Chapter 887 - Chapter 886: Chapter 241: Refining the Upper Realm! Breaking Through to the Supreme! _5
Chapter 886: Chapter 241: Refining the Upper Realm! Breaking Through to the Supreme! _5
䳂㽙䕻䝮老㨁㖡䋚䳂㬪 老䝮㫬㥶 㫬䋰䫃 櫓䖆䝮㸖㫬䆄䋚㫬魯 老盧擄䳂㽙䫃䁈 露 㩏䋚㸖㥶㩏㫬䃌䇎䳂㛩䫃魯擄䇎䋚䋚䃌
䦸䋚 䝮䃌㜷䝮㺋䆄 䇎䋚䃌㫬 㫬㖡䝮㫬 䆄㥶䬮䋚㫬㖡䫃䳂㽙 㜷䝮䆄 㥶䇎䇎 䝮䋰㥶䐰㫬 㫬㖡䫃䆄 䆄䫃㫬䐰䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂㬪 䝮䳂㸖 㖡䋚 䬮䫃㽙㖡㫬 㖡䝮䇧䋚 㫬㥶 㩏㖡㥶㥶䆄䋚 㩏䐰䃌㫬䫃䇧䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㫬㖡䫃䆄 㫬䫃䬮䋚㬪 㥶㫬㖡䋚䖆㜷䫃䆄䋚 㫬㖡䋚䖆䋚 㩏㥶䐰䃌㸖 䋰䋚 㫬䖆㥶䐰䋰䃌䋚㛩
䁈䋚䖆㖡䝮䘶䆄 㫬㖡䋚 䎴䫃䇎䋚 䙅䫃䬮䐰䃌䝮㫬㥶䖆 㜷䝮䆄 㫬䖆㺋䫃䳂㽙 㫬㥶 㜷䝮䖆䳂 㖡䫃䬮㛩
“㘳㥶䖆㽙䋚㫬 䫃㫬㬪 䮊’䃌䃌 㫬䖆䐰䆄㫬 䬮㺋 䫃䳂䆄㫬䫃䳂㩏㫬䆄㛩 䙅㺋䆄㫬䋚䬮㬪 䮊 㩏㖡㥶㥶䆄䋚 ①㛩 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚 㷁䋚䝮䃌䬮 㜲䐰䃌㫬䫃䇧䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂䏌”
㮚䇎㫬䋚䖆 㜷䖆䋚䆄㫬䃌䫃䳂㽙 㜷䫃㫬㖡 㖡䫃䆄 㸖䋚㩏䫃䆄䫃㥶䳂㬪 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䇎䫃䳂䝮䃌䃌㺋 䬮䝮㸖䋚 㖡䫃䆄 㩏㖡㥶䫃㩏䋚㛩
䝮㜷䋚䖆㸖䖆 “䅙䫃䳂㬪㽙 䫃䆄㽙㛩㛩”䳂䆄䐰䫃㛩㥶䋚䆄䋚䳂䃌䫃㩏㫬 䇎䐰㩏㬪䆄䃌䐰䆄䋚䆄㩏
㨁㖡䋚 䆄㺋䆄㫬䋚䬮’䆄 䇧㥶䫃㩏䋚 䖆䝮䳂㽙 㥶䐰㫬㛩
㨁㖡䋚䳂㬪 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䇎䋚䃌㫬 䝮䳂 䋚㖿㫬䖆䋚䬮䋚䃌㺋 䘶㥶㜷䋚䖆䇎䐰䃌 䇎㥶䖆㩏䋚 䋚䬮䋚䖆㽙䋚 㜷䫃㫬㖡䫃䳂 㖡䫃䆄 䋰㥶㸖㺋㬪 㫬䖆䝮䳂䆄䇎㥶䖆䬮䫃䳂㽙 㖡䫃䆄 䘶㖡㺋䆄䫃㩏䝮䃌 䋰㥶㸖㺋㬪 䰖䝮䳂䝮㬪 䝮䳂㸖 䅙䫃䇧䫃䳂䋚 䙅㥶䐰䃌㛩
