Chapter 824: Night Curtain Slashing Sword
Chapter 824: Night Curtain Slashing Sword
The Tangible Piezo Slip slammed into Brangara and influenced him, causing his eyes to droop in response. In accordance to the effects, Barla and Resha stopped their attacks for a second, waiting for the Tangible Piezo Slip to take effect.
If they were to attack in the meantime, Brangara would be riled up, causing the Tangible Piezo Slip’s effect to be nullified. A second’s wait later, they got their chance as the Celestial Boar’s eyelids closed shut.
“Now!” Resha grunted and activated all three Natures, condensing rings of bone that had a fluidic nature to it. They quickly wrapped around the joints of the Celestial Boar-arm sockets, pelvic bone, and neck.
As he grunted, they spun rapidly, following which they grew incredibly heavy. Simultaneously, Resha condensed a massive hammer, with its face spiked to concentrate all the force of impact onto a point. He raised the hammer into the sky, its shaft alone reaching a kilometre in length and then brought it upon the ring sawing into the Celestial Boar’s neck.
Right as it has sawed slightly into the neck, the hammer struck it, using the force to lop the head off. Followed by a spin, Resha struck the ring sawing into the Celestial Boar’s right arm next, and then the left arm.
But by the time he could target the legs, the Celestial Boar had woken up, forcefully done so by the Tangible Natures in its Astral World. And the moment it was awake, its Prana worked in full swing and regenerated both the head and the lopped arms.
“Cough!” Inala coughed out blood as his throat had exploded from using the Tangible Piezo Slip once again.
12,810 units!
That was the amount of Prana Inala had to concentrate in his throat to unleash a Tangible Piezo Slip that could influence the Celestial Boar. It had to overcome the innate resistance of the Celestial Boar’s Prana, the influence of Astral World, and all the presence and Prana of the Tangible Natures part of the Astral World.
After unleashing the first Tangible Piezo Slip, Inala didn’t have enough time to regenerate the damage sustained by his throat. Instead, he had begin gathering Prana into his throat forcefully.
Of course, the Prana being pumped through the blood flowing into his throat wasn’t enough to gather such a ginormous sum in a second. As a result, Inala had to extract a spark from a Bolt of Transcendence, revert it into his Prana form, and forcefully disperse it in his throat, severely straining and damaging it as a result.
That was why, the moment he unleashed it a second time, his throat exploded.
‘Quick! Do it again!’ His figure appeared right onto the back of Resha who was in a state of flight, charging up another attack by switching his damaged body to a pristine one. Even with his regeneration speed as a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast, he didn’t have enough time to wait to heal his injuries.
He had to be on his toes, alert, for the moment he goes down, the rest of the Mystic Seven would fall like leaves in the autumn season. Having assumed his Royal Zinger form, Inala shadowed Resha who mirrored the form, hiding behind the latter.
“I’ll hold him back this time!” Resha roared as bone fluidly rushed into the Celestial Boar’s absolute domain.
State of Harmony-Astral Puncture!
An orb remained in Barla’s stomach, constantly replenishing her Prana. And the moment she had recovered enough, she punched forth with all her might, opening another path through the absolute domain and pierced through the stomach.
The corkscrew created by Astral Puncture gushed out from the Celestial Boar’s back, forming a massive hole in the stomach. However, clearly hovering within the hole, not even scratched from the attack was the stomach organ.
The residual effects of Astral Puncture slammed into it but didn’t even scratch it. Right as she had opened up a path, a beam of light slammed into Astral World, unleashed by Boul Brimgan from far away, through his Deity Fusion state.
It slammed into Astral World from the back, intending to send it flying out of the confines of the Celestial Boar’s body.
External Inertial Gravity-Gravity Funnel!
Resha grunted as he unleashed the Prime Skill of Gravity Funnel through External Inertial Gravity, targeting the Astral World from the front. Barla’s Astral Puncture failed to damage Astral World, but had shaved through the surrounding muscles.
