Chapter 320 The Prince and His Common Fiancee
Erwin’s life at the military school was far from special. At school, he was not treated with any regard for who his father was, or the accomplishments of his extended family had during the ongoing war. No, he was just another cadet, one through his sheer intelligence, will, merit, and charisma found himself today being promoted within the ranks.
As was tradition, cadets had their own ranking system, one that fostered a sense of familiarity with the military command structure whose binding rules they would one day all be living under. Previously, Erwin had been a Cadet Sergeant.
But today he was being promoted to a Cadet Staff Sergeant, or in the German language Vizefeldwebel. More or less, he was the assistant sergeant to a platoon leader. The thing is, these ranks had no real authority outside of the academy, or more specifically the cadets within it.
Yet it was a sign of his ability to perform with exception, as others whose tenure in the school was much longer than Erwin’s had yet to reach such a rank. In fact, the academy was much like the German military based upon merit, and one’s willingness to perform above and beyond their peers.
In this regard, Erwin had filled his day to day outside of mandatory schooling and other tasks, with voluntary assignments. Learning things like field craft, basic survival techniques, mountaineering, et cetera.
And for each of these things which he excelled at, the boy was granted another chance at a promotion above his peers. Striving for excellence had become Erwin’s goal at the academy. He did not just wish to graduate at the position of a commissioned officer when the time arrived for him to do so.
No, Erwin wanted to be known for his exemplary conduct and skills as an officer candidate. One which would not be overshadowed as by his father’s legacy. And because of this, he had quite the proud smile on his face as his uniform was updated by the actual adult military officer who was in charge of his class.
The officer was quick to salute Erwin after attaching the rank insignia to his shoulder tabs, and after doing so he spoke to the boy with an almost proud tone in his voice. He was an older man, in his late fifties, rapidly closing in on his sixties.
In fact, he was remarkably similar to the age Bruno had been in his past life before reaching his untimely end on that fateful day in Hamburg. The man’s wrinkled face showed signs of combat experience, but from ages ago.
And it was perhaps with this in mind that he was quick to say something that Erwin was not expecting.
“I was not expecting your father to send you here. After all, he was the only one of his generation which I was not able to teach within these hallowed halls. And to my surprise he became the most exceptional of them all.
I won’t lie. It gives me a great sense of pride to correct that mistake by ensuring that his son is raised to be an exceptional officer within his majesty’s Kaiser Wilhelm army.
Even so, despite your heritage, and the line of warriors you descend from, boy, remember that the only way you will ever succeed in living up to the expectations this Academy, and the Army has for you, is if you work twice as hard as those who came before you. You understand me, right, boy?”
Erwin obviously returned the instructor’s salute and confirmed he understood exactly what the man was saying with a silent nod of his head. And when the instructor understood this, he was quick to smirk before walking off without saying another word.
Naturally Erwin would double down on his efforts to rise to the top of the academy by his own will an ability. And in doing so, become a trailblazer for the next generation of German soldiers.
While Erwin was attending Prussia’s foremost military boarding school for the youth. His fiancée, Alya, was at a diner with some friends. They were all more or less the same age as her, and had gone to school together with her.
She was the adopted daughter of a family of wealthy merchants. And because of this, these noble ladies who gathered around her were of a far higher social status. Even so, they did not treat her any lesser than they would their own sisters.
Why was this? Because Alya had the esteemed status as being Bruno’s goddaughter. Bruno was an interesting figure, one of much social commentary. He was a man who was already spoken about as a near mythical figure.
From his military victories, to his prince charming like appearance, to his extraordinarily humble attitude. Time and again, Bruno had been uplifted by the Allies of the Reich to a rather exceptional position of nobility.
And yet, his loyalties forever lied within the boundaries of the German Reich, and to its rightful monarch. Interestingly enough, Bruno had exemplified and immortalized this sense of loyalty to Germany and its people with the motto he gave to his family, or more specifically his Cadet Branch that ruled over the Grand Principality of Transylvania.
It was a motto ripped straight from one of the most abominable organizations in his past life. But also one of the most admirable. Controversial statement to be sure, but Bruno had to admit, there was nobody better suited to the motto in history than the unit it belonged to.
I’m talking of course, about the words “Meine Ehre heißt Treue” which when translated to English roughly equated to the phrase “My Honor is Loyalty.” This was the motto of the infamous Waffen-SS from Bruno’s past life.
The personal shock troops of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party, and an organization of war criminals, some of which were among the most heinous offenders of the Second World War. And while there were other nations like the Soviet Union, the Empire of Japan, and of course the United States and Great Britain who could contend for that title.
None of them quite exemplified the degree of loyalty which the Waffen-SS had. Sure, when people think of fanatical loyalty, they think of the Imperial Japanese Army, and their refusal to surrender even in the face of certain death. But the Japanese ultimately surrendered when their emperor told them to.
The Waffen-SS, however, were built of more solid steel. Many of their units fought until the death, days and even weeks after the death of their leader, and the dissolution of their empire. Hell, the SS-Charlemagne, who were French units, fought to the death in defense of the Fuhrerbunker even after knowing everyone inside its depths had chosen the easy way out.
While others chose to fight even their own comrades who turned against them, like at the Battle of Castle Itter days later, rather than surrender to the enemy. With this in mind, and while considering all the horrific things the Waffen-SS had done, or at the very least been accused of doing.
Choosing to continue the fight to the bitter end in the name of loyalty to a lost cause, even as your leaders lie dead, or imprisoned, and your empire has burned to ash was a sentiment which Bruno could only find admirable.
Hence why Bruno chose this motto to represent his house. As he too was loyal to the German Reich, and its Kaiser much in the same way the Waffen-SS was to their Fuhrer.
Because of this, Bruno’s reputation was one hat was quite high within German society, one that not even the likes of the Kaiser, or his ministers felt threatened by, despite the very large threat he posed to Germany should he prove disloyal.
And Alya’s ties to this man gave her exceptional status as a result. Hence why these highborn ladies considered her among their equals, even if she did not officially hold such a status. Nevertheless, these women were all married and had children of their own.
While Alya, a woman who was roughly twenty, was still engaged to her much younger fiancé. Something that would have been normal in years past, but was far less common, and perhaps even scandalous in the modern era.
This was the reason one of the ladies, engaging in friendly banter, broached the subject with Alya in a not-so-subtle way.
“So tell me, Alya, how is that adorable little boy who you are set to marry in a decade faring? I could never be so courageous like you, the idea of kissing a small child, and being openly flirtatious with him in public. It’s simply brave…”
Alya damn near choked on her coffee as she heard this backhanded comment about herself and Erwin. It was one thing to insult her, for being tied to such an old school betrothal. But to insult Erwin as well?
She was already starting to lose her patience. And if she did, this highborn lady who had dared to provoke Alya’s fury was about to receive the scolding of a lifetime.