose even if we don’t have the protection of Father Tyrant. We will form a chokehold here in the divine plane. Anyone that comes through will be beaten back or killed before they can enter. The divine plane has also been sealed so no one can bypass it now. Victory is going to be ours.”
They were confident of victory. As a race that has only lost once, they don’t believe they can lose to any other race. All they can think of right now is the prospect of becoming more powerful.
As Tyrants, the more land they possess as their permanent domain, the stronger they are. So in a way, they are paragons. They are paragons who rely on their environment and people, both dead and alive, for their boost.
They are an unnatural race. Many people have called them that as a slur. But those people are right. The Tyrant race was not created naturally. They shouldn’t even exist.
A long time ago, the Tyrant Race didn’t exist in the realm. There were many strong races in the realm back then. Two of them were the most notorious and also hated each other the most. It was these two races that led to the appearance of the Tyrant Realm.
The first race was the Shiki race, or Land Spirits, as they sometimes liked to be called. Or Land Parasites, as the weaklings of the realm called them.
The Shiki race were emphemeral beings born in the realm from heaven and heart. The first member of the race had no parents, so they liked to think they were the children of the realm.
That pompous title wouldn’t have mattered if they had the strength to back it up. Unfortunately, the Shiki race started out weak, so they were mocked for that title for a long
The Shiki race, when born, were balls of light. They were soft, like balls of fluff, and weak physically. They couldn’t harm anything, and no one could harm them. But their lifespan was incredibly short.
It was rare for them to live more than a year. During that period when they were living, their existence would unravel into their surroundings, which increased the vitality of the world.
They were a sort of mana-to-vitality converter. Animals and plants living around them would benefit from their existence. These living beings were able to become mana entities easily at the cost of the Shiki’s.
The Shikis would die after a year of helping the world. Their deaths led to the creation of two seedlings that would be nurtured by the world and then hatch into two Shikis. Thus, the cycle continued, leading to more and more Shikis.
Soon, the population of Shikis increased by the millions. This is scary considering it happened in a short period of 20 years. But no one was worried. No one would fear something with a lifespan of a year that didn’t have the faintest power to defend itself.
What they didn’t know was that the offspring created from the leftover Shiki retained the memories of their parents. So the millions of Shikis knew about the deaths of the 20 generations of Shikis before them and didn’t want to experience the same thing.
The Shikis tried many things to solve their short life spans. They even tried and succeeded in fusing with one another in an attempt to reverse their fission, but that didn’t increase their lifespans.
Instead, it shortened it and actually killed the two Shikis that fused. The fusion granted them a short boost in power, but they eventually had to ban it because the memories of the Shikis that fused were lost since they didn’t reproduce after their deaths.
This was one of the many things they tried. A year might not be enough for someone to have a solution, and a single generation might not be enough for a race to change their fate. But 20 generations might be enough to turn the short-lived emphemeral Shikis into long-lived physical land spirits.
That’s exactly what happened when the Shikis found out that they could fuse with the soil and siphon what they needed to live from it. And so the Land Spirits were born.