Lord Shadow

Chapter 1834: Eternal Horizon

Chapter 1834: Eternal Horizon

A story of nine thousand years ago. A feud that started long before the War for the All Source. And Qayaru nodded with a smile.

“Go. And we follow” Qayali hearing this no longer hesitates.

He jump out of the balcony and in one step he is out of the Qarthan galaxy.

He waited for a moment as he suck the heavenly energy, taking the energy from the stars all around him and the energy that is stored in the sun.

The stars went dim and the Sun dies. And then he enlarge himself. He opens his mouth and suck the air around him. The stars and suns was dragged by this pulling force and enter Qayali stomach.

And then Qayali shrink back. But right now, his body is emanating such powerful energy that it distorts every concept and laws of the Omniverse around him

He is ready. And then he look back. And he sees the fleet of Battlestar coming out of the Qarthan galaxy.

“It would take them some time” Qayali mutters to himself.

“Then let me lay the welcoming mat first” Qayali laughed and then wielding the power of gods, he flew forward

Breaking though the sound of speed and then transcending that speed and space and time around him begins to bend.

And in a moment he appears in the border of Olympus.

There is guards all over the border of the galaxy.

These guards usually could delay him long enough for Ares, or for Athena to show up.

This time however is not like the last time.

Qayali appears, the guards saw him, fly to him, brough out their weapons and Qayali simply waves his hand

And the moment he waves his hand, a heat passes by.

And this heat turns all of the guards into ashes.

The heat of the Sun.

The hotness with which is could disintegrate any carbon being.

There is also protection formation.

In the past, even if he got past the guard fast enough, the formation would hold him back.

This time however, is different from the past.

Qayali look at the formation and he sees the secret of these formation.

He could deduce all of the possible configuration of these formation and know its weak spot.

“It would be so slow to slowly break this formation” he thought to himself.

So, instead of trying to break it slowly, Qayali simply shot himself right up toward the formation

It is like a cannonball.

But it is not a normal cannonball.

It is a cannonball that is shrouded with the fire of the sun and the energy of the stars, with a speed of light.

Even a needle if it fall onto any planet with the speed of light would create a catastrophic


Now, imagine something that has the power of tens of thousands of stars with the fire of the Sun, ramming itself on any planet or any celestial bodies.

The only result would e the ultimate disintegration of said celestial bodies




There is only sound of explosion.

It echoes through heaven and earth.

The entire realm of Olympus heard it.

The sound echoes in the celestial abodes of the Olympians, on the mortal world of Olympus and it even reached the Underworld

Qayali shot himself through all of these formation. And he shot himself through Olympus,

In just a second he arrives in the Palace of Olympus. And the entire pillars of the Palace in all of Olympus…all crumbled

He stands there, in the throen room of Zeus. The ceiling of the white palace has a huge hole on


Qayali look at Zeus dumfounded expression

And he smiles.

“Today, Qarthan declares war!” his voice echoes all over the realm.

Zeus tremble with anger. He got up, the thunder and lightning in the sky roars

“BOLD!” Zeus takes a step and an armour of white covers his body and he looks like a veritable god of war.

A fist is shot out and the space and time collapsed. Qayali dodges it and respond with a kick. The kick misses but the force take a huge chunk of the palace walls

“Hahaha!” The Qarthan King laughs and his laugh express his enjoyment. The battle between

Zeus and Qayali begins inside the Royal Palace of Olympus.

Today, Qarthan King Qayali suddenly launched a war with Olympus!

And while Qarthans suddenly declare war on Olympus, in the Horizon, Ra look at all the worlds as he toured the realms of his dominions

He rarely tours the realm anymore. But today, he sat on his chariot of the Sun and he tours the

entire realm

And the realm of Amenthes and Sekhet Hetepet is also alarmed

Amenthes is also called the Duat. It is the realm of the dead but it is also a realm that is

created by Ra

But there is a king here.

If Ra is the Emperor than Osiris is the King of Amenthes.

And just like Asgard, they have a serpent, a serpent of chaos.

In the past, it would always tries to devour Ra during his nightly journey.

But he has been calmed down these days.

There is Anubis, the protector of the dead who reside on his Hall.

There is Thoth who would help Anubis in his judgement.

There is Ammit, a deity with the head of a crocodile, body of a lion and legs of a S~eaʀᴄh the Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


There is many more deities, gods and creatures.

Some look hideous to the human eyes some look beautiful that it could enchant every living


But whatever their appearance, and whatever their job, today they stopped doing it.

Because Ra tours the Sky and come out from the Horizon.

And He is not the only one.

Today, the Sky shakes and opens up to show the realm of the mortals, the realm of the gods,

the realm of the dead and the realm of the blessed, that the Heaven still exist.

The gods, the immortals, the bizarre and the strange all knows that the Heaven is there.

But mortals did not.

Those who knows and see it with their own eyes are already dead.

Mortal has finite lifespan.

A hundred years is enough to see three generations.

A thousand years could pass and almost all traces of them is gone.

Ten thousand years and nobody would even remember they were there if there is no record of


Other than those who are exalted among them, the common mortal would not be


And stories about Osiris, Ra, Horus, all of these to them is just lies of the old generation, fairy

tales to scare the children

But the stories are true.

And today, the mortals see it.

Gods, riding a chariot dragging the Sun.

Ra is not the only one coming out this time.

There is Nut, the Sky Goddess also showing up

Who is Nut?

The daughter of Shu, the God of Air and Tefnut the Goddess of Water and Fertility.

The granddaughter of the Sun God Ra

She is riding a celestial cow stars covering her body with the lustrous colours that blinds those

who look at her with vile intent.

Her hand and feet is covered with stars

As she passes the sky, the world underneath her cow calms and chaos and turmoil is pacified.

The Sun in the Sky dims a little

And then there is Horus.

A falcon head wearing a double crown.

This is the divine that probably as the most conflict in the Eternal Horizon.

She is married to the goddess Hathor and he is the son of Osiris and Isis and the nemesis of


Seth murdered Osiris, his own brother and the king of the deities because he wanted to king. Isis, the wife and sister of Osiris then searched and collected the pieces of Osiris all over the

realm and with the help of Nephthys she brought Osiris back to life

But Osiris has never been allowed back to the Horizon.

Because as Ra said it, he is incomplete.

He is the creature of the dead and his soul is in the Underworld.

He should not go to the land of the Divine and taint his Divine Light

So, Osiris ruled the Underworld and his influence extend to even Sekhet Hetepet.

Isis then gave birth to Horus and kept him hidden.

For there was a prophecy at that time that he could one day defeat Seth

And like the prophecy has foretold, when he grows up, Horus claimed his right to the throne and battle Seth in a battle near the edge of the Disorder Darkness

The battle was swift but the effect of that battle devastate all the realms.

Horus won became King and welcomed into the Horizon and have the honour to ride his

chariot with Ra. However, during the battle, Seth damaged Horus eye, dividing it into six pieces. Thoth then came and bring good news as he restored the eyes, thus creating the Eye of Horus.

This eye then became Horus Divine Stamp popularized all across the Omniverse

His myths and his origin stories appears as folklore, myths and stories in other worlds

The faith of these living beings from other universes feeds him and strengthen him


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