Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3546 A Heart! II

Chapter 3546  A Heart! II

Even though they could also release their Sources unceasingly, theirs were not as complex and could not match the blooming Megalocides that seemed to never end!


A Megalocide exploded.


It continued to explode.

Once. Twice.


And it was not stopping! It would not stop.

The beat of a terrifying Severed Infinitum Engine could be heard each time, but with this granted to the True Severed Megalocides- they would continue to repeat and occur here!

"How many times?!"

A roar of a Lesser Source close to perishing howled out.

"For how long?!"

Another voice filled with indignation echoed out.

But they did not receive an answer, only the beat of a heart followed by another exploding Megalocide!

In front of the Sword of the Megalos, multiple Megalocides had exploded as this sword…now held tears and lost its solidity after multiple rounds of explosions.

The Inheritor of the Megalos looked at such a scene with a meaningful glare as in the surroundings, endless droves of deluge of cataclysmic seas of shattered Omniverses and Pantheons spread out more and more- the concentration of Matter and Dark Matter reaching interminable levels as if one paid enough attention at this moment…they would observe that there were barely any cracks in this region currently.

But the Inheritor of the Megalos continued to observe the domination of the Deceiver as he could not let it continue anymore!

His eyes burned and flashed with a dazzling obsidian gold Wheel as he roared out.



And with him as the center, everything began to freeze in place.

The dense seas of Matter and Dark Matter.

The ragged and beaten Lesser Sources in the distance!

Everything….slowed and came to a grinding halt.


On the body of the Inheritor of the Megalos, millions of Runes began to shine as it looked ferociously towards Ozymandias.

Amidst everything frozen…his body became covered by an incandescent white gold flame. By an illusion of a multicolored globe. By a sea of blue that continued to emanate from him unfettered!

All of these…caused his figure to freely stare towards the Inheritor of the Megalos while remaining unfrozen!

The Inheritor of the Megalos looked towards him with tremendous distaste as its intent echoed out.

"My profound hatred of you does not stem from your existence not what you stand for. It is simply the fact that you sought to be someone you were not without a care for that this did. For this…your weavings must collapse."

Its voice was layered with many voices across frequencies as at this moment…

"Amarantos Nightmare."


The body of the Inheritor of the Megalos began to shine and radiate interminable brilliance.

Millions of Runes of Existence shone around it as it called out a technique from the Great Beyonder himself- another side of the Amarantos Dream as it took a tremendous amount of a Source to simply activate it!

As this unfolded.

The Megalocides that were initially frozen in place…slowly began to burn hotter and hotter with white gold flames and cerulean waves of radiance until…


They resumed even in that frozen space.

As they did…they covered the frozen weavings of the remaining Lesser Sources here who, at this time, could not properly even defend themselves.

Already wartorn with their Sources gravely injured, the result was a simple one as it even seemed like the Inheritor of the Megalos gave an assist!

|The Lesser Source Entity, Barbaram, has been laid to rest.|

|The Lesser Source Entity, Alzana, has been laid to rest.|

|The Lesser Source Entity, Viktor, has been laid to rest.|

|The Leeser…|

|The Source Pearls and weavings of the collapsed Sources are being collected into your weavings.|


All 13 Lesser Source Entities became decimated as their weavings were pulled towards Noah!

It was only now he fully turned his attention towards the Inheritor of the Megalos as he said he would.

"Now you can have my attention, O Inheritor of the Megalos."



The level of disrespect was utterly heavy as the eyes of the Inheritor flashed coldly, the Amarantos Nightmare blooming around it as…


Obsidian lifeforms bloomed around it and bellowed silent screams as they looked similar to Ozymandias, but their bodies were entirely black and half solid as they seemed to be made up of an unknown number of Source Runes!

They bellowed out as they sought to imitate everything displayed in the current weavings of existence- blue radiance beginning to shine around them as, by the dozens, they pointed their hands towards Ozymandias and burst with complexity!

And instantly.

Around Ozymandias, over a dozen dazzling reconstructions of Megalocides bloomed.


The weavings of existence he utilized were being recreated by the Amarantos Nightmares!


They exploded simultaneously- all twelve imitating to release bursts of manifestations of genuine Megalocides as…


Instead of the explosions continuing and decimating this place, they shockingly fizzled out an instant later as if the weavings of existence could not carry out such an action.

They could not recreate what Ozymandias put out!

The Inheritor of the Megalos looked towards this with maddening eyes as Ozymandias continued to observe the eruption of True Severed Megalocides, his words booming out.

"Even in your worst nightmares, you cannot imitate my weavings!"


"Are you truly severed to be capable of initiating a True Severed Megalocide?! Even if you are true, your weavings remain false, O Inheritor of the Megalos!"


Around the body of the Inheritor of the Megalos, that were surrounded by apparations of Amarantos Nightmares of Ozymandias himself, multiple terrifying bursts of True Severed Megalocides erupted as each one became filled with the Severed Infinitum Engine.


The beats of a heart were clear as terrific bursts that could injure and decimate Lesser Sources began to unfold and would repeat again and again, with unknown, far reaching, and far lasting effects beginning to unfold at this moment as…

From all the Megalocides exploding and being repeated again and again due to the Severed Infinitum Engine, the seas of shattered Omniverses and Pantheons spread out madly all around and continued to cover nearby regions of the Megalos.

Both the joining Megalos Ynnere and Megalos Beyond!

At this moment, a deluge of Matter and Dark Matter in the form of a cataclysmic sea began to spill out and stretch out across the Megalos!

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