Chapter 859 Gazdri
Chapter 859 Gazdri
Once they received close to the cluster of farms around Gazdri, Karl got the Butterfly to cancel the invisibility spell around them, and led Hawk down out of the clouds, to a decrease altitude where guards on the ground would be able to see that there were riders on his back.
They didn’t want to alarm the city or make them think that an Overlord Ranked flying beast was attacking the outlying areas.
Karl had Hawk land fifty metres from the large platform outside the city gates, which was being used as a portal platform. It wasn’t a permanent portal by any means, but it was the designated spot where merchants travelling by portal arrived and departed.
Karl memorized the surroundings so that he could easily return. Having seen the whole region from above, it was much easier than expected, and Karl knew that he could open a portal here again without any issues.
A burly Overlord Ranked Orc gazed over Karl’s furry form, and the sleeping Dryad in his arms, as Hawk vanished into his space.
“It’s a silver each to enter the town if you’re not here to trade.” The guard notified them.
Karl passed him two coins and awakened the dryad.
“Misty, it’s time to get up. We’re on the ground again and in Gazdri.” He whispered.
Her eyes opened, and the Dryad immediately grew vines that stretched to the ground from her feet.
“Ground!” She sighed happily, then settled to her own two feet as the Orc laughed.
“I take it that the nature Elemental is not a big fan of flying?” He queried Karl.
“Afraid of heights.” Karl agreed.Misty took Karl by the hand and led him into the city. “Oh, this will be so much fun. You’re going to adore her when you meet her.”
Karl was led through the winding streets of Gazdri at a jog as Misty received more excited by the stop, finally stopping in front of a small log cabin with a sign out front that represented healing.
Or at least that was what Karl assumed the crescent and the bandage represented.
Injury or Communicable Disease? The tiny Gnomish woman at the reception desk asked.
“Lonely best friend.” Misty responded.
The Gnome just stared at her for a few seconds. That wasn’t something that you came to the healers for. Maybe to a psychologist?
Then a massive green woman with spikes down her back burst out from the back room, and pulled the Dryad into a hug before spinning her in circles.
The Gnome smiled as she understood that the lonely friend was her boss, and waited while the two of them caught up on recent events in a full duplex conversation, where both spoke at the same time.
Once they calmed down, Misty did the introductions. “Karl, this is Beth, my childhood best friend. The potential new hire that I wanted to suggest was her little sister, but it appears that she has a daughter that I didn’t know about. They’ve received the same powers, strong nature magic and earth magic mixed.”
Karl nodded. “That is exactly what we were looking for. Perhaps we won’t have to ask Jones about recruiting his family members.”
The healer laughed. “You’re brave, daring to ask Jones to hire the precious princess of his family. She’s nearly thirty years old already, and I don’t think that she’s ever been allowed outside the house unattended.”
The healer paused for a moment while she sent a message, and seconds later, light footsteps came running down the stairs.
“Mom, you said there was someone who might hire me?” A light feminine voice asked, right before a small girl, less than a metre tall and covered in bright-green fur, came around the corner.
“Not you. Where is your big sister?” The healer asked.
Karl raised his hand. “This one is adorable, can we keep her too? I have a High Priestess of the Green Dragon to keep happy.”
The big woman laughed. “I think not. At least not until her class awakens in five or six years. Now, where is that bookish brat of mine?”
The little one ran back up the stairs, and the healer sighed.
“Sorry, she’s been excited about getting a job ever since she found out what money was used for. She wants to get a pet cat, and I told her that she couldn’t have one until she could afford to take care of it.”
Karl smirked and the healer chuckled. “I know what you are thinking. She is a pet cat. But that’s part of why she wants something smaller and cuter to distract her older cousins.”
A moment later, a slightly larger girl, roughly Lotus sized, but with a long tail and a clearly Orcish face, came down the stairs.
“What is it, mom?” She huffed, with a book still open in her hand.
“My old friend came with an Overlord looking for a Guild Crafter, and that’s the best greeting you can muster?” The healer demanded.
The girl curtsied to Misty. “Sorry, Guild Master. I apologize for my rudeness.”
Then she turned to Karl. “Are you Dill’s father?”
Karl laughed, and Misty hid her face behind a veil of branches.
“It’s the other way around, actually. I’m the one looking for an Earth and Nature Element creator, and Misty is your mom’s childhood friend.” Karl offered.
The girl blushed a very dark green, and bobbed multiple curtsies in apology.
“I am so sorry, Sir. I misunderstood. I thought that … never mind.”
Karl dismissed her fears with a pat on the head. “How about you tell me about yourself and your abilities?”
“My name is Dora, I am eighteen years old, recently advanced to Royal Rank, with Monarch Ranked bloodline potential, and a full skill tree as a Rebirth Shaman. I specialize in Nature and Earth Element Creation spells, as well as some minor healing. I studied first aid under my mother, Beth, for four years, but healing never called to me as a profession.”
Karl nodded. “So, you can create plants and stone materials that do not disperse when the spell ends?”
Dora nodded. “Exactly. But not just plants and stone. I can do wood, metal, even gems. They’re not magical materials, at least not innately. But I can strengthen them to my current Rank.”
“Do you have time for a test? I think your skills might be a perfect fit for our Guild.”