Chapter 859: Emperor of Niflheim
At that moment, with all that paranormal energy swirling around him and Kaizen’s threat, the entity had no choice but to give in.
“Do not do this! I beg you, Psyker! There is a way to solve this! I’ll tell you! I promise I’ll tell you where Týr is!”
Kaizen slowed down a little from all the PM he was exhaling. “I’m listening.”
“Muspelheim! Týr is here, in the most extreme depths of Muspelheim, where the flame of life and death meet,” the entity confessed.
“That doesn’t help at all. I want to know exactly where he is,” said Kaizen.
“Go east and you’ll find a deep, deep lake! It’s like a wound in this world, the bottom of which is impossible to see from its surface. Despite this, trust me, at the bottom of this gorge there is a tomb and it is there that Týr lives in exile, a place that not even the gods could find him if they wanted to.”
Kaizen quickly memorized the words and details spoken by the entity.
“Thank you for your cooperation,” Kaizen replied, his voice softening a little with relief. A few minutes ago he was beginning to think that it would be impossible to find Týr and travel with the others to Muspelheim to save the spirit of Og’tharoz’s wife.
Nevertheless, the dagger in Kaizen’s left hand glowed brightly, emitting a heavenly radiance that expanded around Kaizen and the entity. The air around them seemed to vibrate with a mystical energy as the power of the <Sidereal Foundry> began to be channeled.
The entity quickly felt the power concentrating on it, a sense of impending imprisonment that made it tremble even more. She looked into Kaizen’s eyes, seeing the coldness that dwelled there.
“Don’t do that… Please, Psyker, there’s another way,” pleaded the entity, fighting against the inevitable.
Kaizen was not shaken by the plea, for he knew that the fate he was offering was a form of justice for the damage done to the people of Niflheim. So Kaizen plunged the dagger into the entity, channeling all the power of the <Sidereal Casting> to fuse it with the dagger itself.
And then, in an instant of impact, the entity was fused with the dagger, its dark form becoming part of the weapon, which glowed brightly.
“Sorry about the little betrayal, but I’ll take you with me to make sure you didn’t lie. If I really find Týr, I’ll think about freeing you.” Kaizen said.
Kaizen held the dagger and felt an immense heat emanating from it. After he became an Evolved, he became practically immune to many things, including temperature variation, but this dagger was making him feel even the palm of his hand burn.
“Use <Analyzing Eye>.” Kaizen said as he looked at the dagger and an item attribute window appeared in front of him.
[Item: Infernal Dagger (Cursed Attack Weapon).
This item was forged by a Master Blacksmith named Kaizen, but it seems to carry something more than natural materials.
(Buff: all your attacks will deal cumulative fire damage.)
(Debuff: 10 MP points and will be consumed every second you use this item).
Class: Mythical
Item Level: 1 of 1
Attack: 1000
Defense: 20
Physical Fitness Level required: 170].
The entity was now immortal, but trapped in a state of eternal existence, unable to move or act. Its malicious smile disappeared, replaced by an expression of resignation and torment amidst the darkness of the dagger’s interior.
Kaizen took a deep breath and stood up, looking at the horizon. Snow was falling again on the range of great mountains at this moment.
“I hope that now this world can finally reorganize itself.” Kaizen said as he saw the many lights on the horizon.
In the aftermath of the battle in the Mist Palace, the scene slowly calmed down.
Alina, with her magical abilities, managed to contain the portal opened by the entity and, meanwhile, the other members of Kaizen’s team struggled to contain the possessed dark elves, facing a tide of chaos and darkness.
However, suddenly the dark elves returned to normal, as if the dark influence that had overtaken them had been dispelled.
When Kaizen returned to the Mist Palace after the confrontation, he saw that Alina had bound most of the elves with magic ropes. He then calmly explained to the elves the nature of his mission and how the leader of the dark elves had long ago been corrupted by an evil entity and was being manipulated.
Discovering that the Emperor they respected so much and who had brought them out of nowhere was not himself came as a shock to the soldiers. What’s more, the Emperor’s death had left the throne empty and the need for a new leader was evident.
Suddenly, one of the soldiers appeared, humbled, knelt down in front of Kaizen and said:
“Sir, we are grateful to you for freeing us from the darkness that was consuming us. We accept your condition of seeking a worthy leader, someone who can bring balance and justice to Niflheim, not yet another dictatorship that feeds corruption. For that reason, I believe I speak for everyone who chose you.”
Kaizen frowned. “I’m not a dark elf, I can’t lead them.”
“Dark elves have always lived in groups, we’ve never needed a leader for all the people. We can have captains, generals and lieutenants for group control, but what we need now is an Emperor who rules not only for us dark elves, but also for all the other races of this world.”
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[The dark elves of Niflheim are offering you the title ‘Emperor of Niflheim’].
[Accepting this position means that all the responsibilities expected of the Emperor will be assigned to you, as well as the benefits].
[Do you wish to accept the Title ‘Emperor of Niflheim’? YES/NO].
Kaizen didn’t even have to think about it to give his answer and clicked NO.
“I’m happy and flattered to be considered a candidate, even after all the damage I’ve done to you, but I can’t accept. In fact, I’m not from this world, I’m from Midgard and I couldn’t live split between these two worlds. Even so, the fact that you consider me means that you are already better than you were yesterday and I’m sure you will continue to improve.
However, from now on I’ll keep an eye on Niflheim and I’ll be back soon to check who you elect.”
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