Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3542 Convergence! VI

Chapter 3542  Convergence! VI

A secret the Founders of the Commonwealth kept veiled until today.

And now, it fell in the hands of Old Man Eudemus as he received weavings of information of a certain location within these Megalos!

His eyes were hazy as his whole life, he had been looking for a solution.

A solution to a problem of three parts.

The Three Body Problem! At this moment, in the depths of desolation and loss, he wondered if he went to that place…would it have the answer that he sought?

He sat in contemplation for some time. And moments after he received the weavings of a certain location, Old Man Eudemus set off alone from the Omniverse of the Protectors.

He did not know that on the other side of the Megalos, a man had raised his fist and brought down an insurmountable veil that had been filled with countless threads of white gold flames!

He did not know that a possible variation of an answer to a question he was seeking the answers to may have actually appeared in a distant place.

His eyes were set elsewhere as he went to what he knew to be…the Heart of the Megalos.

On the other side of the Megalos where at this moment, a deluge of Matter and Dark Matter mixed in all at once. In the center of all of this, the figure of Ozymandias looked at the cluster of remaining Source Complexity entities.

Every single one of them was burning with Embers of his True Severed Singed Flame of Existence as this alone was not enough to entirely wipe out even a Lesser Source Entity.

The utilization of the Tzar Versepiercer made many more things possible as its impact could disrupt the weavings of the Source enough to heavily increase the damage.

But even then, he could not instantly kill even Lesser Sources.

His perspective when it came to defeating enemies was being capable of killing them in a few moves, as this would mean a domination of complexity and a one-sided beating.

He did not like fights that dragged out for even longer than a few seconds as that would mean that the difference in complexity was too big and that he was simply wasting his time there.

After a few more minutes, or even a few more hours, or at most a day or 2 passed…his complexity would have likely risen enough for him to not need to spend even a second on the enemies that he could not defeat before!

And such a thing was exactly what happened at this moment as the Map of the Megalos Ynnere was gradually changing.

It was expanding as with the fracture of the veil between Matter and Dark Matter matter, what was known to be Megalos Beyond was gradually becoming part and mixing with Megalos Ynnere.

So the map was becoming singular in nature as at this moment, the names of the Source Complexity entities from the Palaces of the Expanse became clear. They were red to indicate greater complexity, but at this time…the spread color gradually faded away and turned into an orange brilliance.


An indication of similarity in terms of Complexity as they may pose a level of danger, but it was nothing major for him.

This came as a result of another Pathway to a True Source being opened as after Singed, the Pathway to the True Source of the Megalos bloomed!

Alongside their emergence were the Myriad Megalos Variations and Transformations as, at this very moment, another path was selected and chosen to be an actuality.

During such a time.

Noah's weavings coursed through the other part of him that was Ozymandias as he looked at the Source Complexity entities here, especially the three most grievously injured ones as he called out in a voice that felt like the ringing bells of the end!

"True Severed Megalocide."


He repeated it three times.

His weavings trembled three times as a significant usage of authority was detected.



Above three injured Lesser Sources, their weavings looked up in alarm as they saw…clusters of millions of miniaturized multicolored Omniverses and Pantheons bloom.


And each one was akin to a grain of sand in size, all of them unfurling and blanketing the Lesser Sources like a globe as before they could even blink or have their weavings erupt, their bodies were encapsulated inside a circular cluster of millions of multicolored Omniverses and Pantheons!

Their Sources felt a sense of trepidation as they exploded out, but not before the millions of miniaturized Omniverses and Pantheons lit up and began to burn as they exploded an instant later!

They burned and cried out as they emulated a tremendous loss of life.

They burned as if they were releasing the lives of countless quintillions.

They burned with rage, and they burned with anger!

Millions of Omniverses and Pantheons burned and shattered as they caused the makeshift Megalos they were in to under Megalocide, with all this complexity and pressure directed to those contained within those Megalos!


Three explosions thundered out, and they were followed by an eruption of a storm of Matter and Dark Matter as chunks of Omniverses and Pantheons suddenly emerged from the explosion and filled up the surrounding space.

It was a scene of utter beauty and horror as it seemed very real, Outerversal Morphons and those from the Palaces of the Expanse spreading out their weavings to see all space around them now filled with a sense of cataclysm and decimation as a deluge of shattered Omniverses and Pantheons flowed.

A deluge of remnants of Megalos.

A deluge brought about through miniaturized Megalocides!

As for those who were at the epicenter of the explosion of a Megalocide…

|The Lesser Source Entity, Alarkan, has been laid to rest.|

|The Lesser Source Entity, Zomana, has been laid to rest.|

|The Lesser Source Entity, Einhart, has been laid to rest.|

|The Source Pearls and weavings of the collapsed Sources are being collected into your weavings.|


As cataclysmic shattered deluge of Omniverses and Pantheons spread around them.

The few remaining Lesser Sources from Palaces of the Expanse affirmed that around them, the burning Sources of three of their peers…were no more.

They were actually collapsed entirely as at this moment, the weavings of Existence around them fully changed as the position of the hunter and prey…changed entirely!

More Golden Tickets= Mass Release towards end of month!

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