MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 1335: The Guild Hall

Chapter 1335: The Guild Hall

‘Seeing this makes it kind of sting that I didn’t choose to build the Exemplary Guild Hall.’ Looking at the notification the system sent him, Valyr had a bitter smile on his face as he began to doubt his earlier choice.

‘But then again, choosing to build the Rudimentary Guild Hall is the only way for any guild to construct the best guild hall in the long run.’

However, before his thoughts could even continue down a negative spiral, the young man forced himself to think back to the reason behind his choice, focusing his mind on the discoveries the various guilds had made near the start of the final battle.

With how long Greater Beyond had been out at that time, it was not much of a surprise to hear that every person on Earth was playing the game.

Of course, it also wasn’t much of a surprise that many people on Earth relied on the game for their livelihood.

Feeling limited by the amount of money they could earn on their own, almost everyone on Earth affiliated themselves with an organization, whether it was a class guild, a player guild, or any other guild recognized by the system.

With that being said, it did not take long for players to notice that the perks the player guilds offered were usually a few levels lower than the ones offered by non-player guilds.

Naturally, some began to wonder why that was the case. After all, those perks were partly the reason why most players ended up joining non-player guilds instead.

In the end, many of them came to the conclusion that it had something to do with the level of the player guilds’ guild halls, discovering that the guild halls of non-player guilds were usually a few more levels higher than theirs.

However, when they checked if it was possible to level up their guild halls to match the level the non-player guilds could reach, the system told them that it was next to impossible.

Seeing that the solution the system offered to them were chain quests that would force them to head to the center of the universe and back, most of these player guilds decided to accept the fate that their guilds would always be considered a second choice to most people.

… Until a certain discovery was made.

‘Out of immense frustration over the matter, an incredibly drunk player guild leader decided to disband the player guild he made and start over from scratch, making the accidental choice of going with the Rudimentary Guild Hall before she blacked out.’

‘Yet, that choice turned out to be the missing key players were looking for to match the non- player guilds, with that specific guild leader telling everyone her choices the moment the option to go beyond the supposed max level was available.’

‘Because of that, a new era of player guilds was born.’

At this point, the young man had already calmed down, his mind having long forgotten the doubt he had towards his choice. ‘Every guild leader at that time showed no hesitation in starting anew, even after considering the time, effort, and resources spent getting their guilds to that point.’

‘After all, they knew they could easily make it back and then some once they broke through what they thought was the limit.’

Taking in a deep breath as he sorted out his thoughts, Valyr then went ahead and placed the Rudimentary Guild Hall near the spot Aster mentioned to him before they parted ways.

Confirming that there would still be ample space for expansion after he placed the hall there, the young man soon finalized his decision of placing the final hall there, to which the system responded by asking him to pay the fee needed to build the guild hall.

Taking out a few silver coins from his money pouch in response, Valyr watched as those silver coins disappeared from his hands the moment he confirmed the prompt, only to then hear a crescendo of construction sounds echo in the direction of the spot he selected.

Wanting to see the guild hall being built firsthand, the young man went ahead and activated his movement skill, hastily moving in the direction of where the sound was coming from.

Yet, by the time he arrived, the guild hall was already pretty much constructed.

“Aw…” Feeling a bit disappointed by the missed opportunity, Valyr quickly consoled himself by entering the newly constructed guild hall, immediately taking note of the fact that the cottage was at least thrice as large than he thought it would be.

“For just a few silver coins, this much space is actually quite a steal,” said the young man, only for further evidence confirming that fact to appear before him.

“Huh. It already comes with a living quarters.” Valyr’s eyes slightly widened in surprise at the discovery, only to then find out that other parts of the cottage were sectioned off in a similar fashion.

By the time he was done figuring out which facilities came along with the Rudimentary Guild Hall, the young man began to wonder whether it would even be apt to call it that, especially after he found out that the number of facilities and amenities it had was far beyond the bare minimum.

In the end, Valyr decided not to dwell on the thought any further.

After all, those extra facilities would benefit him and the others in the long run. With that, he went ahead and sent a message to Thomas and the others that their new guild was finally established, which was undoubtedly received by the trio with great excitement. After quelling their excitement down and setting a time and place for their next meet-up, Valyr then sent a message to SeventhShield, giving him a heads-up that his guild was now created.

In response, SeventhShield congratulated him and asked him for the guild’s name, telling him that he’d form the alliance agreement with him sometime after that.

After setting yet another time and place for their meet-up, it was only then did Valyr pay attention to the newly built guild hall once more, the gears in his mind turning as he pondered over what he should do next.

Though, with the excitement that came with becoming the owner of a new guild, it did not

take him too long to come to a decision, commanding the system to show him a screen that

contained the guild’s information.

“Guess I’ll give the guild a couple of upgrades.”

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