Chapter 638 The Roar Of Justice.

Jarkon cursed because he suddenly lost his target. Soverick had suddenly disappeared from his vision. He wanted to accept the inevitable defeat. If he had his way, he would turn around and run right now as any smart person would do, but his bloodline will have none of it. 

He can’t have his way, not when Soverick is so close to him. He moved against his will to try and counter the incoming blow. His eyes might not be able to track Soverick but his divine sense can. Soverick suddenly appeared within the range of his divine sense like a flicker of light. He also has his fist clenched together for a punch and that said fist is traveling very fast toward his face.

Jarkon saw the incoming blow and tried to block it. Unfortunately but not surprisingly, he failed to block the blow that struck his temple. Soverick’s fist smashed into his head and lifted him into the air. 

‘I knew it would happen.’ He sailed through the air thinking that to himself.

The blow was mighty. A shockwave blasted out from the point of impact between the fist and Jarkon’s face. Soverick punched with the intent to kill. He would have died if it were not for the barrier that came with his armor. Without armor, his body might have shattered then and there. 

As it is, the ground he was standing on was cratered because of the residual force of the blow that the barrier diffused into the surrounding. He would have become pulp if not for the armor. He knew that. He also knew that there was nothing he could have done to stop it. Soverick was just too fast for him to react to.

He hadn’t sailed too far before another force struck him. Then another struck him. Then another. Soverick kept punching him in the air. He would catch up to him and deliver blows meant to shatter mountains on him. The shockwaves of the punch did a number on the environment. Thunderclaps rang in the air and the innocent grasses were uprooted down to the soil that held their roots as the ground was forced to flip. 

The punches disoriented Jarkon and made him dizzy but no more than that. The armor kept him largely safe from the avalanche of destruction occurring around him. He would have been content with doing nothing and staying safe within the armor. But his bloodline thought otherwise. Jarkon began to glow. His golden fur lit up with golden light. The light traveled far and quickly. Then a shock wave passed through everything the light touched. 

The shockwave stimulated the air to create the sound of a lion’s roar. The roar spread far and wide rather harmlessly. But the shockwave that created the roar disintegrated everything it touched. Stone turned to dust and dust scattered into the wind. It was the agitated wind that formed the roar. Jarkon stood in the air like a shining statue while his divine ability destroyed everything around him in a sphere. 

Matter lost its structure as the bonds that held it together were broken through the liberation of energy. Solids turned to dust, liquids to steam, and gas into heated gas. A crater formed around him as the shockwave dug into the ground. For that brief moment, he was unstoppable. He was destruction incarnate capable of annihilating everything. Then the light on his body faded and the shockwave died down. 

Jarkon fell into the crater when he lost the levitation granted to him by his divine ability. He looked around for signs of Soverick. He was hoping he got the child of the plane or at least hurt him badly. He searched but he couldn’t find a body. It is a good sign but Jarkon held his happiness back for now.

Soverick was about to punch Jarkon when he activated his divine ability, the roar of justice. Soverick stopped and tried to retreat but the light reached him quickly. The golden light was not harmless. It is a spiritual attack meant to stun whoever it touches. The spiritual attack slammed into his mind. 

It felt like thousands of pins were jabbing into his consciousness. The pins broke when they struck the defense of his mind so he was able to retreat successfully before the shockwave reached him. A puny spiritual attack like that can’t affect him more than being a nuisance.

Soverick stood at the edge of the shockwave after escaping its range of effect. He watched it destroy everything. His eyes observed the event with interest and captured the mechanism of the divine ability.

“Deadly but slow.” He commented.

The light was meant to stun him so that the shockwave will be able to get him because the shockwave is slow. The shockwave is only moving at the speed of sound and all transcendents are faster than the speed of sound. It is deadly but it can be evaded. But if the transcendents are stunned by the light, then the shockwave will wreak havoc on their body. It might even destroy them completely.

“Time to get to work.”

The shockwave died down and he bolted forward like a blur. He entered the crater to reach his prey.  Sёarch* The Nôvel(F)ire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Not again.” Jarkon’s grumbled to himself. “I guess that failed.”

He was standing at the bottom of the crater looking for any sign of Soverick. Using his divine ability left him weak. So he was hoping that Soverick took a big hit from his attack. It will make the fight swing in his favor even by a little bit. He needs that little bit because his current weakness has reduced his chances of success even further. 

He didn’t see Soverick coming but his divine sense spotted the incoming threat. He roused his energy again and used his divine ability again. It is the only thing he has that can injure Soverick. Golden light bloomed around him again and it was followed by the shockwave. The shockwave created the signature roar of a lion. Except this time, instead of one roar, there were two roars. 

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