Chapter 750 Lapitus and Petrino (Part-3)
Chapter 750 Lapitus and Petrino (Part-3)
The things Petrino seemed to claim about Lady Felicia seemed to make no sense to Lapitus.
“What do you mean you bought those things for her? Everything she got was from father-in-law!”
Lapitus seemed to loudly correct Petrino.
“Heh!” But this only produced a mocking scoff from the other side.
“Father! Father never ever bothered to look at that stray bitch. And why would he? Every time he looked at her, it only reminded him of his shame!”
Petrino clearly understood Lord Ponticus much more than Lapitus, as he then continued with that twisted smile.
“After Felicia’s planned marriage with that noble was annulled, father wanted to simply kick her out of the mansion.”
“And realizing this, she came to me.”
“Spread her legs like a whore, begging me to let her stay.”
“And I found her pussy to be nice and tight, So I let her. Got her to be my wife’s handmaid. That way I could fill her whenever I wanted, haha.” Petrino appeared to take a twisted joy in retelling his story, making sure to use especially vulgar words to describe Lady Felicia in order to anger Lapitus.
While hearing this Lapitus’s eyes became frostier and frostier.
He did not know what to believe.
On one hand, his heart told him that the Felicia he knew would never do such a thing.
On the other, Petrino was able to provide details he should have no business knowing.
While Lapitus was struggling in this typhoon of confusion, Petrino continued,
“And that rape you were accusing me of, do you want to know what really happened?” His tone by now was more baiting than taunting, eyes swimming with mischief and malice, as then without waiting for Lapitus he revealed,
“It was all planned! I did it to humiliate you!”
“I ordered that maid to spike your drink and let you rape her.”
“And I intentionally let everyone discover me and Felicia.”
“So that everyone would know I fucked your wife. So that you will never be able to raise your head in front of me! Hahahaha,” At this point Petrino let out another mad cackle,
“And do you want to know the best part? I actually got her pregnant! Hahaha, yes that daughter of yours is actually mine, hahahaha. Cuck! What a cuck! hehehe!”
By now Petrino’s hoarse laughs sounded like that of a half deranged lunatic.
But as Petrino revealed this, supremely happy about himself, he failed to notice that Lapitus’s eyes had gone through a subtle change.
No longer was it like the icy cold depths of the abyss.
But there appeared to be a tiny spark in them.
Like he had found salvation in the midst of pitch black darkness.
So instead of swinging his sword with fury and prejudice, Lapitus only asked in a low, spooky tone, “You said that everything she got was given by you? That master never gave her anything.”
“Then tell me, what was the last thing that you gave her?”
Lapitus seemed to have found a small flaw in Petrino’s rhetoric.
But oblivious to the subtle changes in his opponent’s tone, Petrino very confidently revealed,
“Of course, it was that perfume. I forgot its name, but it smelled of lilac.”
Lapitus knew the fragrance he was talking out.
He had smelled it on Lady Felicia the day she had left, and she claimed to have gotten it from her father.
But that was not the very last thing Lady Felicia had shown him claiming to have been gifted by her father.
“Wrong! It was a type of food. Say it! If you can?!”
So Lapitus again urged Petrino, even giving him a hint.
“Wha… that…. Argghhh!”
But Petrino was unable to remember.
Lady Felicia was not his only mistress, the number being close to a dozen.
So Petrino was not able to accurately remember what present he had given to whom and exactly when.
A task especially made difficult given he was heavily drunk and every time he tried to think, he was battered by an unbearable stinking pain in his head.
And to make matters further worse for him, he did embellish the truth here about gifting everything to Lady Felicia by himself.
Whereas the real thing was, Lord Ponticus did also occasionally gift Lady Felicia some things.
Not necessarily because his heart was awash with love for his daughter.
But more so because he was a man who very much prided himself in his image and maintained it.
So if Lady Felicia were to appear too shabby in public, it would directly put mud on him and his family.
Hence he made sure to gift her the bare necessities required to maintain her image as part of his prestigious family.
Also if one thought about it, if Lady Felicia were to claim all the gifts she received were from her father when it was all from Petrino, that would be a very foolish move.
Because Lapitus met with the city lord every day.
And it would have been very natural to bring up the topic of the gift during the many small talks he would inevitably have like Lapitus thanking Lord Ponticus for his generosity.
But if the latter were to then act like he had no idea what he was talking about, it would easily expose Lady Felicia.
So in reality, Lady Felicia did take things from Petrino.
But she also received some things from her father.
And she would always cleverly bundle the two things together so that unless Lapitus went really in depth about the gifts with Lord Ponticus, she would remain safe.
And as a happy happenstance, Lapitus tended to be a bit shy about discussing the gifts Lady Felicia received from Lord Ponticus.
Though he tried to hide it, he understood that he could afford his wife’s expensive tastes, and knew this was his master’s way of helping them.
So he usually stayed silent regarding these, instead showing his appreciation through hard work and dedication to Lord Ponticus.
Something that very much impressed Lord Ponticus, especially because he did not know why Lapitus was working so hard.
After all, in his mind, the gifts he gave them did not merit such toiling.
As Lapitus started to connect some of the dots together, in order to form a complete picture, he found that he needed Petrino to answer this one last question.
“What was it? It was a type of wine! Say it!”
The answer to what was the last thing Lady Felicia had shown him was of course the sweet wine, that sweet wine that he used to kill Kalidus.
And seeing Petrino struggle to give an answer, Lapitus further helped the man with a clue.
If the man could truly answer it, Lapitus would be almost certain he was telling the truth.
‘Ughhh… mmmm,”
But Petrino was ultimately unable to answer.
“I knew it! Everything you said was a lie!”
And this simple failure suddenly caused Lapitus to completely flip back on his thoughts, as he clenched his teeth and declared in a malice filled voice.
“I will admit I was almost hoodwinked by you. Good, Petrino, good. I never thought you were such a talented storyteller. I must applaud you. Almost everything you said almost made sense.”
By now Lapitus’s eyes seemed to have regained their previous luster, now burning with flames of anger,
“But only almost! You should have quit while you were ahead.” He solemnly declared.
While Petrino, seeing this sudden change in his opponent was completely caught off guard.
He did not know where he messed up.
Because to him, he had spoken mostly the truth.
So Lapitus helped him in, “You should have never claimed that Fabiyana was yours. Because more than a month before you violated her, Felicia had already informed me she was pregnant!”
“I also clearly remember Fabiyana was born eight months after that incident. Not nine!”
What more evidence would one need than this?
“Wha..t? But she… she promised me… she…” And this truly was news to Petrino.
Up until this point, he had firmly believed Fabiyana to be his.
That was also one of the reasons why he favored Lady Felicia so much.
“Heh!” And seeing his enemy revert back to his cowardly self, Lapitus produced a similar taunt as Petrino had done so many times before, before bringing himself closer to Petrino and in a voice resembling that of a vengeful ghost’s saying,
“And let me tell you one more thing! When Felicia was seven months pregnant, we got a doctor to see her.”
“And after examining her, he said something truly frightening.”
“He said that that she showed signs of being poisoned! And there was a high possibility that she could have a miscarriage.”
“And guess where that poison was from? It was from that incense gifted to her when you and your wife came to visit us!”
“That poisonous bitch! She must have thought you made Felicia pregnant after what you did.”
“And just because of that, she tried to kill my child!”
“You two really make a good couple!”
As Lapitus finished saying this, without giving Petrino to say anything and ignoring all his hysterical screams, he raised his blade high into the air and,
*Slash* Petrino was cleanly decapitated with a single swing.
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