Chapter 2884 Total Recovery Before Departure
Chapter 2884 Total Recovery Before Departure
"I don't know." The seraph laughed as he looked at Minos' group, speaking sincerely. "But the Upper Realm is home to several True Celestials and their families. I imagine the situation up there is complicated, much more so than it is in my dimension. My lord is certainly the most powerful of them all, but it's difficult for me to decipher his plans and thoughts. After all, I have limited knowledge of the universe and what lies beyond it. Perhaps you can play a role that only someone from the Upper Realm would understand."
The Seraph's wise words didn't exactly answer Abby and the others' doubts, but they did point them in the direction they believed made sense. Things they didn't know happened in the Upper Realm and surely the lord of the Seraphim would charge them for the 'help' he or his creations gave them.
Would that be difficult or dangerous? They believed so, but could not estimate anything more on the subject.
With this answer, they arrived at an area of the tribe where several six-winged creatures were going about their routines, some fighting, others teaching, and several acting like ordinary beings, preparing to eat, cleaning items and also their homes. Beyond this living area of the tribe, they spotted what looked like a small mountain of wings, where several of the remains of seraphim were clustered irregularly on the outskirts.
The guardian of the dimension then pointed ahead, indicating that area with wings, a different place from the one he had taken Minos to centuries ago. "Minos, I have an interesting set of wings to merge with you. These wings aren't of the same quality as the first one you absorbed, but your current wings won't reject it. When you merge, it should help you regain the wing you lost."
"Will that strengthen him in some grade?" Gloria asked.
"Hardly. At most, it will recover the power that Minos lost because he lost one of his wings."
Minos' seraphim wings were mainly related to his physical and defensive qualities, but they also had a connection to his prophetic powers. The ability he had gained from these wings made him able to catch glimpses of the history of artifacts, people, and places, which helped his other powers to use these facts to predict future trends.
Only Minos knew for sure how his abilities combined to form the set of capabilities that his companions and enemies knew he had in his repertoire. Just regaining the part of his powers that he had lost with that wing was enough for him at the moment.
"Any wing will be more than I thought I could manage here," Minos said to the seraph, maintaining his respect and gratitude for the winged creature. "As I said, I didn't come here thinking I could get that wing back."
The seraph nodded at him before advising. "The rest of you should stay before that portal." He pointed ahead, where the entrance to the area where they kept the wings of some of their long-dead tribe members was. "The absorption of a new wing into a seraphim is not simple, and it could be dangerous for all of us to be too close to Minos."
He included himself in this group, aware that Minos' power was already similar to that of an ordinary Celestial, even though this human was only at level 123.
The guardian of the dimension said to him, "Go ahead, Minos. The wing waiting for you will direct you to it." He stopped at the entrance to that area together with Minos' group-the three women and the Divine Dragon.
"This will be quick. Wait for me here." Minos waved to him and the group, moving on alone, leaving them waiting for him there.
Meanwhile, the Divine Dragon looked at Minos' back, seeing the five wings there, as he stood side by side with one of the tyrants of the universe.
"I hope you don't take Minos down the hole," He murmured softly to the seraph, who smiled subtly as he understood where this concern was coming from.
"You Divine Dragons are attached to the past of the universe. We Seraphim have long since ceased to have any influence on the vast universe. Nowadays, we're just protectors of the last few isolated worlds."
"That's what you say. But my race knows what things were like millions of years ago." The dimension guardian sighed. His people's past was truly fantastic, but what was the point of having such a past if they were now so limited that they could barely leave their dimension?
"The universe in your childhood was like our playground. I admit that. But after the growth of civilizations and the battles of the Hell and the Upper Realm, we honestly lost almost everything that made us famous. Today, it's the Celestials seeking their chance to escape the Hell and enter the Upper Realm, who really cause chaos and change in the universe. We Seraphim are just observers and protectors in the recent context."
"I don't disagree with that. But I don't rule out possibilities for change." Said the dragon, unable to hold his tongue arguing with this ancient creature.
The seraph said nothing more, keeping his thoughts to himself. 'I'd like to go back to the way things were. But I have no hope! He looked up at the azure sky of his perfect dimension. 'Nowadays, I hardly understand my lord's wishes and orders. Sometimes I feel as if he's deliberately pushing us apart...
Meanwhile, Abby, Gloria, and Ruth watched these two in silence, listening to the Divine Dragon talk more, exposing parts of the prehistoric truth of the universe that few knew. The guardian of the dimension didn't seem interested in discussing opinions with the leader of the dragons and when he didn't point out how things were no longer as they had been in the past, he remained silent, apparently pensive. They wouldn't have time to think about it and ask questions. Soon they would feel Minos' powerful aura leave the graveyard of wings in front of them and reach them, proving his own words.
In less than 10 minutes from entering the area, Minos would appear above the cemetery, with not 5 but 6 wings flapping behind his back. Meanwhile, his aura returned to the level it had been before he lost one of his wings in a previous confrontation, but also before he lost his crown of darkness.
Going beyond what the guardian of the dimension had thought, Minos managed to regain his maximum power post-absorption of the Divine Tail, returning to the end of
level 123!