The Martial Unity

Chapter 2728 Big Words

Chapter 2728  Big Words

Rui activated Neo Godspeed at full power, allowing his body to become leaner and lighter while his speed grew tremendously. Simultaneously, his perception of time slowed down tremendously, allowing him to perceive each and every single one of the Anti-Life’s movements clearly and perfectly.

On top of that, he was now fully equipped with a predictive and SOUL model on his opponent, allowing him to foresee each and every single movement his opponent made well ahead of time. WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH!!!

Rui swiftly evaded being touched by the Anti-Life’s attacks smoothly, ensuring that he left a clear gap between himself and the man’s skin as he focused all his senses on the Anti-Life’s body.

His opponent’s injuries worked in Rui’s favor, for they slowed him down. What Rui found especially strange was that he didn’t have any kind of healing factor whatsoever. His wounds did not seem to be getting all that much better at all. This wasn’t unheard of. There were hyper-specialists who chose to forgo all other physical parameters in their Body Evolution process, including a healing factor. Rui could only assume that he was one of them or…

His eyes narrowed. ‘Or his healing factor is potentially being taxed by something else.’

His Martial Body didn’t particularly strike Rui as hyper-focused in any particular direction. He was both fast and strong.


Rui evaded a furious barrage of blows even as the Anti-Life surged forth with both his arms reaching out like a serpent’s strike.

And yet, he missed again.


Rui evaded the attempts with a smooth crouch, only to find himself greeted with a kick surging towards him a microsecond later.


Rui summersaulted away in a smooth evasion even as the Anti-Life lashed out like a viper with an onslaught of deadly touches, ready to kill him in the blink of an eye.

And yet again, he failed to get his hands on Rui.


Rui foresaw the attacks well before they were incepted, yet he chose to evade them in the brief window before the inception of the attack after it was too late to change the trajectory.


He leaped away with narrowed eyes as he faced a relentless and continuous hunt from the Anti-Life, who refused to give him even the slightest bit of leeway. Admittedly, evading the Anti-Life was very difficult specifically because of the nature of his movements.

Typically, the more power a movement had, the easier it was to foresee coming.

After all, more power meant that more parts of the body had to move to supply power and momentum. This not only took longer but also telegraphed attacks.

However, with the Anti-Life, he didn’t throw attacks of great energy and momentum.


He simply reached out to Rui with lightning-fast, swift jabs that weren’t meant to harm with momentum.

These were more difficult to foresee and react to while also being more useless due to the lack of power. Not for the Anti-Life, because each touch of his was absolutely deadly. Even these highly swift jabs were more dangerous than the razor-sharp edge of a Martial weapon.

It meant that even with his models and Neo Godspeed, he needed to be extremely careful avoiding the man’s attack, he couldn’t just effortlessly evaded, as shocked as he was at absurdly difficult he was to avoid in closed spaces. This also allowed him to preserve a lot of his stamina since each motion he made didn’t consume much energy.

One great advantage that Rui had was the amount of damage that the Anti-Life had suffered under the first attack that Rui had inflicted on him. It was a place where he could apply pressure.

And thus, what followed shook everybody who was watching the fierce battle between the Anti-Life and Rui.

Rui evaded a jab before launching one of his own, making perfectly good contact with the Anti-Life.


It had exceeded his opponent’s expectations, catching him completely off-guard. The impact launched him off his feet and away while causing some of his unhealed flesh wounds to open and bleed a little.

Meanwhile, the audience of Masters and Sages widened their eyes with surprise as Rui remained standing without dropping dead.

“You…” the Anti-Life growled.

“You know, l wondered about how your killing method works,” Rui remarked with a nonchalant expression. “I couldn’t help but wonder how you could possibly kill that fast with just a single touch. And why you would need to touch to kill that fast. I ruled out poison, for poison would not kill that fast even if it literally vaporized all tissue upon contact.”

The Anti-Life stared at him with a displeased expression.

“I briefly considered some kind of bacteria or virus, but those two do not kill that fast,” Rui mused knowingly. “It’s almost as if you were able to impart death as an entity with a single touch.”

The Anti-Life got up, dusting away his Martial attire.

“That is exactly what I do. That is why I’m the Antithesis, and you are the fraud.”

Rui smiled at his words. “Bullshit.”

The Anti-Life narrowed his eyes.

The air tingled with tension.

“I figured it out.”

Rui’s words were solemn.

“Your great secret. Your ultimate death touch. I figured it out.”

The Anti-Life’s gaze grew chilling. “I will kill you before you utter it out loud.”

Rui grinned.

The Anti-Life gritted his teeth, surging forth as Rui’s mouth opened, throwing a swift blow at him. CLASP!

The Anti-Life’s eyes widened with shock as Rui simply caught his attack with a single hand before spilling the secret.

“Electromagnetically induced neuroelectric mortem induction!” Everybody froze as Rui revealed the process by which the Anti-Life killed so smoothly and swiftly.

Then, they frowned with confusion.


“It’s an application of Faraday’s law of induction to the neuroelectric components of the nervous system and the brain, isn’t it?” Rui smirked with confidence. “By generating powerful but focused electromagnetic fields around nerve endings upon contact, you can cause a highly focused stream of electric current to flow up the brain, exceeding the threshold of tolerance of not just consciousness, but also brain activity, literally frying the brain’s electrical activity, causing instantaneous brain death, don’t you?”

“…I do not know what half of those words mean.”

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