Chapter 1951 Despicable Cheater.
Chapter 1951 Despicable Cheater.
It was ten against one, but it was the one who stood against the ten that had the upper hand. In one move, he killed five of them. He was so fast that they didn’t see him move. A single sword strike cut five of them in two. The single move caused the sword in his hand to fly out of his hands and cut down five people in one go. He could have done more if he were in God’s Domain, but apparently, there is no mana in this world, so he can’t have external help. Even so, this move was shocking because he had controlled the sword with his mind, not his hand. It was then that his enemies realized that he was a demigod, not an epic being like their investigation report suggested. The other five scattered immediately. As they ran, one of them said with resentment, “You have hidden yourself well. You’re a despicable cheat.”
Taylor was flabbergasted. He asked, “What have I cheated you out of? Should I not try to preserve my life?”
He can’t believe that it would be the enemies sent to kill him that would feel resentment for their failure to kill him. They even called him a cheater as if he is the villain here. The lady that called him a cheater didn’t reply. She cursed and threatened him as he chased after her, “Fuck you, One Sword. The nation won’t let you go. We will bring the entire might of our nation on you.”
Taylor’s eyes narrowed as he said, “I won’t let this nation go either. We will end this today.”
He didn’t actually chase after her with his body. It was his sword that was chasing after her. It flew after her and struck her in the back. The sword couldn’t compare to the legendary and divine weapons in God’s Domain, but it was sturdy enough. With the momentum of its flight, it pierced through her back and came out from the other side. Unlike him, she can’t produce a protective force field around herself. So the sword didn’t face much resistance in overcoming her defense. It even shattered her chest and most of the organs within it in the process. As for the others, he didn’t pursue them hastily. They had scattered in different directions and had created considerable distance between him and them, so it would take some time and effort to kill them. The time it would take to kill them is not only long, but he would also rather be doing something else with that time.
The first thing he did was to make sure that the five he cut first were truly dead. It wouldn’t do for him to chase after the rest while some were still alive.
Just like he suspected, some of them were still alive. The injury, while lethal to other humans, wasn’t enough to kill epic beings immediately. Only one of them was completely dead. He had been the first one that the sword had cut. The explosive force of the sword had shattered his organs along the way.
The other four had been more lucky. The sword had only cut them in half at the waist. The worst of them was dying. But they could be saved. If he had chased after the others, he is sure that some people would have shown up after he was gone to rescue these four. But he wasn’t going to allow that. He smashed their heads. Only then did he decide to pay back the earth government of America for what they had done. He still didn’t chase after the four that escaped. Instead, he flew straight for the White House with the goal of taking control of it and killing the current president. A lot has happened that led to this moment where he is about to execute a president and forcefully take control of a nation. He is not being a hothead. In fact, he won’t be the first person to attempt and achieve it. He has had a lot of success in God’s Domain and was able to save his mother. That and the power he gained from God’s Domain was enough for him.
He was already rich before the advent of God’s Domain. Now that he was powerful enough to enter space and go to the moon with his own body, there was nothing left for him to aspire to. All he wanted was a peaceful life as he tried to become a god and achieve immortality in God’s Domain. That way, his consciousness would be preserved in it, and he would be able to resurrect from death.
But his government wouldn’t let him rest. They kept demanding that he do things for them. They had stopped troubling the Heavenly Corporation after learning their lesson. They knew they couldn’t force the Heavenly Corporation to do anything, so they began harassing the people that had gained power from God’s Domain. He refused their demands, so they seized his accounts and froze his funds. He didn’t care about that because all the wealth he needed was in God’s Domain.
Besides, he could sell divine crystals for as much wealth as he wanted. Or he could just go out to steal if he needed money that much. When that did work, they accused him of treason and called him a criminal. They defamed him at every opportunity they had.
He still didn’t care about that because those accusations meant nothing to him. This was especially so because they couldn’t do anything to him even if he was truly the criminal they made him out to be. He wasn’t being full of himself about that. They couldn’t do anything to Black Knife when he escaped from his prison and went on a killing spree.
Black Knife was deemed a criminal by many nations on Earth. He killed a lot of people including presidents. He was a true criminal, and yet he is still gallivanting about. So that word held no sway over Taylor. Only strength mattered.