Chapter 601 Max (Part 1)
[Andrew: What’s up, Klaus! How was the hunt in the Twilight Woods? (18:02)
Klaus: Sup! (18:14)
Klaus: It was very good. I killed some Forest Lurkers and got a good amount of XP. We should have gone to this place instead of that bizarre forest with the Saber-Tooth Tigers last time. (18:14)
Andrew: HAHA! You’re right… I told you these woods were good for leveling up! (18:23)
Klaus: And you were right. This area is really great for farming. I even took the opportunity to train my aim a bit, thanks again for showing me that tip. (18:25)
ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm Andrew: You’re welcome, my friend! I’m always here to share the knowledge… By the way, aren’t you tired? Yesterday you woke up early, trained, competed and celebrated with your family and today you still trained, hung out with them and farmed…. I’d be exhausted. (18:26)
Klaus: Nah! I can handle it!” (18:30)
Klaus: Oh, and I saw the notice that the second phase has been postponed until tomorrow, but I don’t know why yet. Did they tell you? (18:36)
Andrew: Yes, apparently the modality got a lot more attention than it should have and the sponsors demanded different challenges from the first phase, because that way they can keep the audience longer. (18:36)
Andrew: That’s bad, I think. I think the challenges in phase 1 were perfect. (18:37)
Klaus: Indeed, the challenges of phase 1 were well balanced and objective, but it seems that the sponsors are more concerned about attracting audience than ensuring balance in the trials. Anyway, we can’t change that, so make sure you go to bed early tonight to prepare for whatever comes in phase 2. (18:39)
Andrew: Exactly, no point in complaining…. But it sucks. (18:39)
Klaus: I’m sure you’ll do well, as always. (18:40)
Andrew: Thanks, Klaus. I hope I can face you in the final, hahaha!” (18:47)
Klaus: We’re a team, but know that I won’t feel sorry for you when we face each other. You know, I’m very competitive. (18:49)
Andrew: I look forward to what’s to come then. See you tomorrow, Klaus! (18:49)
Klaus: See you tomorrow, Andrew! (18:50)].
When he finished exchanging messages with Andrew, Klaus put his cell phone on the bedside table and threw himself on the soft bed of his empty hotel room. He was actually exhausted.
Despite the excitement of the championship and the messages he kept receiving from various people, exhaustion began to take over Klaus. He was dealing with an extremely hectic schedule: competitions, training, the strange city, family, friends, girlfriends and now the intense hours of farming in Rise Online. This was a life he couldn’t complain about, but he really missed the relaxation of just waking up and playing RO all day when he lived with Emma and Jayaa.
Also, for the first time in his life, Klaus was feeling a bit pressured, not by the competitions themselves, but to reach level 200 in just one month. Although he has progressed more levels than any other player in the last few months, it took him several months to reach level 100, so only one month to climb so many levels left is a deadline bordering on the absurd.
Klaus sat up in bed, massaging his temples with his fingers, feeling his muscles tense from the physical and mental exertion. There was still much to be done, and he knew he needed to rest properly to be at his best the next day. He had nothing, but Laura, Andrew and Emma were going to compete on the same stage for three of the five remaining places in the grand final, so it was definitely going to be a bit stressful.
Before, Klaus had thought about just taking a break from Rise Online, but now he was considering actually sleeping. He knew he needed a good night’s sleep to recover, and the hotel room was quiet and serene, so he lay down on the bed, feeling the coziness of the mattress.
As he closed his eyes, he tried to empty his mind, not letting thoughts and worries enter as he fully relaxed his body. This was a technique he used to sleep when he came home from part-time jobs. With his mind empty, Klaus finally gave himself over to rest, letting the tiredness dissipate into a peaceful, restorative sleep.
The next day, the hotel was noisy as ever, but Klaus woke up feeling a little more refreshed. He could still feel the exhaustion weighing on him, only it was minimal and as he still had this day of rest for the grand final the next day, he would be fully recovered.
With determination, he got out of bed and did a quick series of stretches and calisthenics to loosen and strengthen his muscles. Physical training was very important for him to keep his reflexes up to date. He could not neglect any aspect of his preparation. As he got ready, Klaus thought about the messages he had exchanged with his girlfriend.
Ashley would not be able to attend Andrew and Laura’s archery competition, but she asked him to let her know that she wished them luck.
Klaus was neither disappointed nor happy with this news. He knew Ashley would be very busy all those days as well.
In turn, the hotel corridors had people moving around and talking in droves as in the previous days, but Klaus noticed that everyone looked at him with much more respect than before. It was no wonder, after all, no one knew him until the end of the first day of competition, so to the others he was just some idiot with an overconfident countenance.
Klaus rubbed his eyes sleepily as he waited for the elevator and when the doors opened on the floor he was on, he was surprised, because who was inside the elevator was Emma and another boy.
Klaus felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t hesitate to get into the elevator.
The boy next to her inside the elevator was tall and muscular like Klaus and looked at Klaus with a challenging look, as if he was assessing a rival.