Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3540 Convergence! IV

Chapter 3540  Convergence! IV

Myriad Megalos Variations and Transformations.

Noah looked at all the possible variations as each one held its own wonders and intricacies!

He stared at all the possible transformations while his weavings buzzed.

[The Myriad Megalos Variation and Transformation of Quintessence. Contains the variation of the choice of Quintessence being taken to the 81st Severing instead of the Megalos.]

[The Myriad Megalos Variation and Transformation of Runes. Contains the variation of the choice of Runes being taken to the 81st Severing instead of the Megalos.]

[The Myriad Megalos Variation and Transformation of the Rune of Amarantos. Contains the variation of the choice of the Rune of Amarantos being taken to the 81st Severing instead of the Megalos.]

[The Myriad Megalos Variation and Transformation of Cheats. Contains the variation of the choice of Cheats being taken to the 81st Severing instead of the Megalos.]

Multiple variations.

Multiple transformations!

And each one was there for him to choose as he stared at the bodies of himself with different colored glows and complexity.

He did not hurry as initially, he already had a sequence in mind of what he wanted to do.

Of what could be next after the Megalos.

He floated at the different versions of himself before soon after, he came to stand in front of another body of his that held a devilish smile.

Around it, wondrous glows of colors surrounded everything as they seemed particularly overpowering!

He reached out instinctively and placed his hand behind the head of this body of his, bringing his own head forward as their foreheads came in contact.


Incandescent multicolored light shone between them, and all around, the many bodies of Variations and Transformations turned into streaks of light that converged onto the one that was chosen, every single one disappearing!

And thereafter, even the one chosen…turned into the brilliance that surged into Noah's body.

|A Myriad Megalos Variation and Transformation has been chosen.|

A prompt came.

And horrifically.



A Myriad Megalos Variation and Transformation that would take another part of Noah to the Final Severed State bloomed within him!

Far from the Megalos of Beyond and Ynnere that were spilling into each other.

In the Palaces of the Wheelomachy within the Expanse.

Sounds of clashing complexities and utterly majestic eruptions of weavings boomed out all around, with control of the Wheelomachy being in line as those standing with Faceless Lifeforms and those not affected or recruited into this cause went head to head.

The fate of far too many things were on the line for this!

This…was the War for the Wheelomachy as with weavings crossing frequencies, it would span out across the Spokes of the Wheel.

"Come on!"


Within one utterly decimated Palace of the Wheelomachy.

Flaming blue strings covered everything as bisected bodies of Faceless Lifeforms lay burning amidst white gold flames, the Greater Source Entity that was Mysara facing the last remaining Greater Source Faceless Lifeform whose body had become a massive dark flaming tower!

Millions of blue flaming strings had wrapped around this tower and continued to constrict, black flames surging out from it as weavings of time, reality, and everything else seemed to be distorting and falling apart around it.

Space decayed and died down as naturally, other weavings should do so as well!

And yet…

The blue flames flickered with stability.

As if their dependence was something far greater.

"You really tried to decay flames that have their Source stemming from the Wheel itself?! Begone!"

The blue flames…instantly became half gold as the intensity was knocked up another octave.

The many strings wrapping around the dark tower constricted as they cut through, a black veil instantly being torn as a defiant cry boomed out from within!

The limbs of the Greater Source Complexity Faceless Lifeform were cut as black mass spilled out from it.

Black mass that combusted into heavy flames right after, trillions of source runes filling white gold flames and burning all around as this area seemed like a crematorium!

The dazzlingly gorgeous woman clad in blue radiance floated at the center of all of this as she calmed her Source while looking around.

She saw dazzling singularities- Purified Source Pearls that were floating above the bodies of the many Faceless Lifeforms she faced as she waved her hands over, invisible strings pulling on the over 20-something Pearls and bringing them to her as she breathed in when they arrived.

"Good stuff…"

Her eyes were bright as she sensed pure weavings of a Source within them, and she began popping them in her mouth like candy as she looked around this decimated area of space.

Where the black tower used to be…the decay of existence seemed too extensive and irreversible as there was only a grayish black space that seemed void of anything.

Time did not flow there.

Reality and weavings did not exist there.

"If left unchecked, will you all turn all the Megalos and Expanse into these dead zones?"

Mysara asked heavily before she shook her head and shot out into the distance.

She was looking for something as she hoped she would not be too late.

The embers of the Flames that showed the scenes of Bob being surrounded.

These embers pulled at her as such a level of power and purity was something she had not expected to see here!

She followed them.

She sought their source as due to the same type of flames burning within her depths, tracking them was relatively easier!

And after some time, she crossed multiple battles within Palaces until she finally came across…


She called out as she materialized above a juncture between Palaces where between the Flames, a Disciple of Bob observed as Faceless Lifeforms and a Watcher battled two Watchers and their Disciples!

Tam of the Singed turned at his weavings being called by a familiar source. When he looked up, he saw Mysara.

A Greater Source Entity!

She appeared beside him with a sense of confusion in her eyes as she spoke.

"Your weavings of the Singed…have changed. They have become purer…who aided you in this? Who is responsible for these undeniable Embers that nobody has claimed responsibility for among the Singed?"



Tam of the Singed felt the pristine weavings of the Singed from this powerful Watcher he never realized was a Singed before as if it were the past, he may have looked up towards her reverentially.

But he had seen the flames of the one that Reconstructed him.

He had seen who he believed to be the Origin Singed!

So he looked towards the Greater Source Complexity entity before him and replied with only a cordial sense of respect for another follower of the flow of the Wheel.

"I shall reach out to him and let him know of your interest. If he wishes- if the flow of the Wheel is for a meeting to occur, I will be your facilitator, O Watcher Mysara."


His reply was a calm one.

Yet his reply astonished Mysara as she knew very well the rankings between Singed that would be felt the moment one displayed them!

Those lower in purity and power always listened and followed the lead of those above them.

For Tam to still give her respect and yet not even reveal the identity of the one behind him…did he see him as someone with much greater purity and weavings than even her, a Greater Source Complexity?!

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