Chapter 88 The Era Of The Gods Must End.

Guntu excused himself from the forest after he couldn’t take the boredom anymore. He loves to tell stories but it just wasn’t the same with the annoying suppression he was feeling. It made everything feel wrong, even his beloved storytelling. He needed something more actively interesting to take his mind off the irritating suppression. So he called the sovereigns.

“Gather all the various heads of department. We will have a family talk.” He sounded like he cared about the workings of the family, but he was just hoping that something would come up to make him cause trouble. His order was transmitted quickly and the heads of department gathered in the council room. They were already prepared for an inspection. The talks and reports went on for a few hours before Guntu couldn’t take it anymore. He groaned due to the headache he was feeling. Transcendent don’t get sick but he was feeling worse than sick and these people were not helping with their talks of market trends and economic relevance.

‘They were actually talking about serious things and nothing fun.’ He thought to himself.

“Are you saying there is nothing interesting going on? Is everything really going well? Is there no place that needs violence?” He roared at them. His irritation was rising and he needed an outlet for release.

He glared at the 3 sovereigns when no one in the council answered him. He said to them. “This is all your fault for operating this city so well.”

The three sovereigns wanted to say, “Actually we had a lot less to do with the city, much less than what you think.” But they just remained mute. They had enjoyed the compliment earlier, it was time to suffer the consequence.

The supervisor of the department of Family Affairs had been quiet all along. He had been keeping a low presence because he was surrounded by a lot of stronger people. His department didn’t need a strong force like most of the other departments did. Departments like those for intelligence, security, diplomacy, and resource acquisition are larger and need a stronger combat force to run their operations. It is because of that, that these departments are headed by titans of laws. Thankfully all the natural force in the area was busy suppressing Guntu or so many titans in one place would have suffocated him. He felt like a shrimp among sharks. So he had to summon a lot of courage for him to call attention to himself.

He raised his hand above his head slightly. He wanted the upper echelon to know about soverick. What better opportunity is there than when every department head is gathered? An origin god is also here so he felt he must go through with it and report the information he had about soverick. He was also thinking about how to ensure his safety afterward. Mihila is sure to come for him if his actions lead to any negative consequences for her son.

“Be quick. What do you have to say?” Guntu asked immediately. Everything was just irritating him, especially the fact that everyone else is moving in slow motion from his perspective. They moved like snails.

The supervisor started. “I came across an anomaly during the last life evaluation. A child came to…”

“Give me the important part. I don’t want the rest.” Guntu interrupted.

“Okay great ancestor. The child has 9 god-level talents.”

The information could have caused an uproar if the heads of the department were someplace else, but they could only bottle up their shock. No one dared to cause a ruckus in the presence of an easily irritable origin god.

Guntu was immediately interested. “Is that so? Who is this child?”

“He is the son of a Ghoto and Mihila.” The supervisor answered with trepidation. The gaze of the origin god numbed his mind, he felt like a dazed animal before an oncoming vehicle.

“Is that so?” Guntu grinned. “Wasn’t it only recently that I was listening to the report of this mutant? No wonder he spent that much time in the womb. This is some juicy matter.” He thought inwardly. Guntu could see the beginnings of an epic story. He wanted to see how it would end. Would soverick be able to achieve eternity? Would soverick even be able to become a titan? Is his immense talent a boon or a shackle? He wanted to know. He had to know. Too bad that it was a future matter. He had a more pressing matter to deal with.

“That is truly interesting. But it won’t do for now.” Guntu praised the supervisor before he turned his attention back to the other heads of department. “I don’t have to say this but nothing untoward must happen to this child. The ancestors have plans for him.” He warned with a steely voice.

The matter of the mutant had been kept secret from most of the people here. Even though the report alleviated his boredom a little, he also recognized that it placed the child in danger.

“I don’t expect you to cuddle him or be biased toward him, the child has to face some difficulties if he is to grow stronger. But I want him to be monitored and protected from spies and saboteurs. Is that understood?”

“Yes, great ancestor.” They all echoed.

“Good. Any other interesting titbit?” Guntu asked. Sёarch* The NôvelFire(.)net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘Just say you’re looking for tantalizing gossip.’ One of the sovereigns thought to himself.

No one answered again.

He grunted and said. “Fine, I’ll find something to do.”

‘What to do that’s fun? Fun and big. I’m not a child anymore. If I do something, then it has to match my status as an origin god. I want to let loose and destroy something. It also has to be something that won’t cause me a lot of trouble but it has to have a large impact. It should be an event that will gather attention, and yet, won’t get me in trouble with the racial council. Fighting is good but who will fight me? Who can I even fight in the plane?’ Guntu thought for a while before his eyes lit up. He had an idea that met all his criteria. It was so good he could barely wait.

“How about this? I’ll lead the charge to get rid of the pests that plague our dear home plane. How grand, how epic.” He rose from his seat as he soliloquize. He could practically see the story narrating itself.

“Inform the race council. Gather all the origin gods and sovereigns available. It is time to purge the divine from the great plane of Virut. No more will we suffer their presence in our home. We shall eradicate them and usher in an era of peace and progress for our people.”

“What?” This time the heads of department caused a ruckus. They were too stunned to care. This was a war summons. A war summons because you don’t have something to do?

“You heard me. Do I need to repeat myself? We will suffer the existence of gods no more. I shall usher the end of the era of gods and repair our dear home plane. This is what a hero like me ought to do.” He liked the way it sounded, so he said it again.

“Yes, great ancestor.” They clamored.

“I will head to the headquarters of the divine alliance for a quick reconnaissance. I’ll lay down my life to acquire information for our operation. With mother high heaven’s blessing, I will be back with good tidings.” Guntu’s voice peaked before he disappeared. It is clear that he is going to find trouble and have some fun regardless of the approval of the war summons.

Everyone dispersed to prepare for the incoming war. A war meant to entertain an origin god.

“What a day. What a monumental day.” The supervisor was reeling in shock. One moment they were talking about soverick and the next they were going to wipe out the gods in the plane. It was a rollercoaster, one that will be noted down in the history of the plane if the racial council agrees with it. Even if they don’t agree with it, Guntu had already gone ahead to cause trouble and destruction. It will still be noted down.

Little did they know that Soverick and the Start of the war are linked more than can be expected from a small boy just a little over a year old. Soverick spooked Hadrick. Hadrick called for backup. Guntu was around so he was called. Guntu came but he was bored. Guntu found something to cure his boredom. The end of the era of gods began. Guntu is truly the eye of destruction. Destruction was always accompanying him wherever he went.

The war summons to besiege the gods was sent out with multiple appeals prepared in case it was rejected. The Ghastorix family seemed ready to battle and they were not going to take no for an answer. The era of the gods must end.

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