Chapter 605 Perfection Made Manifest.

What Salvini sees are possibilities. She sees what will happen before it happens. She sees how the branch of a tree will react if she pushes it. She sees the various reactions of that branch based on the various ways of interacting with the branch. There are too many possibilities because she isn’t the only one interacting with the branch. The wind is also interacting with it.

She doesn’t calculate these possibilities. She only sees them. She sees possible futures then she chooses the action that will bring about a favorable reaction. She brushes the branch aside with minimal effort and it slips aside soundlessly to let her pass. Her sight gives her options and she chooses the easiest option to bring about her goal.

Her sight is not without limit. She can only see the possibilities of an action 1 second into the future. She can push her sight but it will have drastically negative effects on her mind and the accuracy of what she sees. That 1 second is more than enough for someone of her speed. A lot can happen in 1 second when you’re moving at a speed that is 4 times the speed of sound. That is just the speed that she can maintain without much physical exertion. Some might call it a jog.

So despite the fact that there’s nothing in sight but leaves and plants, her spear is prepped for a stabbing. It is gripped tightly in her hand as she bolts through the forest. One moment all there are is plants and trees, the next, a battle sage monkey appears in her sight from around a tree when she turns. The unsuspecting battle sage monkey is inspecting her surroundings. She looked left and right searching for their quarry. It is by chance that she spots Salvini before the mad executor is upon her.

It is as if Salvini suddenly appeared around her. This female battle sage monkey didn’t jump or get startled by the sudden appearance of the mad executioner. You can’t have jittery nerves to be a warrior that wants any hope of killing the mad executioner. It helps that she is a transcendent with perfect control of her body so she reacted properly to the sudden enemy.  Sั‘arch* The novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She leaped forward to meet Salvini with her blade in hand. It is common sense not to be passive in a fight with Salvini or you will become docile meat on a chopping board. Salvini loves docile meat above all types of meat. She will gobble you up in no time if you’re docile.

Unfortunately for the female battle sage monkey, Salvini wasn’t deterred by her aggressive behavior. She has seen it and she was prepared for it even before they met. She struck too. Her spear blurred forward because of its speed and because of the numerous phantom spears that separated from it to strike her opponent. Her opponent slashed her sword toward the spear attack. Numerous arcs of energy blades sprung out of the blade as it passed through the air.

It is obvious that this female battle sage monkey is very talented. She is adept at using the mind weapon. There are very few who can exhibit such a skill. She is talented so she is probably able to hunt monsters very well. That makes her one of the few that Salvini loves to kill for their scores. It is not a surprise that she is here too hunting Salvini.

The phantom spears sailed to kill the female battle sage monkeys just as the energy blades cut forward to cut down Salvini. Hundreds of clashes occurred in that split second and continued to occur even as Salvini’s spear found its way into the neck of her opponent. It is the same thing that happens every time the two of them have fought.

“Fuck you.” Her opponent said before she is blasted apart by an explosion within her body caused by Salvini’s unloading her energy through the blade of the spear.

A game of possibilities is Salvini’s favorite game. The clash of two small forces composed of hundreds of phantom weapons is a game with numerous outcomes. They are both attacking with numerous phantom weapons and they both have to block too. But can her opponent block them all? No and neither can she because it is impossible to react to every single attack.

Salvini may not be able to react to every single attack but she doesn’t need to. All she needs is one flaw in her opponent’s defense. The first person to make a mistake loses. Salvini always comes out on top because she can see that flaw even before her opponent makes it. That flaw is unavoidable too. There’s no escaping it because she saw it, then she tossed out the attacks that will create that flaw.

It can be likened to a man of integrity who is being tortured so that he will do something bad that is against his principles. The tortures will try all sorts of things to break the man. They might succeed and they might fail. It is up to chance. Those with more experience will have a higher chance of breaking the man but Salvini doesn’t need experience. She has seen all the possibilities and she knows what will make the man break. She will bring in 10,001 innocents to be slaughtered in front of the man and that will change his mind more than any torture.

The man is willing to sacrifice himself and even 10,000 innocents just to abide by his principles. Even the death of his family is not enough to break him. But the man considers anything greater than 10,000 innocents to be too much of a sacrifice. So she will bring 10,001 not 10,002 or more. Just enough to break the man’s will. It makes her every move and decision very efficient because there is no wasted effort on her part. No time is wasted and no effort is irrelevant or wasted. She is perfection made manifest.

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