Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 993: Being Sensible

Chapter 993: Being Sensible

“My sister sure knows how to cause a sensation,” sighed Xiang Wai as she came to accompany her brother in the garden. He was personally attending to the flowering plants so diligently.          


Who knew that this cold face Lieutenant Colonel could actually be so gentle and dedicated? But it was only for his plants. It could be seen how proficient he was at this.     

“I don’t think that was her intention though,” said Xiang Weimin in response.      

“Of course, it wasn’t the intention,” agreed Xiang Wai. “But you know some people are the universe’s favorites. They end up being in the spotlight even when they are trying to hide. I think our Raelle is such a person. Whatever she does can cause a hullabaloo.”     

“I sometimes wonder if she really is the universe’s favorite though,” said Xiang Weimin with a thoughtful expression. The scissor in his hand paused as he turned to look at her and added, “If we think about it. You and I were born into a complete family with the love of both our parents. But she was born in a very delicate period. It was chaotic and she almost lost her life. Although she survived, the family broke. Neither mom nor dad ever held her in their arms. Do you really think she is heaven’s favorite?”     

Xiang Wai couldn’t say anything in reply to that. She casually touched the flower at hand saying, “If you say it like that, I can’t disagree but we can look at things differently as well. She has a grandfather and Aunt Yan as well. Both love and dote on her. Okay, let’s forget about them they are family. Just look at Shui Xian. It’s like heaven planned it all for him to eventually end up with Raelle. And he didn’t disappoint heaven. He loves Raelle so much that it can make anyone envious.”     

Xiang Weimin wanted to touch her head but his glove-clad hands were dirty, he couldn’t touch her head so put his hand back down saying, “It seems you’ve grown smarter. You can even understand the concept of seeing both sides of the coin. Very well done.” He wasn’t being sarcastic, he was genuinely praising her right now. It wasn’t that his middle sister wasn’t smart. It’s just that she’d rather not waste her energy on thinking deeply. She liked to see things as they were in front of her. She rarely would want to see beyond what was right in front of her. “I believe now you have also found the answer to the question you asked me before about why Raelle doesn’t seem to hate our parents.”     

Xiang Wai indeed had asked this question to her brother and she had been confused about it for a long time as well. She thought since she had some resentment toward their grandfather and aunt, Raelle must also have some resentment toward their parents but she didn’t. It really baffled her.     

But now, she could see it a little more clearly.      𝒩𝞸𝚟𝓵xt.𝓒𝒐𝚖

“Ge, when are you getting married?”     

Xiang Weimin stopped what he was doing and stared at her, “What are you up to now?”     

She lowered her voice and said, “Ge, don’t you feel the urgency here? Your youngest sister is getting married.”     

“She is already married,” replied Xiang Weimin in the exact same tone as Raelle had answered Hyson on the phone call.     

Xiang Wai rolled her eyes at his answer, “I know. And you should feel the urgency even more because of that. She is married. What about you?”     

“Are you worried that you won’t be able to rush your wedding if I hadn’t married? Don’t worry, I give you full permission to get married before me.”     

Xiang Wai hit his arm as he chuckled at her. “Ge, I’m serious! Don’t always avoid my questions. I don’t usually agree with Fai but I am looking forward to him setting you up with a blind date. It even worries me at times.” She took a pause and asked, “Ge, let’s be honest here. Are you sure no one broke your heart?”     

“I think you have too much time on your hands these days,” said Xiang Weimin. “Your mind is too free to even come up with this nonsense. I suggest you get back to work.”     

“Don’t worry, I’m going back to work soon,” answered Xiang Wai.     

Xiang Weimin’s eyes narrowed, “So, what I heard is true?”     

Xiang Wai nodded her head.     

“Have you thought about it?” he asked seriously.     

“Ge, I’m certain!”     

“Even if you’re certain, I’ll suggest you think about it some more. Figure out if it’s really what you want.”     

“I’ll keep that in mind,” said Xiang Wai. “You don’t have to always worry about me. I’ll even consult Papa before making my final decision.”     

Xiang Weimin was taken aback, “And since when did you start discussing your life plans with dad? Don’t you always stick with doing first and informing later?”     

Xiang Wai smiled bitterly at that. She indeed had been like that most of her life. She couldn’t even deny it. But she had to stop doing it now. “He is our father. He loves us so much. Besides, he is a General. I should sit down and discuss with him when I’m confused. It’s his responsibility to show me the way when I’m lost.”         


Xiang Weimin smiled at that and shook his head. “Dad would be very happy to hear that.”     

“Well, I want to make him happy,” she said surprising him yet again. “I have realized that Papa had been the most innocent party in everything that happened. But he was the one who was left all alone in the end. Mom chose loneliness but the same loneliness was forced upon Papa. He was punished for the crimes he didn’t even commit.” She almost got tears in her eyes when she talked about it. She had been quite insensible in life. Now that she was trying to calm herself, she realized how much her father was wronged by everyone.     

Not just his family.     

Not just by his wife.     

But even them, as his kids, they also ended up wronging him.     

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