Chapter 326 Discipleship Inheritance!
“What’s a great sniper?” inquired Layla.
Pondering for a while, he recollected the Sniper he killed back in the woods of the Aphrodite City and Bobby responded, “Hmm, a great sniper is someone who must undergo a high level of training to gain important skills, including land navigation, shooting skills, stalking, and range estimation. Helpful personal traits for snipers include stress tolerance, emotional stability, and razor-sharp focus, and these are just the basics in this period of sword and magic.”
“Hey, you’re confusing the lady. Why don’t you just give her a demonstration instead? O boy, I’m looking forward to seeing you become a weapon teacher.” Cynthia’s voice chimed in her head and she remained silent again.ππ£π³xt.ππt
It was true Layla had zero ideas about his words. “Well, forget about what I just said.” Bobby shook his head and said, “Ahem! First, scan the surroundings, looking through this thing on the top. It’s called scope.” Then he used the scope and adjusted the view, as it was an AI-supported weapon. He aimed at a closer target so that she could see. And he clicked the trigger. Bang!
“Headshot!” The AI attached to it spoke in a female voice.
“Alright, you try it.” He said, standing up. “Now, listen carefully. My condition is I want you to make me hear ‘headshot’ every time you click it, okay?”
Just as he finished his word, a muffled voice chimed. Bang!
Bang! “Headshot!” Bang! “Headshot!” Bang! “Headshot!”…..
Bobby could see the corpses of the snake-man and those Rakshasa people dropping on the ground after blasting their brains.
“Master, she is good with long-range weapons.” Shadow Slave in Juno’s body uttered.
“Yep, I can see that,” Bobby replied. After all of those in proximity were taken down, he said, “Good work, Layla! Now, let’s do the farthest target this time.”
Just as Layla was about to snip the middle-aged-looking RakΕ‘a, who was standing on the top of the farthest ship, Bobby said, “Not that one!”
“Why?” She asked while still focusing on the scope.
“Because he is someone with Energy above 300. And this weapon can only kill those under energy level 76.” Bobby responded unhurriedly. Yes, before he retrieved this weapon from the sniper that he killed, this weapon could only kill those under energy level 25. But research in his spare time, also inculcating with the Red Crystal Cell technology and the blood energies of vampires added to those tips of the bullets, this weapon had upgraded to kill those within energy level 76.
“Alright, the last test. I’ll pinpoint sixteen targets and I want you to kill them all within ten seconds.” He continued and started pinpointing the sixteen targets in coordination with the AI attached to the weapon. “Your time starts now.” And a timer counting down from 10 seconds appeared on the scope.
Layla took a deep breath and focused on those sixteen targets that were distributed unevenly all around them. Then, after three seconds, she started clicking the trigger, but this time she clicked only 14 times and stood up.
Bang! “Headshot!” Bang! “Headshot!” Bang! “Headshot!”…
The fourteen bullets killed only ten of the targets.
“She fails!” Shadow Slave shook his head in disappointment, a wide grin appeared on Bobby’s face.
“Of course not!” Bobby responded.
Within the last three seconds, eight of those bullets were intercepted in four points and deflected into multiple specks, and blasted all the heads of those last six targets. Strangely, not a single speck of shattered bullets landed on other people around them or missed the heads of the last six targets. Compared to the previous first 10 kills, these last six targets had nothing above the neckline.
Bang! Bang! Bang!…. “Headshot! Headshot! Headshot! (2x)” The AI’s voice chimed. “All the sixteen targets were taken down with headshots. Mission accomplished!”
Layla turned her head and asked, “Master, can I kill more of those bastards?”
“Hey, hold on to your horse there.” Bobby continued, “Alright, come here and kneel before me if you want to acknowledge me as your weapon master.”
Layla caressed the AI-integrated highly advanced rifle once and quickly knelt before him with her lips kissing on Bobby’s shoes.
“Girl, stop kissing my legs. I don’t like it.” Picking her head up, Bobby continued, “This is my first time taking in a disciple both in this life and my previous life. So, I’ll make this favorable for you. First, swear your allegiance to me for this life.”
Layla made a series of strange bows following the custom of here, which Bobby wasn’t aware of, and said, “This Layla has only seven lives after this one. And as a gratitude for changing this life, I will serve all of my eight lives for you, Master!”
“It’s good to hear that. But that’ll not be enough.” Bobby said. Then he bit his forefinger and touched her forehead, saying: “Repeat every word I say,” and he continued in a dialect of his past life. “I’m the first Disciple Of the God Eye Satan, name Damien Darhk! And I’ll accept him as my only master in this life.”
Layla was quite sharp with learning new things. So, she could easily pronounce it in a dialect she had never heard before.
“Good! Then, as your teacher, I’ll grant you an ocular power as my first gift.” Bobby said. Then he started chanting a spell and suddenly his third vertical eyes opened up. The blood from his forefinger infiltrated her face, making her blush and hot suddenly. But she tried everything in her power to fight against her emotion spiking because of the blood with just her willpower. Later his blood inside her face was forced into her eyes becoming three small commas-like dots each on her eyes at the periphery of her black corneas.
“Now look into my third eye!” He said, raising her chin further.
“Ah!” Layla exclaimed, seeing the pitched black vertical eye on his forehead. She quickly calmed herself and pleaded, “Sorry, Master! I didn’t mean to.”