Chapter 1399 Revisiting The Eastern District
The eastern district used to be called the crime capital of the city, a dumping ground for all its ‘unwanted’ trash.
Gangs, gambling dens, opium houses, illegal prostitution, racketeering, exhortions… if you could name the vice, the distinct had you covered.
However much of the old legacy had been brutally erased under the iron boot of Alexander’s reign. Most of the gang members were killed or captured following a few bloody raids- executed in public to the thrill of the masses or sent to the mines to work until their bones gave out, while their shoddy wooden lairs and dank and dark alleyways were replaced with widened streets and fresh, new multi storied stone and wooden buildings.
Of course usually such a huge displacement would draw the ire of many rats and unsavory characters, but due to the surrounding circumstances back then, Alexander was given a short yet very unique opportunity.
The city had been torn to shreds by war, many of its leaders were not present, and Alexander had with him a huge army.
So with him providing food, money, and even promising free housing, the people were more than willing to look over much of the collateral damage such raids caused.
The newly built houses in this part were first given to the soldiers’ and officers’ families, and the rest to the common people.
And with the garrison’s presence, the old elements found it hard to germinate here effectively.
Thus as Alexander toured the place, he found the place to be born anew.
Judging by the color of the clothes the people were wearing and the quality of the products some of the surrounding shops were selling, it was clear this part of the city was doing much better than their northern counterparts.
As such, Alexander saw a small local market selling all types of general groceries, surrounded by a host of utilitarian shops like barbers, shoe polishers, tailors, and dyers to name only a few.
He was even occasionally greeted by the thick, heavy aroma of baked bread and pies, filled with meat, fish, and thickly chopped vegetables.
The only caveat was despite its ‘advanced’ status, Alexander still found this part of the city was still a bit below its affluent western counterpart.
If the western part of the city was meant for the upper middle class or even the affluent rich, and the northern part of the city was meant for the poor and lower class, then the eastern and southern parts were meant for all those in between- farmers, various small and medium sized shopkeepers, soldiers, free men, ‘working’ women, etc.
Basically people who were not quite poor, but still climbing that social ladder- with low social sophistication.
And this clearly revealed themselves in the form a train of less than pleasant odors that occasionally assaulted Alexander while he was touring the place.
The aqueducts and sewer systems were yet inadequate in these areas and the people were not self conscious enough to not dump trash right into the streets despite the fines it would incur.
Alexander had decreed a law that stated ‘Any trash found in front of a man’s house was to be fined half a day of his wages’.
However consulting about this to a local magistrate who was currently accompanying Alexander as his tour guide for the place, the pasha found that implementing this law had apparently proved much harder than expected.
“My lord, these scoundrels think of all types of creative ways to dodge our hands. The most common is blaming the jealous neighbor for dumping their trash on their doorstep. The people living in the lower parts especially like to do this, constantly pointing their fingers upwards!”
“Sometimes, they will also pretend not to be in the house when we come.”
“And even if we get lucky and somehow catch them in the act, they will come up with all sorts of excuses to dodge the fine. Sickness, out of work, or even outright lie about their wages *pant*, *pant*!”
As the rather large, rotund, and not physically as fit magistrate retold of his difficulties, all the suppressed anger and indignation that had been growing inside his heart finally came bursting forward, causing him to let out such, heaving breaths.
His name was Cyrus, and he had been tasked by Alexander to lead a small team of magistrates that oversaw the order of this part of the city.
Hence for him to fail right in front of his boss just like that- it very much angered and ashamed the man.
Especially after the great favor Alexander had for him.
You see this young man of around mid twenties was a pseudo noble, being the illegitimate child born of an unknown courtesan to one of the very small families of Zanzan
Now, in Adhania the ‘illegitimate’ status among nobles was a very, very rare occurrence, courtesy of the prevalence of the miracle drug.
Children born of concubines and mistresses were not given such a title- they were considered sons and daughters just as legitimate as those borne by the wives, except for the main wife.
So only children born of ‘unexpected’ births were called illegitimate.
And given how Adhanian strictly nobles tended to regulate their bloodlines, it could easily be imagined how this was enough to raise an enormous flag for Cyrus.
In fact, knowing about this, Cyrus’s mother had to hide him from the moment she confirmed her conception. And somehow, by great luck and some gross oversight by that family, she indeed managed to give birth.
Even more luckily, she managed to prove the child was definitely theirs, by showing that the boy had a tell tale birthmark on his right thigh just as his father, something the courteasn had been prudent enough to take note off during her ‘service’.
And presented with such proofs out in the public, that noble family had little recourse other than to take the boy in, if for nothing but to save their own face.
Cyrus’s birth was definitely considered a shameful affair for them, especially as they became the butt of almost every surrounding noble’s joke, incessantly mocking the family lord’s inability to control his seed.
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But despite such a harsh reaction, initially, the family actually treated the boy quite well.
He was their blood after all.
Things only started to change when Cyrus reached childhood and started his sword training.
They found the man to be an absolute coward! He could not even hold his sword straight.
This was not an exaggeration.
Alexander once actually tested this. The grown twenty odd year old man really could not even hold the hilt straight and would start to shiver like his legs had become jello the moment he was told to face an opponent.
This was disastrous for Cyrus because his family was a very militaristic one, with his father virtually embodying all its values.
In fact, that was one of the reasons he was treated so well despite his status- his father was very honorable.
But now, the same father who had allowed him to become so plump and pampered began to disdain him to near the point of loathing.
This gossip originally reached Alexander via Cambyses, who had picked it up while meeting some of the noble ladies.
And then he managed to swoop in the neck of time to save the boy from being disowned and thrown out into the streets, negotiating with the father and employing him as one of the magistrates.
That is why Cyrus was also so grateful to Alexander, and why he felt so bad letting him down, mumbling in a bitter voice,
“We first used to beat them to stop! But that quickly became ineffective. People would rather get a beating than pay a fine or stop throwing trash.”
“Then we started to throw them in lock ups, but there were too many. And now my lord… I am ashamed to say we simply ask them not to litter, and plead the rubbish carts and street sweepers to pick up the thrown rubbish!”
As Cyrus said this, his head heavily dropped downward, a blush painting his fatty overlapping cheeks.
‘Hmmmm, this is a problem!’ While hearing the unique situation, Alexander half lampooned, moaning, ‘As they say, the devil is in the details’.
Then turning to the large man, he replied while slowly shaking his head,
“No, it’s alright. You did your best. I can see now that the law itself has multiple loopholes. I will make an amendment so that the entire building is fined if trash is found in their footsteps. That will stop nine tenths of all the shenanigans.”
“In the meantime, continue to try your level best. Employ more rubbish collecting carts and sweepers if you need. I will add another 10,000 ropals per month to your budget!”
The promise got a huge smile and a series of profuse thanks from the man.
Alexander continued his tour following his brief interlude and found that in some place, subtle hints of the past still remained, like a lingering shadow under the glimmering renovations.
Such as alongside the numerous houses, the streets were filled with many small inns, hostels, restaurants and bars, providing food, drinks and lodging for the people after a long day’s work.
In fact, this part of the city hosted the largest number of such establisements.
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