Chapter 615 Pick Up A New Thread.
There are a lot of bad things that can happen to someone that draws the attention of a world god. That is just for drawing the attention of the world god. Those bad things get particularly nasty if that someone angers a world god. He is already dealing with one world god, attracting the ire of another world god is bother line suicidal.
Ignorance is not an excuse to make such a foolish mistake. It will not save him from the retribution of a world god and he is not ignorant either. He wouldn’t have gone ahead to acquire this new law of order before when he thought he had been undetected when analyzing the sage’s law of order.
So even in his ignorance, he would stay away from trouble as far as possible. But now he knows that he will be detected as soon as he tampers with this law of order in any way. He is a king of law. And a world god is a world god. The gap is very large so he has to be very careful when interacting with a world god. Stealing from a world god is the opposite of being careful. It is suicidal.
Furthermore, this is totally different from what he was doing with the law of the sage. He was inferring the law of order of the sage from the derivatives of that law in the law fragments of this arena. He was not analyzing the true law of order of the sage and yet he was found out. Meanwhile, in this situation, he can see the true law of order of this new world god in all its glory within this Viper.
What he can see is not large. It is just a tweak of the law matrix by the new law of order. But it is more valuable than what he got from analyzing the derivatives of the law of order of the first sage. This law is in its pure unadulterated form. Getting it will make the Sage’s scheming and baiting worth it.
But trying to analyze it directly and in the open like this will mean he has to expose his ability to do so. So he knows that there’s no way it can be hidden even if he is ignorant about how the law of order of world gods is like their body. Now he knows that taking this law of order is stealing a part of a world god. It is not suicidal anymore. It is grounds for an eternal curse of pain and suffering.
“What should I do?” He asked himself.
He is undecided on what to do. He wants the new law of order but he doesn’t want to anger this world god. The law of order will be good for all of Legion but an angry world god is an enemy that can jeopardize the entirety of Legion. He is not the only one at risk here so he is very reluctant to create an enemy on the level of a world god. Then he remembered what the sage had said during their last meeting.
The sage had said, “This meeting is happening by chance. I laid a thread and you picked it up. You followed it to the end and found this. This is the end. It is a message that you are doing well and that you are free to pick up other threads in this competition.”
His eyes shone with unrestrained greed. The sage gave him the permission to pick up other threads. This is a thread that he very much wants to pick up. It is not much but it is better than the scraps he has been getting from the law matrix of this world fragment. So he discarded his fear and apprehension, then he sped up his ascension up the mountain.
He appeared before his enemy soon after. He stopped about 100m away from the viper to examine it. The distance is small enough to be covered in the blink of an eye but the major reason he didn’t rush in at once to fight is that he can sense a haze around the Viper. His intuition is telling him not to come too close to it. It is the same danger he can sense from other monsters but he can’t pinpoint which part of the Viper is dangerous.
So he chose to examine it at a distance. It is a serpentine humanoid. It has a long tail connected to its torso. It stands on the tail while its upper half is humanoid. It has six arms each holding similar long but slightly curved blades. Its head is reptilian and covered in black scales that also cover its entire body. It also has a crown on its head. The crown is white, unlike the black crown on his own head.
The Viper is also examining him. Its vertical pupils focused on him. The yellow iris of the eye seemed to shine with either curiosity or intelligence. He tried to figure out what could be dangerous about the Viper but he can’t tell anything due to the influence of the new law of order. He doesn’t know anything about this new law of order so he can’t inspect this creation of it and understand it.
The Viper spread its six arms wide in a welcoming gesture after it was done examining Soverick. It said, “Welcome Soverick Ghastorix. I have been waiting for you.”
Soverick was surprised. “You can speak?”
No other monster has been able to speak. They were not created with intelligence. They were monsters without a divine sense or a soul but this one has a divine sense and it also knows his name. He always thought the monsters being unintelligent is either intentional or intelligent living things can’t be created. Apparently, he was wrong. World gods can create living and highly intelligent beings with souls if they use their law of order to do it directly.