Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 845: Level 50

Chapter 845: Level 50

The group moved around, easily dodging the wind wolves that came after them. After learning that attacking didn’t work and that they only needed to dodge, they focused their entire attention on keeping track of the wolves.         


One of the wolves crashed into one of Ning’s illusions, destroying it immediately. A while later, the 2nd one was destroyed.     

Ning was focused on protecting himself so he couldn’t really care about his illusions at the moment. One good thing that did come out of the two illusions dying was that they realized that wolves disappeared after striking with something     

Bit after bit, as they dodged, GIFT LORD noticed something. As the slowest person on the team, it was easy for her to see it.     

The wolves were getting faster and faster as time went on. When she told the information to the rest of the groups, they realized that as well.     

Ning pulled another card and frowned as it did not help him whatsoever. Going invisible at the moment was the least of his desire given how incredibly useless that was in avoiding the wind wolves.     

As they got faster and faster, GIFT LORD was the first of them to make a mistake and get struck by the wolves.     

“Woah!” she cried out in surprise. “I took a flat 500 damage. I think it might be Absolute Damage.”     

‘I have 3000 HP, I won’t need to worry just now,’ he thought. GIFT LORD was struck again, and ASTERNUM healed her.     

TRIPLE SHOT was hit too and ASTERNUM took damage from one of the wolves. As they got faster, GIFT LORd took another instance of damage, taking exactly 500 damage even when she used her skill to block the attack.     

Suddenly, the wolves disappeared.      

“Why did they disappear?” GIFT LORD asked.     

“They might have been on a timer,” PRIMAL KITE said. Like Ning, she had been able to continuously dodge the wolves.     

“It was either a timer-based skill or one that disappeared after a number of hits,” Ning said.     

“It’s supposed to stop after we took what… 5 damage from the wolves?” GIFT LORD asked.     

“7,” TRIPLE SHOT said as he looked towards Ning. “Your illusions should count as well, right?”     

Ning nodded. “If I’m right about the amount, then yes. But it very well could be a timer,” he said.     

The wolf jumped back into the fray and the fight continued. Ning’s skill activated, making him invisible to everyone but himself.     

As such, he sneakily went behind the wolf and struck it on the back. Luckily, he also did critical damage at the same time.     

GIFT LORD taunted the beast even further, and the rest of them continued fighting.     

When the beast was around 20% HP, it entered its 3rd phase, which was simply the wolf becoming even faster and harder to deal with.     

Ning used magic damage when he could as most of it was hard to dodge, but in the end, the boss was still too swift.     

GIFT LORD had about 20% remaining HP by the time they finally managed to defeat the boss. ASTERNUM quickly healed her, as the notifications started flowing in.     

Ning looked at what he had received. Aside from observer stone, and exp, he also received a claw-type weapon.     

It was quite a good weapon, but unfortunately, he didn’t like it. He could have accepted it a little if it were a sword or an axe, but a weapon of such short range as a Claw was unforgivable.      

Especially because of how useless it would be when it came to fighting multiple monsters at once, instead of just a single boss.         


“I should be able to find one better later on,” he thought.     

Once they walked out, the five of them rested for a while to gain back the HP and Mana that they had spent and restarted their fighting all over again.     

They did their dungeon run quite a few more times, and in that time, Ning’s level slowly improved. By the time they entered the boss’s room on the 8th run, he was already on level 49, ready to enter Level 50.     

They started fighting the wolf quickly. By now, they had managed to grasp the boss’s fighting style and had gotten stronger as well.     

So, it became relatively easier to fight with the boss that hadn’t improved in all of this time.     

The 5 of them worked like a well-oiled machine, easily chipping away at the boss’s health, bringing it down to 50% very quickly.     

The boss jumped back onto its seat at the top of the massive stone, and they waited to see what phase it was going to.     

There were two possible phases. The first one was where wind wolves would run around, and deal damage to whoever they struck.     

The other phase was the one that started to take place.     

Ning saw the Silver wolf open its mouth and shoot out a blade of air that could cut the ground too.     𝒪𝗏𝐿xt.𝚌𝚘𝔪

The blade was silver in color like the wolf, and so it was visible. The blade was as fast as the wind wolves could move at their max speed.     

However, there was only ever 1 blade so it was easy to doge. Well, easier at least.     

Ning and PRIMAL KITE dodged easily, but TRIPLE SHOT, ASTERNUM, and especially GIFT LORD still had some hard times dodging it.     

The boss only shot out 20 different Air blades, so once they ended, the fighting continued.      

Ning and the rest jumped back into the fray along with the boss and hut it until it was down to its last few HP.     

A single arrow from the Ranger killed the wolf in the end and the dungeon was cleared.     

Ning looked at the clear time and sighed. He hadn’t gotten any sort of records here.      

He shook his head and focused on the many notifications that came. Most of them were ones he was used to, but one, in particular, was not.     

He read the notification with quite a bit of surprise in his eye.     

[Congratulations, You have received a Class Quest.]     

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