Chapter 613 Brutal But Lethal.
The sage answered his question. “I see. You’re trying to learn from your previous mistake. I will do you another favor just like I did during our last meeting. It seems fitting. I anticipated and I also have a method to know. My method shouldn’t fail, but I planned for some indications to prove my anticipation right. Call it covering my bases if you will. The method I used is simple. I just have to sense your gaze.”
“Sense my gaze? What do you mean by my gaze?” He asked in confusion.
“My law of order is my body. It is vast. It is a world. It is me. It is my vast world. So you have been watching me ever since our last meeting. Looking at me like some lovesick idiot. You weren’t even taking furtive glances or stealing quick looks. You had your eyes fixed on me the whole time. Now, wouldn’t you know when someone is staring at you right in your face?”
He shook his head and sighed in defeat. His very act of observing the law of order caused him to be found. There’s nothing he can do about that. It seems he was bound to be found out right from the start.
He sighed and said. “So there’s nothing I could have done to avoid detection.”
The sage tutted. “Now don’t say that. There’s a lot you could have done to hide yourselves. You just don’t know them and maybe you can’t do them even if you knew them. I am a world god after all. But there are some things you could have done to avoid detection. Your other acts certainly didn’t help you. That move you used against the dragon showed that you have a high understanding of the law matrix of this arena. It is a shout to anyone that can hear it that you have been deciphering my law of order. What is the name of that move anyway?”
He answered. “I call it WRAITH OF DEATH: WORLD BREAKER.”
“World Breaker hmm? Sounds fitting. Breaking the world with yourself as the tool. Brutal, inefficient, self-harming but lethal. I assume it is part of your skill set. How many moves do you have in your skillset?”
“Just 6 steps.”
“I am impressed. You really have everything it takes to become a sage. You have the talent and the skill usage ability of a sage. You have also created your own skill set. Creating a skill set is the most important quality of a sage. I created the 6 steps of weapon mastery and proved myself worthy of the title of the first sage. The other sages have their own skillset too and you already have one.”
The sage paused to consider something. Then he said, “You know what? I have decided that you will be named a sage after the competition. Show me more of your skill set so that I can pick the best title for you. Now go and have fun.”
The white world shattered into pieces and he woke up in the arena. He looked around and found himself in a crater. He found a white robe and pants beside him. The robe has the word “263TH SAGE” written on its back. He shook his head and picked it up to wear. His clothes had been destroyed in his last fight. His descent into the law matrix would have destroyed his clothes if the explosion of his phantom spear didn’t.
He muttered as he wore the white robes. “Brutal, inefficient, self-harming but lethal.”
Thoughts of his last fight brought to mind the sage’s evaluation of his move. It is a correct evaluation that he has to agree with. WORLD BREAKER is brutal because it is meant to be and it is inefficient because he did not perform it very well. He was suppressed so he couldn’t use his body for it. He had to use the power of this world to do it and even then his body was already straining before he made the attack. It wasn’t supposed to be like that.
As for it being self-harming, that cannot be changed. Even if he had the full power of his body, it would have still harmed him. The injury wouldn’t be so severe and he will still be conscious after the move but the move is self-damaging. WORLD BREAKER is lethal just like the other moves in his skill set. Each one is meant to kill or injure critically.
“It was a gamble but it worked.” He said after dressing up.
He didn’t want to use it but he had to. He had no other option if he wanted to defeat the dragon. It is just like the sage said, using it is proof that he is familiar with the law matrix of this world fragment. He wouldn’t have been able to descend into the law matrix if he didn’t have the knowledge of it. But that isn’t the major reason why he didn’t want to use it. His skill set is an advanced set of moves if the steps of weapon mastery are called basic. Its requirement for usage is also higher.
The steps of weapon mastery require a lot of skill and power to pull off. Anyone can learn them with hard work and talent. His skill set requires more skill and more. No one can use it no matter how much they train themselves. They will need his comprehension of laws and most importantly, they will need his eyes. His eyes are the major reason why he can create something more powerful and tasking than the famous steps of momentum that the first sage created.
He had his eyes. But that’s just half of the requirement to use the WORLD BREAKER. He also needed strength but he didn’t have that. The suppression of the world fragment robbed him of most of his strength. He can’t even use the 5th and 6th steps, nullification, and world weapon of weapon mastery because of the suppression. So using his skill set was very dangerous.