Chapter 797 Overlords and Butterflies
Chapter 797 Overlords and Butterflies
Once they were back inside, the change that had overcome his beast spaces with the addition of the little butterfly was much more obvious to Karl.
It hadn’t spoken yet, so he had no idea if it was a brother or sister, but it was curious about everything, and the influx of power that it brought to the previously empty space made a huge difference to the power flow in the spaces as a whole.
Some of that would be because the new addition was an Overlord, but it wasn’t putting any pressure on his mind the way that Karl had expected from a beast above his own Rank. That might be because he was already close, but the amount of power flowing in and out of the butterfly’s space was at least twice what anyone else’s did.
It was also aggressively increasing.
The sparkling dust that the butterfly gave off coated the surface of the space like glittering snowfall, and as it dissipated it was absorbed into the space without being able to escape, which forced the power level and mana density even higher.
Davis looked up as he felt Karl surge with power, and smiled. “It seems that our large demonic friend is going to break the Overlord Rank bottleneck in one go.” He noted.
“Seriously?” Tessa asked.
“Can’t you feel it? Just a bit more of a push and he will soar past the breakpoint. I don’t think that he will get stuck at all with the way that his aura is surging. His weapons absorb soul energy, and he just killed an Overlord.
That alone might be enough to push him through. That’s how most of the Carnage Demons do it, and some of the Obsession Demons as well. But his magical power is increasing as well, and that’s how the Magic Demons do it. They build up power in either their bodies or a storage item, then let it flood them to force all of the old mana out and break the bottleneck.”
Dana blinked slowly as she realized that was an option.
She was close to Monarch Rank, as were the others. If she concentrated mana in a few items and her body, then released the pressure, she could definitely break the bottleneck.
It was a bit annoying to realize that every Demon in Drodh City knew such things, while the Golden Dragon Nation was still in the dark.
But that also gave her a brilliant idea.
{Tutor Ahmad. I don’t know if you can receive messages from this far away. I learned something new from the Demons today. If you concentrate high-grade mana in an item or your body, then release it as a flood, you can force all the existing mana out of your body and break a Rank bottleneck.
Instead of trying to upgrade the existing mana, let the foreign mana strip every bit of the essence of your magic away and replace it. Hold that mana until your body adapts, then use it up and let your body replace it with new mana at the increased Rank.} She sent.
Thirty seconds later, a response came.
{I didn’t think that anyone of lower Rank could send or receive a message across continents. It is very faint, and I had to use magic to recover it. It is good that you are not in trouble. I will try the technique with other mages who are stuck. If it doesn’t kill them, we will owe you a huge debt of gratitude.}
That was something that Dana hadn’t considered. The reason you didn’t strip away all your mana to replace it with outside mana was because it was equivalent to a massive magical attack on the body, like trying to bathe your insides in an [Arcane Missile] spell.
Perhaps Demons were better suited to it? But if she was really in danger, she could always let the influx of mana flow through her. Plus, she could do the whole process with [Void Body] active, as Karl had never deactivated the Epic Guard after the battle.
Hers was still active as well, and it had taken a liking to Loros, who looked very similar to the pale violet construct, though Loros was a rich ivory colour with only a hint of purple undertones.
“Karl, can I get you to make something for me?” She asked.
“Of course. What do you need?”
“I need the largest mana storage item that we can feasibly create. I’m almost at the Monarch Rank bottleneck, and that should help me break through.” She explained.
Lotus perked up as she said those words.
“Oh, that is a great idea. I know just the thing. I will make it in the yard, and then Karl can put Runes for Mana Storage on it, and make it a Blessed Item.” She insisted before running back into the yard through the kitchen.
Karl wasn’t sure what she planned to make in the backyard, but he could feel Lotus going all out with her magic.
Remi transformed from Naga Queen to Spirit Serpent form and raced through the house to go see, then sent back a mental message.
{Oh, she’s making a Lotus Tree. I know just the thing. Under the Laredian Alchemy Tome on the altar, there is a loose piece of paper. That should be the runes to create a [Healing Totem] effect with Runecrafting. If you put that and [Blessed Item] along with tons of mana storage on the tree, wouldn’t we have a real Lotus Tree statue?}
Karl wasn’t sure how well that would work. But now that he had activated [Pack Affinity] he could use the Totems.
[Pack Affinity] The Packmaster has an affinity for all skills that any of his bonded beasts have an affinity for, and may learn them as normal.
In theory, it should be possible to inscribe that spell like any other. So, Karl dug out a Monarch Ranked Nature Stone from Hawk’s space, a green stone the size of his fist, and began to carve the spell.