Now that it was free, as long as Resha could pull it outside the Celestial Boar’s body with the help of Boul Brimgan, they’ll buy enough time. Without the Celestial Boar’s body to act as a defence, Astral World would be in a momentary state of vulnerability, during which Inala could target it using Royal Split.
“Keuk!” Blood gushed out of his body like a geyser as Resha forcefully used Internal Inertial Gravity to force all the Prana in his Spirit Container to explode out into the Gravity Funnel. ‘It’s damn heavy!’
Too many Pranic Beasts lived in the Astral World, especially the Empyrean Snappers. Though they were Tangible Nature, they had the same weight as when they were alive. And depending on their cultivation in the Life Stage, they had an equivalent number of bodies.
All of these bodies had a mass, which was overall borne by the Astral World. Moreover, Astral World was pretty much a world, with terrain, trees, climate, etc. creating the environmental conditions necessary for all its Tangible Natures to live a comfortable life. Depending on the necessity of the Tangible Natures, the size of the Astral World varied.
There were 33 Tangible Nature Empyrean Snappers, plus a Major Treasure variant of the same. Just the back of an Empyrean Snapper occupied an area of 16 square kilometres. There were 34 of them in total.
So at the centre of the Astral World was a massive ocean where the Tangible Nature Empyrean Snappers could live comfortably. Comfortably was the key here. It meant there was enough space between each Empyrean Snapper for their 10-kilometre-long necks to move around freely without feeling claustrophobic.
But even Empyrean Snappers lived their lives behaving like islands. The biggest problem-for Resha-stemmed from the seven Tangible Nature Empyrean tusks and its Major Treasure
Empyrean Tusks were nomadic in nature. So, the Astral World had to be large enough to accommodate such a lifestyle, which resulted in its size to exceed the Dralh Sea in terms of area. That was how massive it had become.
And there were nine of them, stacking their overall mass into one ginormous entity. Now, Resha had to pull out the entirety of that weight, which was why he was struggling to budge it. “It’s not enough!”
‘Do I unleash it prematurely?’ Resha thought as he gathered Prana into his heart when Inala patted his shoulder hard, nudging him otherwise.
[Do it only once Brangara starts to recover his mind. I’m afraid it’ll happen soon. So, follow the plan. If you reveal it prematurely, most of our schemes will collapse.]
‘Fine!’ Hearing Inala’s thoughts echo in his mindspace, having been transmitted through a Tangible Piezo Slip, Resha kept up his Gravity Funnel.
The path opened by Barla was maintained as strings of Prana covered its edges, created by Inala. They were rapidly absorbing the Prana forming the absolute state of Subtle Terrain Domination, trying to keep the path open for as long as possible.
A reddish force of psychokinesis slammed into the back of Astral Chart, perfectly outlining
Boul Brimgan’s beam. It was Virala unleashing his strongest force through his Tratham armour. Once it slammed, Astral World began to budge, about to move out of the Celestial
Boar’s body.
“Argh!” Barla roared as her body thinned rapidly. She was combusting most of her body mass to generate enough Prana and unleashed another Astral Puncture. It slammed into Astral World with force, finally slamming it out of the Celestial Boar’s body.
“Now, Inala!” Resha roared as he shot a projectile at Astral World. It was a piece of bone with
the power of External Inertial Gravity that assumed a state of flight. Inala’s figure appeared
beside it right as it approached Astral World that had been moved over a kilometre from the Celestial Boar by now.
Every moment mattered, so Inala couldn’t waste the time by flying to his destination, which was why Resha blasted a projectile at his fastest speed, allowing Inala to appear next to the destination instantly.
He stretched his hand and reached for the Astral World, preparing the ability of Royal Split. However, right as his outstretched Royal Zinger palm was about to make contact, the region in the shape of a sphere, with a radius of 18 kilometres turned jet-black.
