Chapter 612 Realm Conflicts
“If someone said that to me at the same time last year, I’d say they were going mad! Puahahat!” Kaizen said, laughing.
“Don’t say that, think that it was a hidden talent within you. In fact, it can’t be otherwise, your performance was incredible.”
Kaizen smiled, feeling a little embarrassed by Xisrith’s compliment. “Well, I owe a lot to this game. I’ve learned a lot here, and it seems that some of the skills I developed in the game have translated to the real world.”
“I wish playing could also work for my area of training.” Xisrith joked.
“And what are you studying at college?” asked Klaus out of curiosity.
Xisrith laughed, revealing his sharp fangs in a friendly smile. “Unfortunately, my field of study is a little distant from yours. I’m studying Politics and International Relations.”
Kaizen arched an eyebrow. “Politics and international relations? That’s quite different from what most people our age are studying.”
Xisrith agreed. “That’s true. However, I dreamed of being a Diplomat when I was younger and built a curriculum for it… It’s good that there’s growing tension between the Human Kingdoms of Midgard, maybe I can use my skills and try to improve relations so there isn’t one.”
“Wait, tension? What are you talking about?”
“You haven’t been following the news, have you?” Xisrith asked and then remembered that he was literally in the middle of a competition. “Oh, yeah, that’s bad. So, I’ll tell you… The human kingdoms are facing some political tensions and rumors of territorial disputes, because both Vrikhodour and Mibothen want the rich soil of Tretidian. However, Vrikhodour doesn’t want to ally with Mibothen, because they suspect them of harboring and protecting The Eye of Hermodr in their territory. And Tretidian is in the middle of all this like in a crossfire, because it’s still having its capital rebuilt and spending a lot of resources, so it can’t get into a war right now.”
“And that’s why the other big human kingdoms are eyeing Tretidian’s territory. This could easily escalate into a more serious conflict.” Klaus thought. Klaus thought. “I was so involved with my training that I didn’t have much time to follow the news. But this is really worrying…”
“Yes, very.”
“And you believe Vrikhodour? Mibothen could really be hiding the Eye of Hermodr.”𝗈𝓥𝐥xt.𝒞𝗈𝓶
“I don’t know what to think about that, I’ve never visited Mibothen. It’s too far away. However, if Vrikhodour decides to go to war against Mibothen or Tretidian, my people will have to fight and that’s not something I want.” Xisrith said.
Klaus nodded understandingly. “I see your point… I hope the situation can be resolved peacefully, without the need for armed conflict.”
Xisrith sighed. “I hope so too… I’d like to contribute to stability between the kingdoms, even if it’s just a drop in the ocean.”
At that moment, Klaus had an idea and smiled at her, admiring her determination and empathy. “It’s a noble mission, Xisrith. And I believe that every effort in this direction is worthwhile. The world needs more people who want to work for peace. And I think I can help in this situation of instability between the kingdoms… OG! I’m going out, you can close up store for the day. It’s getting late.”
Og’tharoz flew up to the counter and smiled. “No problem. And, Xisrith, it was a pleasure to see you again.”
On the street, Xisrith looked at Kaizen and asked:
“What do you have in mind? How can you help?”
“I know the King of Tretidian and, although I’m not a professional diplomat, I’ve made some influential friends since I arrived in this city. I believe I can use these connections to try to mediate conversations or facilitate dialog between the kingdoms. Besides, I’ve helped them a few times and earned some respect, which might give me the opportunity to at least debate the matter.”
ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm Xisrith looked at him gratefully. “That’s incredible. If you can help in any way, I think it could make a real difference.”
“I’d like to try, at least. And if this situation escalated into open conflict, kingdoms would be devastated. Lives would be lost, and I don’t want that to happen. My store would make a profit at first, but then it wouldn’t have any more customers.”
Xisrith laughed briefly at Kaizen’s joke.
As they walked through the bright streets of the Capital, the two talked about possible strategies, people they could contact and ways to approach the situation diplomatically. They knew the task wouldn’t be easy, but their determination was strong.
“At the very least, we can try to negotiate. I know that if I have time I can finish off The Eye of Hermodr, so they just need to ease the tension of the war for a few days.” suggested Kaizen. “Often, leaders’ decisions are shaped under pressure, so we have to make them aware.”
Xisrith smiled, impressed by Kaizen’s approach. “You really are someone smart, no matter if in the game or in real life.”
Kaizen laughed. “Well, thanks for the compliment. But the truth is that the game has taught me a lot about strategy, teamwork and problem-solving. It seems that these skills are more useful than I could ever have imagined.”
As the conversation continued, they realized that they were creating a concrete plan to address the political situation between the kingdoms. The night was quiet and cool, and the stars shone brightly in the night sky over the city. And so they finally arrived at the square in front of the Royal Palace, where the lights illuminated the majestic building that had already been rebuilt and the fountain in the center of the square sparkled with golden reflections. It was an impressive sight, and Xisrith felt a certain nervousness mixed with excitement as she gazed at the palace.
Kaizen noticed her expression and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You can do this. I’m sure you’ll do very well.”
She smiled at him, thanking him for his support. “Thanks for the confidence.”