Chapter 1119: Deactivation?
Chapter 1119: Deactivation?
Author's Note: Unedited Chapter
He made use of his right arm which was above the floor, to pull himself back up.
Gustav struggled to get out of the floor but he managed to pull it off after a while.
He tried standing to his foot in the next instant. It was even more difficult since he only had a single leg now.
'The projection holds none of my abilities... except good vision i guess,' Gustav took note of this.
'There must be a way i can use abilities after transfering consciousness into a projection... but now is not the time to dwell on that,' Gustav thought while balancing himself.
He stared at the star shaped panel up ahead which had a five feet long metallic looking shard phasing out of it.
It was so smooth, one could see reflection on it.
'Is that their secret of modifying dimensional frequencies?' Gustav wondered.
However, without a doubt, he knew what he was currently staring at was the container for the nanites explosive that had been planted here.
Gustav limped towards it with his one leg.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
A fight had broken out in one of the areas within the conventional centre.
The three mechs initially trying to get in had infiltrated and now they were battling with MBO officers.
The fans in this part of the conventional centre ran as quickly as they could to escape the area of concentration.
The concert still went on and some fans were unaware of the ongoing ruckus due to the immense size of the conventional centre.
The sounds of the battle was drowned by the cheering fans singing along and Yusha's current performance which was why a lot of fans were still unaware.
Each mech was battling against four different MBO officers and surprisingly they still hadn't managed to take anyone down.
-"My abilities are weakened!"
A lot of the officers were reporting the same issue on the comms.
-"The mist they emitted... it causes bloodline dampening,"
The instant this was announced on the comms, they all came to a realisation.
However, despite the weakening and the intense battle, it was obvious that the MBO officers had the upper edge.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Three officers landed hits on different body parts of the same mech again, causing it to fall to its knees as another fist size hole was left on its armor.
The MBO officers were winning but they had no idea this was a distraction.
In another part of the Conventional centre, two Genxodus members with black masks squatted and hid themselves within the multitude of fans.
-"Status report,"
"Currently setting up the remote connector," One of them answered through their secret comms.
-"How long?"
"In three minutes it will be ready and we will blast this place to kingdom come,"
The same masked member reported once more.
On the ground they had a row of bar like metals set on the ground.
-"How is the signal looking?"
-"All good, it's almost set..."
From the looks of things, in three minutes the Genxodus would manually detonate the nanites.
-"Hold on for at least three minutes,"
Every Genxodus member who had equipped the mech heard this announcement through the comms.
At this point, three had been put out of commission but the members were still within.
"Stay down or you will perish right now!"
One of the MBO officers voiced out to the mech on the ground in front of them.
"It is very unwise to engage us knowing we do not care about the lives of anyone here," A voice was heard from the person within the mech.
"Huh?" The MBO officers exclaimed while they moved closer.
The instant the MBO officers heard this their eyes widened...
"Get d..."
The mech exploded in the next instant, engulfing a radius of a thousand feet in an instant.
A blueish sphere suddenly appeared around the flames, trapping them in a kind of bubble before they could spread any further.
Unfortunately, some fans were caught in the range of the flames and were quickly turned into barbecue.
"Shit!" One of the officers yelled out after witnessing this unfortunate sight, however they didn't know that this wasn't the end...
The other two that had been put down as well also detonated their mech.
Booommm! Boooommm!
"Huh? What was that?" Gustav wondered out loud as he felt the vibration from the original dimensional frequency.
His original body was still passed out in place so he could sense his surroundings were in shambles.
"I can't waste any more time here, I need to get rid of this as soon as possible," Despite saying this, Gustav was still unsure of how to do this.
What he was staring at was something that had no switches or buttons he could operate so he was at a loss on how to deal with this.
"They definitely operate the nanites with a wireless switch..." Gustav already realised that this might be the case from the moment he set his eyes on them.
"This means i wouldn't be able to deactivate it... unless I destroyed it," Gustav thought out loud.
("You might wanna speed things up,")
("I spotted some Genxodus members who have successfully hidden from.the eyes of the other MBO officers... they seem to be tampering with a device,") The system announced.
"They must be trying to detonate it early since the MBO is now aware... I have to get rid of this now but i don't have any of my abilities," Gustav frantically leaped around the place as he tried tapping the nanites protective layer repeatedly.
("You can try using an ability just like how you linked your consciousness with the projection,") The system instructed.
"I already did... didn't work," Gustav replied.
("No dumbass... You tried connecting all your abilities at once. Try just one,") The system responded.
-"Oh?" Gustav thought of an ability that would end things here instantly.
He nodded and closed his eyes...
'Link mini black hole...' He said Internally.
In the next instance, the left eye of his projection turned completely dark.
"It worked..." He felt elated but there was no time to waste.
("I hope you know that if you use that ability here, not only are you gonna erase the nanites... the power of the mini black hole will also erase the existence of this dimensional frequency including your projection,") The system disclosed.
"I know..."
("Then you know the repercussions that will follow,")
"I do... so long as only I suffer the consequences, it doesn't matter," The instant these words left Gustav's lips, he raised his right hand.
A circular black pool was forming an inch away from his palm. It grew bigger and bigger while swirling with intensity and causing the place to vibrate.
He let go of it and the swirling black pool instantly exuded an intensive traction force, sucking everything toward it.
Everything was devoured in a moment, including Gustav's projection, the nanites and the dimension.
Gustav suddenly opened his eyes which were currently blodshot.
He vomited out two mouthfuls of blood while coughing intensely for a couple of moments.
"I feel like shit..." He said while cleaning his mouth and standing to his feet.
His clothes were stained with his blood and he felt a bit light headed. However, he was back in his original body.
("You're lucky the black hole was unable to devour your consciousness... your body would have been left uninhabited,") The system said.
"Maybe it should have. It would have saved me the torture of your buzzing in my head," Gustav muttered.
("Tsk tsk this is why you remained a virgin for so long... your foolishness didn't let you realise, you could have done that without suffering a backlash,") The system bit back.
"Huh? I don't have time for this now so shut up," Gustav stated while holding his head.
[God Eyes Have Been Activated]
His vision phased through the backstage area and he set his sights on the current ruckus.
"Looks like death was inevitable..."
-"What happened? Why haven't you detonated it yet?"
"There is a problem sir... we tried but it didn't work," One of the two masked Genxodus members responded.
-"What do you mean by it didn't work? Did you two mess it up?"
"Not at all sir, there can only be one reason for this... The nanites have been deactivated,"
The Genxodus members had received the news about the nanites failing to detonate and now realised they were fighting a losing battle on two fronts.
"What do we do now?"
-"Tch! We can't just leave here without causing enough damage!"
The leader of the team seemed to be incensed.
"Sir..." One of the masked men turned around to face the direction of the podium.
"We can take the goddess Yusha as hostage... she will certainly be valuable," He voiced out.
-"Hmm... Good idea. The MBO officers have not noticed you two yet. Get it done,"