‘Yarsha!’ Inala roared mentally as he was blinded. His Prana detection means too failed
momentarily. And by the time he could activate his prepared method to navigate the Sandy- Grey Void, the Astral World was somehow moved from its position. All his outstretched palm
grasped was empty air.
State of Unity-Unlimited Predator!
A powerful ability enveloped him, rapidly beginning to digest him. Unwilling to feed himself
to the other party’s ability, Inala vanished and arrived next to Resha in his human form, communicating with the latter using an Information Slip. He couldn’t use a Tangible Piezo Slip since sound and light was nullified in the Sandy-Grey Void.
[Yarsha managed to return somehow. Her version lacks the strength as compared to our records, but she’s the one who unleashed Unlimited Predator now.]
[Just how much of Brangara’s power does she have stored in her?” Resha grunted as he turned himself weightless and used External Inertial Gravity to propel himself away. He used the mark of gravity left on Barla to approach her, following which the two of them broke out of
Unlimited Predator.
“Thankfully, she doesn’t have enough to consume us fully.” Resha grunted upon seeing that a
portion of his body had been consumed in the short timeframe they took to cross a distance of 18 kilometres and break free of Unlimited Predator.
He then focused on the beam of light unleashed by Boul Brimgan and Virala. Virala’s power
lost most of its effect as it was a light-based attack. And light was devoured in the Sandy-Grey
Boul Brimgan’s attack was purely energy-based. It was just destructive Prana imbued with volatile psychokinesis at the atomic level. This way, the beam was composed of packets of energy that tried to interact with the target at the atomic level and move each individually, which destroyed the structure at the macroscopic level.
“Why…is my mother being so foolish?” Barla grunted in extreme annoyance. By this point, she had been mentally driven by hatred to such an extent she could no longer recognise Brangara as her father, even if by a factual basis, she could perceive him as her father.
Logically, there was only hatred between the two. Even if Virala were to appear before the current her, she wouldn’t bat an eye. While he trained her hatred, he managed to shit every ounce of her hatred towards him onto Brangara.
And for such a person, Yarsha Zahara had a non-brainwashed identity. Therefore, the fact that Yarsha Zahara protected Brangara despite everything pissed her off.
[what now, Inala? Do we wait?]
Followed by a golden flash, a Kinesis Feline arrived next to Inala and expressed worry. An
instant later, it seethed in anger as Boul Brimgan was finding it hard to control himself.
Yarsha Zahara was using Harla Brimgan’s Minor Treasures to increase the range of Maroppa’s Secondary Nature to 18 kilometres. She had simply erected a temporary Sandy-Grey Void instantaneously.
And as it was a temporary construct, the methods the Mystic Seven had in regards to dealing
with an actual Sand-Grey Void were useless. The fact that Yarsha Zahar had achieved this through his mother’s Minor Treasures incensed Boul Brimgan.
“Make way, let it take care of that.” Inala said and snapped his finger, following which the Major Treasure of Armoury rushed into the temporary Sandy-Grey Void. A couple seconds later, Inala vanished and returned after a whole ten seconds later, holding a Spirit Weapon in the shape of a nail.
Secondary Nature-Perfect Biome Domination!
He transformed it into a sword that was over a kilometre long and gave it to Resha, “Armoury
created this using the temporary Sandy-Grey Void as a mineral. It won’t last for more than a few seconds. So, use it,”
“And slash through her hiding spot. She’s biding time for Brangara’s recovery. Don’t allow
her to succeed.”
Empyrean 100-Royal Zinger!
“Alright!” The sword flew in the air through External Inertial Gravity as Resha grabbed it in
his Royal Zinger form, rapidly increased its density and swung it downward, cracking open
the temporary Sandy-Grey Void like it was a mere egg.
His sword continued downward, towards the figure of Brangara standing in the centre, his
face stricken with tears as he held Yarsha Zahara dear to him in human form. His eyes had
regained some semblance of clarity as he glared at the incoming sword, “You guys are unreal.”
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