Chapter 156: Nathanos
As we made our way outside, I could hear faint shouting. “This is ridiculous! I have been waiting for 50 minutes! Let me onto the ship and I will find her myself!”
Thankfully for Willy, he did not have to deal with this cunt any longer as behind him, a shriek. “Kiyaaaah!” Was heard.
Kathrine ran down the ship ramp in her heals and tackled the man to the ground due to her sheer strength. “Oh my little Nathanos!” Kathrine said as she nestled her head onto her sons chest. “Oh I have missed you sooooo much. Give mommy a kissy wissy!”
Nathanos turned a shade of white due to embarrassment and managed to slink his way out from under his mother.
As he stood up and realised all the faces staring at him, he grew angry. “Mother, compose yourself. You are acting totally inappropriate for a woman of your standing.” He yelled as he watched his mother get up out of the snow.
Kathrine did not like being yelled at by her crotch goblin and made her piece. “Baby, I may be glad to see you, but speak to me like that again and I will put you over my knee in front of all these mercenaries I swear upon our family name! I pushed you out of me and you ruined my nether regions for Five YEARS!
So if I want a kiss upon seeing you for the first time in 3 years, I am getting a kiss, do you understand?”
Due to his station in life recently, Nathanos had forgotten there were just some people you don’t piss off. His mother being one of them. Ignoring the onlookers smirks, he meekly walked over to Kathrine and placed a peck on her forehead and cheek.
“Now tell me its good to see me.” Kathrine added, her face stern. “I-Its good to see you mom.” He whispered.
Kathrine decided enough was enough and dropped her anger and replaced it with jubilance. Looking over to the mercenaries that were overly invested in her private affairs she said loudly. “I’m pretty sure you are all due a break now yes? Good move along thank you.”
Kathrine’s words sounded pleasant, but her eyes were telling them ‘Leave or get castrated.’ The mercenaries knew what to do and simply took their break.
After all but one dissapeared, Kathrine turned to her son and raised her eyebrows slightly. “You are wearing lifts in your shoes. You are not the same height as me usually.” Kathrine said in confusion.
“Yes I am and drop it!” Nathanos whisper yelled the last part. “Goodness gracious Natty, you still cant take a joke.” Kathrine said as she rolled her eyes.
“Now tell me, what has brought you to this frozen tundra?” Kathrine asked. Nathanos was about to respond when he noticed out of the corner of his eye, a purple haired man sitting on a box, staring at the two of them with an entertained smile on his face.
“You, less than. Leave at once before I have you put down.” Nathanos said, wanting to get some of his power back from his earlier embarrassment. His father had always told him to make sure others knew of his status and power, as that was his greatest weapon.
Instead of the mercenary running away from a noble in fear as he should have, the man just stared at him in confusion. Nathanos’ view of the man was cut short abruptly, when a feminine hand became apparent in his vision and slapped him square in the side of the face, causing his ear to ring.
Kathrine had never struck any of her children before and was surprised at herself. Nathanos held the same surprise as he looked at his mother for an explanation.
Kathrine was always going to scold him for those words and decided to ignore her out of body slap experience and lead on with her original thought. “Sorry for slapping you sweetie, I guess you just reminded me of your father a second. Also, watch who you are speaking to. This man is an Arcon with Psionic capabilities whom I hired for my latest mission.”
Nathanos’ face drained white once more upon realising what he had just said. He may be a Hyllus, but he currently held no major position other than running some companies for both his parents. An Arcon was a few steps above his paygrade.
“Apollo, come here and meet my darling son who did not mean what he just said.” Kathrine urged, hoping I had not taken offence. I simply brushed his comment aside as it truly meant nothing to me.
As I closed the space between us, Nathanos straightened himself up and bowed slightly. “Forgive me your majesty, I did not realise you were nobility due to your dress. I had assumed you were a disobedient employee of my mother and being the good son I am, tried to discipline you in her place.”
Kathrine looked proudly at her son for a moment for stepping up to his mistake and then looked at me with a wanting look.
“Ok yeah sure. Dont sweat the small stuff. Ok look can you stop bowing you are making me uncomfortable.” I said. “Of course my Arcon-” “Just Apollo.” I interrupted. “Since you are Kathrine’s son and she has practically become family to me in such a short time, I am more than willing to let first impressions be laid to rest and start over.”
Kathrine squirmed in place as delight took over her at my statement. “Ok, ok. As delighted as I am that you two have met, honey can you tell me why you are here?” She asked her son. In a minor brain fart on my part, I thought she meant me and I responded. “Because after we finished cuddling, you went to get dressed and told me to come outside-oh you meant your son my bad.”
Kathrine giggled at my human moment while Nathanos looked at me in a way that said. ‘ The fuck did you just say?’ He wisely decided to ignore it or risk another power slap from his mother and said his piece. “Oh My ‘darling’ sister and I had just finished visiting dad back home and decided while in the system, to come check on you.
We did not know if you would be back or not yet, but no harm in checking as we have a month of leave from our respective jobs anyway.”
Kathrine felt touched by her sons words. She could not remember the last time her little darlings had visited simply for the reason of visiting. Suddenly a piece of information went off in her brain making her break out into a smile.
“Wait! Did you say my little Rhea is here as well?” Kathrine said as she looked over to Nathanos’ transport, expecting her little double to be there. Nathanos rolled his eyes at his mother. “No Rhea went shopping as and I quote. ‘I’ve not had lady time in 5 years with my special forces work, I am going shopping for dresses.’ That was a few hours ago though and she may be back at your building now.”
Kathrine was beyond excited and was about to run off to her sons vehicle to meet her daughter when she remembered the man beside her. “Um Apollo, I know you would most likely want to return to your fiancée and sister, but I was wondering since this will be our final evening together for a while if you would like to accompany my family for dinner? Nothing would make me happier.”
I thought it over for a moment, sure I was missing the hive, but I had made friends here and would like to say goodbye properly. “Sure thing. Sophia and Orchid are not expecting me back for another few days considering the timeframe you had given. As long as you bring me back here in the morning so I can say goodbye to everyone, I am more than happy to join you.”
Nathanos seemed he wanted to say something about his mothers impromptu invitation, but held back and smiled at me. “Its my honour for you to join us tonight Arcon Apollo, come lets walk to my vehicle, you must be freezing wearing only that jacket above your clothes.”
As we entered the proximity of the vehicle, the door opened by itself and Nathanos climbed inside rather elegantly. I stayed behind a second and helped Kathrine up in case she tripped in her heals. “Thank you handsome.” She said unconsciously, getting a strange look from her son.
As I watched the Thanatos slip away into the distance, Nathanos decided to pull out his communicator and sent a message that got a reply almost instantly. “Mom, Rhea has said that she has gone out for drinks at a restaurant called ‘The Starlight Way.’ She said that the place is really nice if we want to do dinner there?”
Kathrine thought a moment. “That place is rather nice, haven’t been there for over a year. Might be nice, although I will have to change and so will you Apollo.”
I turn my attention to Kathrine half confused as I was not paying full attention to the conversation. “Why? What is wrong with what I am wearing right now?” I ask, getting a look from both Kathrine and Nathanos that said.