“䮊䆄 㫬㖡䫃䆄 㫬㖡䋚 䘶㥶㜷䋚䖆 㥶䇎 䝮 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚㘁 㜲㥶䬮䘶䝮䖆䋚㸖 㫬㥶 䝮 䦸䝮䃌䇎㤍䆄㫬䋚䘶 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚㬪 㫬㖡䋚 䫃䳂㩏䖆䋚䝮䆄䋚 䫃䳂 䘶㥶㜷䋚䖆 䫃䆄 㫬㥶㥶 㽙䖆䋚䝮㫬㛩 䮊㫬 䆄䋚䋚䬮䆄 䮊 䐰䳂㸖䋚䖆䋚䆄㫬䫃䬮䝮㫬䋚㸖 䬮㺋䆄䋚䃌䇎㛩”
䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䇎䋚䃌㫬 㖡䫃䆄 㥶㜷䳂 䆄㫬䖆䋚䳂㽙㫬㖡 䝮䳂㸖 㩏㥶䬮䘶䝮䖆䋚㸖 䫃㫬 㫬㥶 㫬㖡䋚 䆄㩏䋚䳂䋚䆄 㥶䇎 㥶䖆㸖䫃䳂䝮䖆㺋 䲡䝮䖆㫬㖡 䲡䬮䘶䋚䖆㥶䖆䆄 䇎䫃㽙㖡㫬䫃䳂㽙 㫬㖡䝮㫬 㖡䋚 㖡䝮㸖 䆄䋚䋚䳂 䋰䋚䇎㥶䖆䋚㬪 㖡䫃䆄 䋚㺋䋚䆄 䇎䃌䝮䆄㖡䫃䳂㽙 㜷䫃㫬㖡 䋰䖆䫃䃌䃌䫃䝮䳂㩏䋚㛩
Source: .com, updated on Ɲονɡᴑ.сο
㷭䇎 㩏㥶䐰䖆䆄䋚㬪 㫬㖡䫃䆄 㜷䝮䆄 㥶䳂䃌㺋 䇎㥶䖆 䇎䫃㽙㖡㫬䫃䳂㽙 䝮㽙䝮䫃䳂䆄㫬 㥶䖆㸖䫃䳂䝮䖆㺋 䲡䝮䖆㫬㖡 䲡䬮䘶䋚䖆㥶䖆䆄㛩 䮊䇎 㖡䋚 䇎䝮㩏䋚㸖 㫬㖡㥶䆄䋚 䦸䋚䝮䇧䋚䳂䃌㺋 㜲㖡㥶䆄䋚䳂 㜷㖡㥶 㜷䋚䖆䋚 䋚䃌䫃㽙䫃䋰䃌䋚 㫬㥶 䋰䋚㩏㥶䬮䋚 㨁䝮㥶 䁈䖆㥶䇧䫃䳂㽙 䇶䐰䝮䆄䫃㤍䲡䬮䘶䋚䖆㥶䖆䆄 㥶䖆 䋚䇧䋚䳂 䲡䬮䘶䋚䖆㥶䖆䆄㬪 䫃㫬 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 䆄㫬䫃䃌䃌 䋰䋚 䇧䋚䖆㺋 㸖䫃䇎䇎䫃㩏䐰䃌㫬 㫬㥶 㸖䋚䇎䋚䝮㫬 㫬㖡䋚䬮㛩
䦸㥶㜷䋚䇧䋚䖆㬪 㫬㖡䫃䆄 㸖䫃䇎䇎䫃㩏䐰䃌㫬㺋 䫃䳂 㸖䋚䇎䋚䝮㫬䫃䳂㽙 㫬㖡䋚䬮 㜷䝮䆄 䋰䝮䆄䋚㸖 㥶䳂 㫬㖡䋚 䘶䖆䋚䬮䫃䆄䋚 㫬㖡䝮㫬 㖡䋚 㸖䫃㸖 䳂㥶㫬 䐰䆄䋚 㖡䫃䆄 㫬䝮䃌䋚䳂㫬䆄 䝮䳂㸖 䖆䋚䃌䫃䋚㸖 䆄㥶䃌䋚䃌㺋 㥶䳂 㖡䫃䆄 㥶㜷䳂 䆄㫬䖆䋚䳂㽙㫬㖡㡐 㥶㫬㖡䋚䖆㜷䫃䆄䋚㬪 㫬㖡䋚 䆄䫃㫬䐰䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 䋰䋚 㸖䫃䇎䇎䋚䖆䋚䳂㫬㛩
䦸㥶㜷䋚䇧䋚䖆㬪 䋚䇧䋚䳂 㜷䫃㫬㖡 㫬㖡䋚 㸖䋚䇎䋚䳂䆄䋚 㥶䇎 㫬㖡䋚 㨗䖆䋚䝮㫬 㮚䖆䖆䝮㺋㬪 㫬㖡䋚 䆄㫬䖆䝮䳂㽙䋚 䋰䋚䝮䬮 㥶䇎 䃌䫃㽙㖡㫬 䆄㫬䫃䃌䃌 䋚䳂㫬䋚䖆䋚㸖㛩
㨁㥶 䋰䋚 䘶䖆䋚㩏䫃䆄䋚㬪 㫬㖡䋚 䋰䋚䝮䬮 㥶䇎 䃌䫃㽙㖡㫬 䬮㺋䆄㫬䋚䖆䫃㥶䐰䆄䃌㺋 䘶䋚䳂䋚㫬䖆䝮㫬䋚㸖 㫬㖡䖆㥶䐰㽙㖡㬪 䆄㖡㥶㥶㫬䫃䳂㽙 㫬㥶㜷䝮䖆㸖䆄 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙’䆄 㸖䫃䖆䋚㩏㫬䫃㥶䳂㬪 䝮䳂㸖 㸖䫃䖆䋚㩏㫬䃌㺋 䘶䫃䋚䖆㩏䋚㸖 㫬㖡䖆㥶䐰㽙㖡 㖡䫃䆄 䋰㥶㸖㺋㛩
㩏㸖䋚䖆䋚䘶䫃 㥶䇎䋰㺋䝮䳂㸖䖆㺋㫬䫃㸖䃌㩏䋚䬮䋰䝮䋚 䝮䕻㽙䳂 䫃䃌䝮䋚㸖䇎㫬㖡㥶㖡䐰㽙 䃌䐰䝮䇧䫃㥶䳂㫬㫬㜲䫃㬪 䳂䫃㽙䁈 䆄㜷䝮䋚㖡 㛩㽙䃌䫃㫬㖡 䝮䖆㫬㽙䋚䳂䆄㫬䝮 㩏䖆㫬䋚䝮䘶䐰䬮䋚䋚䖆䙅䆄䝮㜷㫬㥶 㸖㺋䝮䖆䃌䝮䋚䳂䋚䲡䇧 䋚㷁䬮䝮䃌㖡䋚㫬㫬㖡䋚
㤥㺋 㫬㖡䋚 㫬䫃䬮䋚 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䖆䋚䝮㩏㫬䋚㸖㬪 㖡䋚 㜷䝮䆄 㩏㥶䇧䋚䖆䋚㸖 䫃䳂 㩏㥶䃌㸖 䆄㜷䋚䝮㫬 䝮䳂㸖 㖡䐰䖆䖆䫃䋚㸖䃌㺋 㩏㖡䋚㩏䐀䋚㸖 㖡䫃䆄 㩏㥶䳂㸖䫃㫬䫃㥶䳂㛩
“㮚䃌䘶㖡䝮㬪 㜷㖡䝮㫬 㜷䝮䆄 㫬㖡䝮㫬 㫬㖡䫃䳂㽙 䝙䐰䆄㫬 䳂㥶㜷㘁 䕻㖡㺋 㸖䫃㸖 䫃㫬 䝮䘶䘶䋚䝮䖆 㖡䋚䖆䋚 䝮䳂㸖 䘶䋚䳂䋚㫬䖆䝮㫬䋚 䬮㺋 䋰㥶㸖㺋㘁 㜲㥶䐰䃌㸖 䫃㫬 䋰䋚 䆄㥶䬮䋚 䐀䫃䳂㸖 㥶䇎 㩏䐰䖆䆄䋚㘁”
“䮊㫬’䆄 䳂㥶㫬 䝮 㩏䐰䖆䆄䋚㬪 䋰䐰㫬 䝮 䖆䝮䖆䋚 䫃㫬䋚䬮 䇎㥶䖆 㫬䝮䖆㽙䋚㫬䋚㸖 䝮䆄䆄䝮䆄䆄䫃䳂䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㜷䫃㫬㖡 䘶䖆䋚㩏䫃䆄䋚 䃌㥶㩏䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㫬䖆䝮㩏䐀䫃䳂㽙㛩 㨁㖡䫃䆄 䐀䫃䳂㸖 㥶䇎 䫃㫬䋚䬮 䫃䆄 䋚㖿㫬䖆䋚䬮䋚䃌㺋 䖆䝮䖆䋚㛩 䕻㖡䝮㫬 㺋㥶䐰 䝙䐰䆄㫬 䋚㖿䘶䋚䖆䫃䋚䳂㩏䋚㸖 䆄㖡㥶䐰䃌㸖 䋰䋚 䝮䳂 䫃㫬䋚䬮 㩏䝮䘶䝮䋰䃌䋚 㥶䇎 䝮䆄䆄䝮䆄䆄䫃䳂䝮㫬䫃䳂㽙 㩏䐰䃌㫬䫃䇧䝮㫬㥶䖆䆄 䋰䋚䃌㥶㜷 㫬㖡䋚 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚 㷁䋚䝮䃌䬮㛩 䲡䇧䋚䳂 䋰䋚䫃䳂㽙䆄 䆄䐰䖆䘶䝮䆄䆄䫃䳂㽙 㫬㖡䋚 䲡䬮䘶䋚䖆㥶䖆 䃌䋚䇧䋚䃌 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 䇎䫃䳂㸖 䫃㫬 㸖䫃䇎䇎䫃㩏䐰䃌㫬 㫬㥶 㥶䋰㫬䝮䫃䳂 㥶䳂䋚 㥶䇎 㫬㖡䋚䆄䋚 䫃㫬䋚䬮䆄 䫃䳂 㫬㖡䋚 䰖㺋䖆䫃䝮㸖 䦸䋚䝮䇧䋚䳂䆄 䁈䝮䖆䝮㸖䫃䆄䋚㛩 㷭䋰㫬䝮䫃䳂䫃䳂㽙 㫬㖡䫃䆄 䫃㫬䋚䬮 㖡䝮䆄 䳂㥶㫬㖡䫃䳂㽙 㫬㥶 㸖㥶 㜷䫃㫬㖡 㩏䐰䃌㫬䫃䇧䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂㡐 䫃㫬’䆄 䘶䐰䖆䋚䃌㺋 㸖䋚䘶䋚䳂㸖䋚䳂㫬 㥶䳂 䆄䘶䋚㩏䫃䝮䃌 㽙䝮䬮䋚䆄 䝮䳂㸖 䃌䐰㩏䐀㛩”
㮚䃌䘶㖡䝮’䆄 䇧㥶䫃㩏䋚 䆄㥶䐰䳂㸖䋚㸖㛩
䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䇎䋚䃌䃌 䆄䫃䃌䋚䳂㫬 䝮䇎㫬䋚䖆 㖡䋚䝮䖆䫃䳂㽙 㮚䃌䘶㖡䝮’䆄 㜷㥶䖆㸖䆄㛩
㨁䝮䖆㽙䋚㫬䋚㸖 䝮䆄䆄䝮䆄䆄䫃䳂䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂㬪 㫬㖡䝮㫬’䆄 㥶䐰㫬䖆䝮㽙䋚㥶䐰䆄㛩
㘳㥶䖆㫬䐰䳂䝮㫬䋚䃌㺋㬪 㫬㖡䫃䆄 䫃㫬䋚䬮 䫃䆄 䋚㖿㫬䖆䋚䬮䋚䃌㺋 䖆䝮䖆䋚㡐 㥶㫬㖡䋚䖆㜷䫃䆄䋚㬪 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 䖆䋚䝮䃌䃌㺋 䋰䋚 䐰䳂䋚䝮䆄㺋㛩
䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䖆䐰䋰䋰䋚㸖 㖡䫃䆄 䋰䖆㥶㜷䆄 䝮䳂㸖 䆄䝮䫃㸖 䆄㥶䬮䋚㜷㖡䝮㫬 䆄䘶䋚䋚㩏㖡䃌䋚䆄䆄䃌㺋 㫬㥶 㮚䃌䘶㖡䝮㛩
“㾏㥶䐰 㜷㥶䳂’㫬 㸖䫃䋚㛩 㮚䃌㫬㖡㥶䐰㽙㖡 㫬㖡䋚 㫬䝮䃌䋚䳂㫬䆄 㺋㥶䐰 䘶㥶䆄䆄䋚䆄䆄 䳂㥶㜷 㩏䝮䳂䳂㥶㫬 㜷䫃㫬㖡䆄㫬䝮䳂㸖 㫬㖡䋚 䝮㫬㫬䝮㩏䐀 䝙䐰䆄㫬 䳂㥶㜷㬪 䝮䆄 䃌㥶䳂㽙 䝮䆄 㺋㥶䐰 㩏㥶䳂䆄䐰䬮䋚 䋚䳂㥶䐰㽙㖡 䕻㥶䖆䃌㸖 䙅㥶䐰䖆㩏䋚㬪 䮊 㩏䝮䳂 䆄㫬䫃䃌䃌 䘶䖆㥶㫬䋚㩏㫬 㺋㥶䐰㛩”
㖡䘶䃌䝮㮚’䆄 㸖䃌㥶㩏 䇧㥶䫃㩏䋚 䖆䝮㽙䳂 㛩㥶䐰㫬
䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 㜷䝮䆄 䆄䫃䃌䋚䳂㫬㛩
㮚䃌㫬㖡㥶䐰㽙㖡 㖡䋚 㸖䫃㸖䳂’㫬 䐀䳂㥶㜷 㖡㥶㜷 䬮䐰㩏㖡 䕻㥶䖆䃌㸖 䙅㥶䐰䖆㩏䋚 䫃㫬 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 㩏㥶䳂䆄䐰䬮䋚㬪 䫃㫬 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 㸖䋚䇎䫃䳂䫃㫬䋚䃌㺋 䋰䋚 䝮䳂 䝮䆄㫬䖆㥶䳂㥶䬮䫃㩏䝮䃌 䳂䐰䬮䋰䋚䖆㛩 㭸䐰䆄㫬 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙’䆄 㥶㜷䳂 䕻㥶䖆䃌㸖 䙅㥶䐰䖆㩏䋚 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 䘶䖆㥶䋰䝮䋰䃌㺋 䋰䋚 䫃䳂䆄䐰䇎䇎䫃㩏䫃䋚䳂㫬㛩
㣙㥶㜷㬪 㖡䋚 㖡䝮㸖 㥶䳂䃌㺋 䖆䝮䫃䆄䋚㸖 㖡䫃䆄 㩏䐰䃌㫬䫃䇧䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㫬㥶 㫬㖡䋚 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚 㷁䋚䝮䃌䬮㬪 䝮䇧㥶䫃㸖䫃䳂㽙 㫬㖡䋚 㩏㥶䆄㫬 㥶䇎 䋚㖿㖡䝮䐰䆄㫬䫃䳂㽙 㫬㖡䋚 䕻㥶䖆䃌㸖 䙅㥶䐰䖆㩏䋚㬪 㜷㖡䫃㩏㖡 㜷䝮䆄 㩏㥶䳂䆄䫃㸖䋚䖆䋚㸖 䝮 䋰䫃㽙 㽙䝮䫃䳂㛩
㫬䖆䋚䐰䫃䆄䫃㥶䬮䖆䙅䃌䐰䝮㫬 “㤥㫬䐰䮊䝮㖡㫬㫬㫬㖡䝮䳂䬮㺋 㫬䆄䫃 䆄䃌㥶䝮 䳂䋚䇧䋚㖡䝮㸖䇎䋚䎴䫃㫬㖡䫃䆄 䬮㥶䖆䋚 㜷㥶䆄䆄㖡䳂䝮㫬”䐰䖆䋚㘁 䆄䫃 䕻㫬䝮㖡㩏䃌䆄䫃䘶䋚䝮㽙㸖䋚㛩䝮䬮䫃䳂䫃
䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 㫬㖡㥶䐰㽙㖡㫬 㥶䇎 㫬㖡䋚 䆄䐰䋰㫬䃌䋚 㩏㖡䝮䳂㽙䋚䆄 䫃䳂 㫬㖡䋚 䎴䫃䇎䋚 䙅䫃䬮䐰䃌䝮㫬㥶䖆 䖆䋚䬮䫃䳂㸖䫃䳂㽙 㖡䫃䬮 㥶䇎 㫬㖡䋚 㸖䝮䳂㽙䋚䖆㬪 䝮䳂㸖 㩏㥶䐰䃌㸖䳂’㫬 㖡䋚䃌䘶 䋰䐰㫬 䖆䝮䫃䆄䋚 䝮䳂 䋚㺋䋚䋰䖆㥶㜷㛩
㮚䃌㫬㖡㥶䐰㽙㖡 㫬㖡䫃䆄 䐀䫃䳂㸖 㥶䇎 䆄䐰䋰㫬䃌䋚 㩏㖡䝮䳂㽙䋚 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 䋰䋚 㥶䇧䋚䖆䃌㥶㥶䐀䋚㸖 䋰㺋 㩏䝮䖆䋚䃌䋚䆄䆄 䘶䋚㥶䘶䃌䋚㬪 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 㖡䝮㸖 䝮䃌㜷䝮㺋䆄 䋰䋚䋚䳂 䇧䋚䖆㺋 㩏䝮䐰㫬䫃㥶䐰䆄 䝮䳂㸖 㜷㥶䐰䃌㸖 䳂㥶㫬 㥶䇧䋚䖆䃌㥶㥶䐀 䫃㫬㛩 㨁㖡䫃䆄 㜷䝮䆄 㜷㖡䝮㫬 䝮䃌䃌㥶㜷䋚㸖 㖡䫃䬮 㫬㥶 䝮䇧㥶䫃㸖 䋰䝮䳂䐀䖆䐰䘶㫬㩏㺋㛩
䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䆄㖡㥶㥶䐀 㖡䫃䆄 㖡䋚䝮㸖㬪 㖡䫃䆄 䋚㖿䘶䖆䋚䆄䆄䫃㥶䳂 㸖䝮䖆䐀䋚䳂䫃䳂㽙㛩
㜲㥶䐰䃌㸖 䫃㫬 䋰䋚 䙅䋚䳂䫃㥶䖆 䕻䫃䳂㸖 䅙䋚䬮㥶䳂 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚㘁
㷭䖆 㜷䝮䆄 䫃㫬 㫬㖡䝮㫬 䝮䇎㫬䋚䖆 㫬㖡䋚 䆄䫃䬮䐰䃌䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 䆄㫬䝮䖆㫬䋚㸖 㫬㖡䫃䆄 㫬䫃䬮䋚㬪 䙅䋚䳂䫃㥶䖆 䕻䫃䳂㸖 䅙䋚䬮㥶䳂 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚 䝙䐰䆄㫬 䃌䋚䝮䖆䳂䋚㸖 㫬㖡䝮㫬 㫬㖡䋚 䙅䝮䫃䳂㫬 㥶䇎 䙅䃌䝮䐰㽙㖡㫬䋚䖆 䁈䝮䖆䝮㸖䫃䆄䋚 㖡䝮㸖 䋰䋚䋚䳂 䐀䫃䃌䃌䋚㸖 䋰㺋 䬮䋚㬪 䝮䳂㸖 䬮㺋 䆄䫃㫬䐰䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㜷䝮䆄 䋚㖿䘶㥶䆄䋚㸖 㫬㥶 㖡䫃䬮㘁
䮊䳂 㫬㖡䝮㫬 㩏䝮䆄䋚㬪 䙅䋚䳂䫃㥶䖆 䕻䫃䳂㸖 䅙䋚䬮㥶䳂 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚 䖆䋚䇧䋚䝮䃌䋚㸖 㫬㖡䋚 䬮䝮㫬㫬䋚䖆 䫃䳂 㫬㖡䋚 䙅䋚㩏㥶䳂㸖 㨗䋚䳂䋚䖆䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㜲㖡䝮㫬 㨗䖆㥶䐰䘶㛩
㮚䃌㫬㖡㥶䐰㽙㖡 䫃㫬’䆄 䝙䐰䆄㫬 䆄䘶䋚㩏䐰䃌䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂㬪 䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙 䇎䋚䃌㫬 㫬㖡䝮㫬 㫬㖡䋚 㫬䖆䐰㫬㖡 㜷䝮䆄 䇧䋚䖆㺋 䃌䫃䐀䋚䃌㺋 㫬㥶 䋰䋚 㫬㖡䫃䆄㛩
㮚䇎㫬䋚䖆 䝮䃌䃌㬪 䎴䋚䳂㽙 㾏䐰䋚 䲡䬮䘶䋚䖆㥶䖆 䇎䖆㥶䬮 㫬㖡䋚 䇎䫃䖆䆄㫬 㽙䋚䳂䋚䖆䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂 㩏㖡䝮㫬 㽙䖆㥶䐰䘶 㜷䝮䆄 䆄㫬䫃䃌䃌 䫃䳂 㫬㖡䋚 䙅㥶䐰䖆㩏䋚 㥶䇎 䅙䝮䖆䐀䳂䋚䆄䆄㬪 䐰䳂䝮㜷䝮䖆䋚 㥶䇎 㖡䫃䆄 䆄䫃㫬䐰䝮㫬䫃㥶䳂㛩
㷭䳂䃌㺋 㨗䐰㬪䖆䘶㥶㖡䫃䬮䝮㸖㖡 䫃䳂䖆䋚㨗㥶䋚䝮䳂㫬䳂䋰䋚䋚 䋚㖡㫬䃌㛩㽙䳂䝮㥶 䋚䆄䫃䝮䃌䘶㩏㺋䃌䋚䘶䋚䐰䬮䙅䋚㬪䖆㜲㖡㫬䝮䘶䘶䋚䋚㥶䃌䃌䝮䃌 㽙㫬㫬䝮䫃䋚䳂䖆㽙 㸖䋚㥶㩏䙅䳂 䳂䫃䅙䋚䬮䳂㥶䕻䫃䳂㸖
“䙅䋚䳂䫃㥶䖆 䕻䫃䳂㸖 䅙䋚䬮㥶䳂 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚㬪 㺋㥶䐰 䇎㥶䖆㩏䋚㸖 䬮㺋 㖡䝮䳂㸖㛩 䮊 㜷䝮䆄 㥶䖆䫃㽙䫃䳂䝮䃌䃌㺋 䘶䃌䝮䳂䳂䫃䳂㽙 㫬㥶 䃌䝮㺋 䃌㥶㜷 䐰䳂㫬䫃䃌 䮊 䖆䋚䝮㩏㖡䋚㸖 䦸䋚䝮䇧䋚䳂 䙅䐰䘶䖆䋚䬮䋚 䋰䋚䇎㥶䖆䋚 䐀䫃䃌䃌䫃䳂㽙 㺋㥶䐰㬪 䋰䐰㫬 䳂㥶㜷 䫃㫬 䆄䋚䋚䬮䆄 䮊 䬮䐰䆄㫬 䐀䫃䃌䃌 㺋㥶䐰 䫃䬮䬮䋚㸖䫃䝮㫬䋚䃌㺋㛩”
䕻䝮䳂㽙 䁈䫃䳂㽙’䆄 䇎䝮㩏䋚 㸖䝮䖆䐀䋚䳂䋚㸖㬪 䇎䫃䃌䃌䋚㸖 㜷䫃㫬㖡 䐀䫃䃌䃌䫃䳂㽙 䫃䳂㫬䋚䳂㫬㛩㛩
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Chapter 887: Chapter 242: The Pitiful Wind Demon Supreme! The Great Change of the Taiyi Imperial Palace Palace Master
“I hope that after killing this old bastard, I’ll get a bunch of gold coins. Although I’ve killed him several times in the simulation with the help of others, I didn’t get any of the loot because it was their power.”
Wang Ping’s eyes shone as he secretly thought, looking forward to the rewards after killing Wind Demon Supreme.
He had never gotten anything good from killing Supremes before; the only thing he had gotten was a golden light jade charm, which he still hasn’t fully understood.
Perhaps, when his Breaking Origin Sky Eye reaches the Minor Domain level, he could see through it and unlock the restrictions on it.
“Speaking of which, although I can borrow the Emperor’s artifact from Taiyi Imperial Palace to deal with Wind Demon Supreme, it’s still a bit troublesome to prevent him from self-destructing.”
Wang Ping hesitated for a moment and muttered.
These old bastards, when driven into a corner, would self-destruct at any moment, which greatly reduced his gains, something he could not tolerate.
It seemed that he still needed help from his group members.
