Chapter 328 Dead and Buried Part II
Franz von Zehntner was the heir apparent to his family. The eldest child and official head of the family business. However, he was a hedonistic man who spent most of his free time gallivanting overseas with exotic women.
Maximilian, the wastrel of the von Zehntner family, was in the process of redemption. Though his exile from the house had yet to be revoked, his actions as an agent of the Crown, and a royal shit stirrer on behalf of the Kaiser had gone a long way towards gaining his father’s forgiveness.
Ludwig was a proud member of the Bundesrat and a leader among those within the Land Army and Fortresses committee, he was considered the man to succeed the head of their house as he entered his twilight years as a politician representing the interests of the junker coalition, the German Conservative Party, and of course the other right wing political parties which rallied behind their majority control of the Empire.
Kurt had gone on to become a doctor following his stint as a military medic within the Iron Division during the Russian Civil War. He was critical in helping Heidi setup her charitable foundations which provided much needed relief and services to those soldiers wounded during the war, and the burdens their family would ultimately have to bear because of it.
Excluding Bruno and Christoph, there were three other brothers, all of which were pursuing their own feats in life. With one of them becoming the world’s first Olympics gold medalist in both Boxing and freestyle wrestling, while another was a talented actor within the propaganda films that Bruno’s cinema corporation were producing to galvanize the German people against a world of enemies.
Recently the man had starred in a film about Waterloo where he interestingly enough played the role of his grandfather, a colonel in the Prussian Army as he courageously led his men to glory over the French and earned an Iron Cross First and Second Class because of it.
And finally, one of the brothers actually had moved to Vienna where he had become quite the well-renowned composer regularly performing within its legendary opera hall. Meanwhile, Bruno, the youngest of the siblings, was loyal to folk and fatherland. Because of this he was usually either found at his home protecting his family, or at war protecting the Reich from its enemies.
Out of all the brothers, each and every one of them played were at the peak of their own areas of expertise in life. And then there was Christoph. Who was Christoph? He was second in command at the family business.
Officially behind Franz, but in reality was the man keeping everything together. He was the secret hand that kept the family’s business functioning, and he was the socialite who maintained constant relations with the Aristocratic class within informal settings.
Perhaps because of this, he took the family’s reputation and honor far more seriously than anyone else. Any one of his siblings, except for Maximilian who had been cast out and exiled for his own scandalous behavior during his younger years, who would be slandered or defamed, Christoph would step forward to defend in the court of public opinion.
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It was because he had performed this role for so many years that he now ignored things said behind his back, and would only approach someone if he happened to hear it personally. Because of this, he had slapped the wife of an influential count.
In addition to this, the woman was quick to relay the words that Christoph had said to her, regarding the opinion the man had of her husband. Being a cuckold, or simply even being labeled such a thing, true or not, was a serious insult to any man’s honor.
Was this count aware of his wife’s infidelity, and her affairs? Perhaps, or perhaps not? But could he tolerate being called something of the sort and not retaliate? Most certainly not! To do so would not only ruin his own standing in society, but that of his family.
Because of this, he found himself seeking out Christoph, fully aware of his challenge, but naïve, or foolish enough to believe it having been made as a mere intimidation tactic. Thus, when he showed up at Christoph’s home, he was surprised to see that the mere second son of a Junker had not prepared a grand entrance for him.
Nor was there anyone sent to receive him. The guards actually patted the man down and prevented his aide from entering the villa. Which was an even graver insult to him.
And when he found Christoph standing in front of the window with his hands held behind his back, gazing out into the courtyard below, he was astonished to find the two pistols sitting on the table, crossed.
Before the count could speak, Christoph raised his tone
“Traditionally, it is the right of the challenged to choose the weapon in which the duel is conducted. But we no longer live in such a time where the old ways are honored. Duels have long since become illegal, and in the eyes of many within our esteemed class, a laughable affair.
But I’m not some prissy little lordling who sits on his ancestor’s throne abusing his houses power that were built by greater men. I am not the kind to write an appeal to the court to sue your wife for defamatory.
You see, my house was built through blood and iron, all that you see was gained through service to the fatherland, and through the willingness to kill and die for every inch of soil we have. An insult was given under my own roof to a member of my own family. Beloved or not, this cannot stand.
The way I see it, you have two options: kneel before me, and condemn your wife for her remarks while begging for my forgiveness. Or take up one of those pistols and show me whether or not you are worthy to bear your ancestor’s name.
Mark my words, your excellency. Satisfaction will be had, and you will not leave this house until I have had it. God willing, you will leave this place alive, if not, well… There is a place for you to be buried in the yard as you can see…”
The man gazed past Christoph’s shoulder and looked in abject horror as he saw the villa’s servants digging a hole in the ground. It took him a few moments to recompose himself, where he began to plead for a more sensible solution, asserting his own grievances as he did so.
“You speak as if you are the only one who has been insulted. My wife says you called me a cuckold. Since we have both been slandered here, is it not wise to seek some form of compromise?”
Christoph finally turned around from the table and gazed upon the count with a smug smirk on his face. One that suggested he knew far more than he had stated prior, but was only willing to reveal now.
Perhaps as a means of provoking the man to accept his duel, an illegal contest that would certainly constitute murder if word got out. Nevertheless, the way which Christoph chose to speak was deliberately provocative.
“Oh? But nothing I said was untrue, now was it? Defamation of character requires a lie to be stated, and I can prove that your wife is having an affair with a man half your age. In fact, I can also verify in a court of law that you were aware of such a thing, and permit it to exist…”
After saying this, Christoph reached into a nearby folder that was lying on the glass table next to the pistols where he opened it up and revealed its contents. Inside were photographs taken inside the Count’s own home, of his wife being physically involved with another man while he watched.
The look on the count’s face was truly something Christoph wished he could have photographed. And because the man was so shocked at its contents, he was quick to stammer before becoming outright furious.
“H…Ho… How in the holy hell did you get these?”
Christoph sneered as he commented on the man’s naivety, only further provoking him into making a mistake which would be his last.
“I run extensive background checks on anyone my family comes into contact with. Including those friends of my wife. As for precisely how I managed this? Well, one of my youngest brother’s corporations has made great gains in developing small handheld cameras for use in intelligence operations.
And well, let’s just say your staff is not nearly as loyal to your house as they would have you believe. The price was rather cheap to convince one of your maids to snap a few photos of the debauchery your wife and you get up to behind the scenes.
So, how about it? Do you wish to take me up on my offer? I can assure you, if you kill me in this duel, and destroy those photos there will be no evidence left to condemn you…”
The Count, perhaps being driven beyond the point of reason was quick to strip off his tie, and jacket where he boldly accepted Christoph’s offer to have a duel with pistols at ten paces in the courtyard all while having a malevolent smirk on his face.
“You know, I don’t know why dueling ever fell out of fashion, because I think I’m really going to enjoy this….”