Chapter 777 Regrets
(Game World, Terra Nova Online)
Weeks passed in the game world, and though Leo never returned to oversee his Empire after assuming the throne, ChaosBringer worked tirelessly to manage its affairs in his absence.
ChaosBringer’s unwavering dedication ensured that every challenge and loose end was swiftly dealt with, solidifying the Uprising’s dominance as the region’s rulers and upholding the authority of ‘TheBoss.’
One of ChaosBringer’s first major actions as regent was formalizing the surrender of the Northern Guilds. This agreement had been negotiated long before the Uprising seized the throne, a strategic move designed to minimize resistance in the Empire’s consolidation. However, the guilds’ promises remained unofficial until now, leaving room for potential dissent or betrayal.
ChaosBringer ensured there would be no such opportunity, as meeting with the Northern Guilds’ representatives in a grand ceremony, he made it clear that reneging on their earlier agreements would not be tolerated.
Under his watchful eye, the guild leaders reaffirmed their loyalty to ‘TheBoss,’ formally swearing to govern the Northern Territories as vassals of the Empire, and further promising to uphold central law and to only operate within the framework of imperial rule.
By making the northern surrender official, ChaosBringer expanded the Uprising’s control over the Empire to 79.3% of the total land, with only the Western region now left to capture.
This swift and decisive action ensured that the transition of power was seamless, leaving no room for uncertainty or rebellion in the hearts of common citizens of the Empire.
As for his second act, ChaosBringer implemented a series of policies to quell dissent and restore normalcy to the war-torn Empire.
Employing a calculated mix of punishment and welfare, he skillfully wielded the carrot-and-stick approach to solidify the Uprising’s control over the land, while also gaining the loyalty of its common citizens who did not approve of them much.
The first set of policies targeted NPC rebels and dissenters.
For NPC rebels and law-breakers, ChaosBringer enacted harsh penalties for any acts of insubordination or rebellion, ranging from heavy fines to public trials and, in extreme cases, permanent imprisonment in the prison cells of StrongHaven City.
For players, the penalty was different, punished as direct imprisonment for 6 months, regardless of the crime.
Known NPC noble dissidents were stripped of their lands and titles, their properties redistributed to loyal subjects and friendly rebel guilds who helped the Uprising in their win.
ChaosBringer ensured these punishments were not only severe but also highly visible, sending an unmistakable message that defiance against the Uprising and its rule would not be tolerated.
At the same time, ChaosBringer introduced sweeping reforms aimed at improving the lives of the common people.
Tax rates across the Empire were temporarily reduced to 10%, alleviating the economic burden that months of war had placed on farmers, merchants, and laborers.
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Grain prices were subsidized, ensuring no family would go hungry as the Empire rebuilt.
While public works projects, such as rebuilding damaged infrastructure and repairing trade routes, were launched to create jobs and stimulate the economy.
To further win over the populace, ChaosBringer established new social welfare programs, including free medical aid in every major city and scholarships for promising young students to study at previously private imperial academies.
These measures earned him cautious respect from the common folk, who began to see the new regime not as an oppressor, but as a government capable of bringing stability and prosperity.
He also set up an empire-wide bounty system to root out rogue players and previous regime loyalists who were still evading the law, as he allowed citizens to participate in maintaining peace while earning rewards.
These bounties not only reduced the threat of lawlessness but also provided an outlet for adventurers and guilds to integrate into the new system, further strengthening the Empire’s hold.
Through these dual strategies, ChaosBringer maintained a delicate balance. By crushing rebellion with an iron fist while simultaneously offering tangible benefits to the people, he left little room for opposition to gain traction. His policies quickly took effect, fostering a sense of order and progress across the Empire.
The results were undeniable. The common citizens, weary of conflict, began to welcome the new regime, while would-be rebels thought twice before challenging the might of the Uprising.
ChaosBringer’s calculated efforts ensured that the name of ‘TheBoss’ was spoken with a mix of fear and respect, as the Empire edged closer to complete unification.
(Meanwhile Cervantez)
Ever since the loss at Bernebau, Cervantez found his life going down in a downward spiral, until he hit a rock bottom today, with 4 of his guild elders resigning all at once.
The cracks within the DarkSky guild first began to show after the humiliating loss at Bernebau, as after that defeat, although the guild did not lose much land, they lost a lot of face.
Fingers were pointed and the blame was passed around on the other for the loss, with many fingers pointing at Cervantez and his inefficient strategy.
Screaming and fights in the guild headquarters became a common sight, and the once cohesive guild that seemed invincible, began to fall like a house of cards, right before Cervantez’s eyes.
“It was a mistake to let SkyLion leave, guildmaster, not only was he our strongest individual fighter, but also our chief battle strategist.
We have many other elders in the guild. But his loss was irreplaceable–” Tor told him after the loss, as Cervantez felt his blood boil at the statement.
‘Not only was he our strongest individual fighter….’ that statement made Cervantez physically buckle over in pain, as he refused to believe that SkyLion was stronger than him, even now.
However, after the comprehensive loss that he faced against him in a one vs one fight, Cervantez eventually accepted that statement as the bitter truth, although he was reluctant to admit it at first.
In hindsight he did realize that letting SkyLion walk away was a massive mistake on his part.
Not only was he a loyal friend, but he was also someone Cervantez could rely blindly to run the guild, and yet he had let him go out of petty ego.
After being chosen as one of the four defenders in the last rankers event, he had began feeling as if he was better than the rest of the masses and that he needed no-one, but that was not the truth.
Luke had been the heart and soul of the guild just as much as him, and if he did not wish to fight against his brother, Cervantez should have supported him, or at least handled the situation better.
The decision to not join the war against the rebels could have been taken by just the two of them without needing to consult the other members, however, Cervantez did not do it because he was desperate to prove his worth to the world.
In his head, he felt like he was playing the game too safe and hence the gap between himself and ‘TheBoss’ was only widening, and that he needed to do something dramatic to bridge that gap, but he was wrong.
By choosing to gamble it all, he was now losing it all, as he could have become sole the overlord of the West and enjoyed unbelievable prosperity, if only he bent the knee to ‘TheBoss’, who was an opponent he could not hope to rival anyways.
“I had it all…. The best guild, the best friend, the best opportunity….. but I blew it all away.
A second life was not enough, I might have to re-do this all over again if I want to do it right” Cervantez muttered to himself, as he thought about how, if given the chance to play the game all over again once more, he could definitely become the game’s best player this time around.
However, all those regrets were for naught, as facing the resignation of 4 guild elders in Tor, Cola, Lysa and Toni, he could not worry about anything else at the moment.
The White Sabers had been advancing consistently since their win at Bernabeu, and the common members of the DarkSky guild had began to abandon the sinking ship in droves.
Despite the generous benefits that Cervantez had offered them since they joined and despite all the help and nurturing he provided them.
The elites of the game left his guild the moment it began to falter, with most receiving better offers from rival guilds who were happy to poach them.
Cervantez’s decision to exclusively recruit elite players had come back to bite him spectacularly, as while they were undeniably powerful assets, they were also notoriously fickle.
With countless guilds eager to poach them, they felt no obligation to remain loyal when the tides turned and that was a fatal flaw for an organization that had extremely limited members to start with.
Their departures weren’t personal—they were practical, calculated moves toward greener pastures as for the first time, Cervantez realized the flaw in his approach.
A guild wasn’t just built on strength alone. It was built on loyalty, camaraderie, and shared purpose.
By valuing power above all else, he had created a guild of mercenaries, not comrades—and now, he was paying the price for his decisions.