Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 372: A Hard Decision

Alex didn’t care what was happening in the outside world, or on the internet after curb stomping Jung-Hyun’s ex and his son. Instead, after entering inside the woman’s home, which he had not been in for over a year now. He looked around and commented on the state of the world.

“Time sure flies by, doesn’t it? It was a little over a year ago that I just moved in next door and you were trying to seduce me as I cleaned your pool and fixed shit around the house…. Don’t you have any shame you damn milf!”

Despite the harshness in his tone, Jung-Hyun reacted with a simple giggle. She had already fled to the kitchen to pour some wine for the two of them, as she worked on the stove to prepare Alex with a grilled cheese like she had commonly fed him whenever he came home.

In addition to this, she made a comment about what had just happened, and about her current life as Alex’s lover.

“Indeed, it does. A year has flown by. Now I have a daughter instead of a son, and a big, strong, handsome foreign husband who’s willing to get his hands dirty to protect me!”

Alex scoffed when he heard the shamelessness in the woman’s tone. Husband? Sure, if polygamy was legal, and no fault divorce was the law of the land, she could bet her fat ass that he would marry her and all the other women he had picked up over the past year.

But sadly, they were husband and wife in name only. Still, there was nothing to be done about that. Nothing at all. Instead, Alex sat down and sipped on the wine. Remembering all that had happened from the start of his new lease on life all the way until the current day.

Over the course of the last few months, he had popped in on all of his women with his teleport ability, Jung-Hyun included. And they were much more satisfied now that he could do so. Still, Alex had to admit, the number of women he had in his harem, and the fact that they were spread out across the Earth was definitely becoming concerning.

How could he possibly manage time with all of them? But Jung-Hyun didn’t appear to be worried about the future. Unlike Alex, she appeared to be enjoying the moment as she brought his grilled cheese over to him and set the plate down on the table. All the while revealing her bountiful cleavage through her apron.

Alex bit into the sandwich that had been cut in twine, all the while the women propositioned him on the spot.

“So… