Chapter 165: Tuarox Party
Deciding I would say goodbye to the scythes last, I made my way across the base a ways towards the Asterion. There was only one guard stationed outside as Kathrine’s forces around the base were proficient enough. freё
Upon noticing me the woman spoke. “Oh Apollo hey, We all thought you left yesterday?” I responded with a smile. “I just went for a dinner with Kathrine, I came back to say goodbye to everyone.”
“Oh well isn’t that sweet, here.” She placed a small peck on my cheek. “We Tuarox will never forget what you did for us on Alexandria, you have made allies for life with us. Now go on in and have a drink with the rest of the party.”
“Party?” I inquire. “Oh come on sweet thing, you have been around our rowdy bunch enough by now. What did you think we were going to spend all our disposable income on? Save it? Pah, a mercs life is too unpredictable for that.” She responded with a cheerful smile.
“So while the rest are partying, you are stuck with guarding, that seems miserable.” I say. “Nah, I am what you would call the outlier Apollo, Got a kid on Euc 3, all my money goes to him and the party life isn’t for me anymore. Now you go an enjoy yourself for a short while and leave me to my crochet.” She said as she said as she pulled some thread and a hook from out of nowhere.
I left the woman as she asked and made my way through the Asterion. It was not hard to find my way to the party thanks to the trail of spilt alcohol, followed by loud music then the smell of a lot of booze and then finally the party itself.
Like the Thanatos, the largest open area of the Asterion is the mess hall and the party was going wild. I thought that the Scythes were an unwieldy bunch when I first met them, but the Tuarox? A whole different story.
To start of with I was instantly recognisable in the room as I was the only one actually wearing any clothes. Now this was not an orgy party, no. These guys just knew they were getting so shit faced, clothes would naturally get damaged and dirty. Man and woman, both equally letting everything hang out so to speak.
On top of that, there were stages being hung from the roof with poles attached that some people had managed to climb up on and begun to dance. Then there was the large variety of drinks, drugs and exceptional music.
I’m not sure how they had managed to throw all of this together in just a night, but I was thoroughly impressed.
It was then a large woman was bumped into me on accident. “Oh sorry pal, I didn’t see you- Oh hey Apollo! What’s going on we thought you left?” A large woman with purple lipstick and an extremely well toned body asked. I was going to answer her question the same as the guard outside, but the women tapped my chest interrupting me.
“Why are you wearing your clothes, come on, off with them!” She pointed with her head while placing her arms on her amazon like body’s hips.
It seemed her declaration had caused some people to turn heads and before I knew it, I was surrounded by a small group urging me to take off my clothes. They started chanting as though to inflict peer pressure, but I had no issue in removing my clothes. After undressing and finally removing my boxers, The crowd cheered like they won a prize before simply getting back to their fun.
The amazon women could tell by my body language that I did not know what to do next so she decided to adopt me for a few hours. Those next few hours entailed a lot of drinking and party games. A particularly interesting one was a team game made of a man and a woman.
The woman would have ping pong balls they would have to throw at the man and the man would have to hit them as far as they could with their flaccid flesh bat. As I watched, a lot of the men were drunk and could not in fact hit the ball. When one did however, the cheers shook the ship.
It was eventually mine and the amazon like woman’s, Xara, turn to play. “It’s all in the hip movement Apollo, and don’t take your eye off the ball. Ready?!” Xara yelled gleefully. I took a semi squat position and nodded my head.
As I watched the ball travel through the air, it was like my surroundings had slowed down. I was not sure why I was so intent on winning penisball, but I was.
As the ball came closer, I pivoted my lower half and with a satisfying *Smack* the ball hit the dead centre of my shaft. The ball did not travel too far, maybe a couple of meters or more, but as it flew all the onlookers went silent.
Once the ball hit the floor however and was clearly the furthest, the group of 80 men and women cheered louder than anything else all night. “Holy shit!” “That was awesome!” “The ball flew for ages!” “This is the best thing to ever happen!”
And many more things were said. I raised my hands in the air and Xara ran over and picked me up in celebration. “That was awesome! You get some sugar for that!” She said and gave me the biggest and wettest kiss of my life.
It was not a lustful kiss, just pure enjoyment and excitement being vented out. She then pulled and squashed my head between her very firm F cups and gave me a very comforting and safe hug. It was then I heard someone yelling from behind.
“What’s got everyone so riled up over here huh?” I pulled my face out from between the suffocation bags and turned around as I recognised the voice.
Upon noticing me, Dolan cracked a smile and walked over. “Apollo so nice of you to join us in our celebration. Woah! Nice dick by the way.” He said so casually it caused me to do a back take.
“Oh um thanks, I suppose, likewise I guess?” I reply. “Ah I knew you were a good man. You basically have my dick twice over and complimenting me, come on lets get some drinks in you!” Dolan said as he side hugged his sweaty naked body against my own.
Fortunately my saviour arrived in the form of Xara. “Hang on Dolan, Little Arcon here is mine right now!” she yelled and pulled me back from the sweaty man. “Brilliant! The more the merrier! Come on!”
The next few hours were a blurry fest of fun. I was not getting drunk, but the atmosphere had taken over me and I was having an amazing time. Currently Dolan was passed out on the floor after partying a bit too hard while Xara was to my right currently doing….
*Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah* “You are so cuuute! Gosh I want to adopt you for real. Oh I would be such a good mom for you, giving you lots of kisses.” *Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah*
“Xara I am nearly 19 I-” “SO!” She interrupted.
“I would dote on you so hard, you may be an Arcon, but I bet there are some things this mommy could do for you no one else could.” She whispered into my ear.” It was my understanding that at this point she was just horny drunk and did not actually mean it, so I continued to entertain her for a while and allowed the shower of kisses to continue, it wasn’t because I actually enjoyed it a little, no chance…
It was not long after that most of the party members had also begun passing out, Xara included. During my rounds at the party, I made sure to tell my friends that they could find me at Sophia’s club if they wanted to meet up again and so I had no issue with leaving now.
It did not take me long to find my clothes and put them back on. I looked around the room once more. The music was still playing loudly and only a few Tuarox were still upright and conscious.
I chuckled at myself at the fun I had just had and left the ship. As I reached the exit, The woman from earlier was still sat guard. In the few hours, she had managed to make a cute pink scarf that she had wrapped around herself while still in the process of making it.
When she noticed my presence she smiled. “Wow, someone looks like they had fun in there, and you are still standing as well? You would do well with us Apollo.”
Noticing the confusion on my face regarding what she said, she let out a soft giggle and pulled out a pocket mirror and passed it to me.
I now understood why she said what she said as my entire face was covered in purple lipstick marks to the point it looked like my actual complexion.