Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1386 Research of Spells

1386  Research of Spells

News shook the world as thirty-nine powerhouses joined hands against the threat of the rising monsters. A period of peace and hope arrived as the people could leave their homes without fearing a foreign invasion. 

Footage of the fight that led to this conclusion was spread across the world like tokens of power. More people came to realize that Arthur Netherborne had grown to be a world-changing force and a beacon of hope for many. 

The alliance was not finalized between the thirty-nine nations because there were still investigations to be done. A task force was created for the sole purpose of testing the unknown threats in the wilderness. 

Beacon became the name of this task force. The thirty-nine powerhouses would choose twelve people to investigate the deepest parts of the Blind Zones. 

No one had ever returned from these zones ever since the merge of the two worlds. Furthermore, no one knew what was hidden inside. For some strange reason, the satellites could not travel above these specific regions or gather information about them. 

These features earned them the name Blind Zones, where humanity was in absolute darkness about what happened inside them. The only one to address this issue and raise awareness was the Seer King, Lucien Yalen. 

As this period of peace began, trade boomed among the different kingdoms and guilds. Many used this chance to profit from rare materials and shortages that had appeared after the merge of the two worlds. 

The world of trade opened to one another, and economies thrived. In the midst of this accelerated growth, the Seer King made another announcement to unify currencies around a single coin. 

This new currency would be linked to mana stones, which were naturally found in different parts of the world. The Rising Alliance would allow the people to exchange their mana stones for this new currency and vice versa. 

As for the name of this new currency, it would be called Myn. Each Myn would be equal to one milligram of mana stones. Many doubted this new coin would take off, but the thirty-nine forces pushed for it. 

The first to accept this coin was none other than Arthur Netherborne, who reopened Runera's auctions and trade. However, those who wished to purchase his artifacts needed to pay with Myn coins. 

Because of the sudden rise in demand, a shortage appeared for the coin, which could only be minted in the Central Rising Bank. This new bank was assembled from the different accountants of the world to ensure fairness and stability. 

A new coin was necessary for the unification of the new world. Traders had been struggling to value their items across different cultures because of the differences in their economies and currencies. Myn coins allowed everyone to understand the value of the world. 

As the new world regained some order, the people focused on the rising number of monsters. Cartographers mapped out the major kingdoms of the new world and discovered just how massive it was. 

Alka and Earth were rather small in comparison to the new world. Even if both of their areas were combined, it would still be five times less than what this new world was. Space had expanded after the worlds merged, and it opened new possibilities. 

Arthur visited Runera together with Diana once everything had been set in motion. His mother was still recovering from her coma, with Tiara becoming her personal aide. Arthur could use a rune to heal his mother's fatigue, but he preferred it to happen using the nurturing mana of Janea. 

Julia had taken care of most arrangements inside the city of runes. She established a system to recruit trustworthy runemasters and teach them the craft. At the same time, she began researching spells with the aid of Koby. 

Arthur had always had a dream to teach spells to the public. Although it lacked the magnitude of receiving actual runes into their mana essences, it made widespread distribution possible. Of course, research proved more difficult than anticipated. 

The mana paths inside a person depended on their overall stats, skills, and injuries. Those who suffered injuries found it harder to use spells than those who didn't. At the same time, research showed certain tendencies. Elemental runes were the clearest example. 

Research showed that if a person had a fire-based ability or skills, they faced fewer issues using fire-based spells. Arthur participated in the research in his free time and discovered that the repeated use of abilities rewired the mana paths inside the body to match the rune. 

A strange exception to the rule was Oren, whose ability seemed to make the paths ever-changing and fluid. Arthur was mesmerized by his unique physique since not even his own body had this trait. 

In the case of Arthur, he noticed that his mana paths were all-encompassing of his runes. His paths branched out and diverged like a tree, allowing him to use any spells with ease. This made him more interested in the new concept of physiques and whether they could be forged. 

Koby was another exception to the rule. The mana paths were easier to form for him since his world already had spells. Of course, it became more difficult the more mana paths he created inside his body. However, the mere notion of mana paths being created fascinated the research team. 

Arthur spent his following days participating in this research, with Diana visiting him every day for them to have lunch together. The entire research team couldn't work with a goddess among them, and most spells crumbled due to distractions. 

Their lunch became a getaway for both of them, a short reprieve from the constant worries of the world. Diana learned to cook his favorite meals, even though he said she didn't need to do that. 

The two of them talked about their days, with Diana telling him about the reforms she planned to make in Runera. Even though she was his fiancée now, she was still passionate about the city she had created. Arthur would tell her about his research, which didn't really appeal to her, but she listened anyway. 

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