Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 1045 -1044

Chapter 1045 -1044

<Torture Chamber Of Purgatory>

As soon as Anon used this skill, Both of their souls were pulled into the Purgatory.


As the cold air touched Anon’s face… He opened his eyes.


As soon as Anon opened his eyes, he noticed darkness around him.

There was white smoke over the floor and complete dark above him.

Cold Air was travelling at an incredible speed and it was really lonely there.

“So, That bastard pulled me in with him, huh ?” Anon asked with a neutral expression as he looked around and noticed that there was nothing visible for miles.

“Well… It’s Purgatory, Who else can I-”

“Anon Agreil…” Suddenly, A sound came from behind.

Anon immediately turned around and noticed a Demon standing behind him, purple skin colour, Two horns on his head, Red eyes and a muscular body build.

“Ah… Khaos. So, You pulled me in with you, Huh ?” Anon asked with a neutral expression.

“I know a trick or two, Kid. This spell Is powerful and this place that you have created in your soul space is good.

But, Since I have pulled you in with me… You can only get out through a door and as soon as the door opens, I am getting out with you.” Khaos spoke with a smile as he looked at Anon.

“Yeah, I know.” Anon replied with a smile as he immediately sat down on the ground.

“Being Stubborn are you ?” Khaos asked with a neutral expression.

“I am not a lady for being stubborn, Khaos. I am a man, I am Determined.” Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at Khaos.

“How long will you stay here then ? I mean, I am just a soul but you have a body in the outer world and once it reaches the end of it’s lifespan.

I will get out and you will go to Hell… Hahaha.” Khaos spoke as he laughed evilly.

“Very well… Take a seat. We are here for infinity.” Anon spoke with a smile.

“What do you mean ?” Khaos asked with a Confused expression.

“You see… My life span is about 500,000 years or something right now and I am pretty sure that my Slaves will search some way to preserve my body for a long time.

Meaning, 1000000 years-”

“So what ? I can wait 1000000 Years. It’s not that long.” Khaos spoke as he maintained his calm expression and acted as if he doesn’t care about the time.

“Yeah… I know. But, Why don’t you let me complete my sentence ?” Anon asked with a smile.

“Say it now… After all, we have many years to spend together.” Khaos spoke with a smile.

“So, As I was saying… There is a tiny time dilation in my soul space and the reality.” Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at Khaos.

“W-What ? How much ?” Khaos asked with a serious expression as he looked at Anon.

“1 minute on the Outside, is like 10 years in here. So, If there are 60 minutes in one hour and 24 hours in a day and 364 Days in one year.

Then the time we are going to spend here is… 52,56,00,00,00,000 Years. So, Be ready Khaos.” Anon spoke with a smile as he wrote the number down on the ground.

As soon as Khaos saw the zeros behind the number… His eyes widened in shock.

“You bastard… I will destroy your whole family, once I get out of here. You hear me ?” Khaos shouted as he looked at Anon.

“We are both powerless here… So, No matter what you do, It won’t hurt me.” Anon replied with a carefree expression.

“I will wait… I will wait and once I get out of this place, I will get to my body and-”

“Oh and I forgot to tell you this… Listen to this one, it’s even more funny. There is a time dilation between our world and the Deep Sea.

So, Three months in that realm is like what, 2 week on this side.

That means-”

“What are you trying to say ?” Khaos asked with a serious expression.

“What I am trying to say is… You won’t have a body to get back once your soul gets out of here and you will accompany me to hell.” Anon spoke with a smile as he walked upto Khaos.

“You Bastard-” Khaos started speaking as he immediately tried to grab Anon’s face, but his hands went right through him.

“We are souls… I told you we are powerless and formless, You can’t do anything here.” Anon replied with a smile.

“It’s Mutual Destruction… You are ending both of us.” Khaos replied with a serious expression.

“I know…” Anon replied with a neutral expression.

“Why are you fighting from their side…. You are a Demon from heart, Join me and I will make you one of the world’s strongest man.

You will be my 14th general and-”


“Man your talk is really boring… Just, Shut up.” Anon spoke as he started fake yawning.

“Get me out of Here… Anon. Both of us will go crazy, If we stayed here for that much time.” Khaos spoke with a serious expression.

“I agree and I am ready… But, I am not letting you out of here.” Anon spoke with a smile as he lied down on the ground and closed his eyes.

“Fine… I will sit right here and see how determined you are.” Khaos spoke with a serious expression as he sat down on the ground as well.

Hours passed… Days passed… Months passed… But, Anon didn’t move and inch from his resting position.

As he was in the soul form… He felt no fatigue, No Hunger or anything else.

One year passed and none of them spoke anything.

Two years later…

Anon and Khaos are still sitting together and none of them has spoken anything for the last two years.


Suddenly Khaos coughed…

“What ?” Anon asked.

“I am just coughing…” Khaos spoke.

“You don’t have a physical body. That You are acting.” Anon replied with a smile as he opened his eyes.

Khaos didn’t reply anything and continued to maintain his silence. Anon did the same and continued to rest.

8 Years Later…

“I want out of here… I can’t do this. What do you want ?” Khaos asked as he stood up from his place.

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