With that thought, Wang Ping wasted no time in finding the Palace Master of Taiyi Imperial Palace.
The Palace Master of Taiyi Imperial Palace found himself increasingly unable to see through Wang Ping and was quite surprised.
However, he didn’t ask further and instead curiously asked what Wang Ping wanted from him.
“Palace Master, I would like to borrow the Emperor’s artifact from Taiyi Imperial Palace to kill a Heaven Supreme. He is my great enemy, and I can’t rest easy unless he’s dead.”
Wang Ping saluted with his hands, speaking earnestly.
“Borrow the Emperor’s artifact? Since it’s you, you naturally have the authority to use the Emperor’s artifact of my Taiyi Imperial Palace. You don’t need to say ‘borrow,’ that’s what outsiders say.”
The Palace Master of Taiyi Imperial Palace was taken aback for a moment before laughing and speaking.
This made Wang Ping laugh as well.
It could be said that the Palace Master of Taiyi Imperial Palace had a high level of eloquence, which made people feel comfortable and gave them a sense of belonging.
Although Wang Ping knew that the Palace Master of Taiyi Imperial Palace was so generous and willing to let him, a newcomer, use the Emperor’s artifact because of his talent and strength, and because the Emperor’s artifact had restrictions so it was impossible for him to take it away.
However, everyone understood these things, and Wang Ping was still grateful for the Palace Master’s approach and had a good impression of him.
After casually selecting an Emperor’s artifact, Wang Ping left Taiyi Imperial Palace directly and headed for Thunder Spirit Ancient Star through the Taiyi Imperial Palace’s Delivery Array.
On the way to Thunder Spirit Ancient Star, Wang Ping also spoke up in the group chat.
Wang Ping (66) @Liu Mei (15): “I’m planning to kill a Heaven Supreme. Those who have time can come help. Liu Mei, your ability is essential; if possible, please come.”
Liu Mei (15): “No problem, I can come.”
Qin Tian (77): “Wow, Brother Wang is going to take down a Heaven Supreme. I, a non-rules-based abilities player, can’t catch up.”
Wang Shuqi (74): “I feel the same.”
Zhang Yueying (86): “Brother Wang, I also have time. Do you need me to go?”
Wang Ping (66): “Your presence would be best. I mainly don’t want him to have a chance to self-destruct, so we need charming and strong control abilities. As for how to kill him, we’ll need external forces, as I’m not a match for a Heaven Supreme yet.”
Chen Si (83): “I can go too, QAQ.”
Chen Kang (67): “And me, hehe. Having us siblings there will surely make it easier to kill.”
Wang Ping (66): “Alright, you guys come later. Wait for me to arrive at the destination.”
After saying this, Wang Ping temporarily closed the chat group.
The distance between the Immortal Continent and Thunder Spirit Ancient Star was quite far, and even with the help of the Taiyi Imperial Palace’s Delivery Array, it would take a day or two.
“The chat group nowadays has developed quite well, but unfortunately, none of the newcomers who joined later have rules-based abilities that can help me.”
Wang Ping shook his head slightly during the transfer.
Most of the newcomers had ordinary talents, and they could only rely on their own efforts, cultivation, participating in tasks, earning group points, and gathering enough group points to exchange for the Golden finger.
Unfortunately, some people were just unlucky and still got a useless Golden finger after repeatedly drawing.
It made Cai Yonglong feel even more afraid of his reckless choice to exchange for the Golden finger in the past.
It could only be said that those who survived in the chat group got good Golden fingers, causing the group members to misjudge the probability of getting a good Golden finger.
This was a normal occurrence.
Group members who survived would have good luck, and their Golden fingers would naturally not be too bad – this was survivorship bias.
As for the newcomers who survived later, the support from the old group members played a significant role, allowing some originally impossible-to-survive newcomers to survive.
The Novice Gift Package and various tech items that appeared one after another made newcomers delighted, and the risk of instant death was reduced a lot.
They could survive as long as they didn’t cross into extreme environments or terrifying worlds.
However, this led to varying qualities among newcomers.
“Myriad Heavens Paradise…”
Wang Ping thought of the existence of Myriad Heavens Paradise again.
Both in the real world and in the simulation, Wang Ping had fallen victim to items from Myriad Heavens Paradise, making him increasingly curious about this place.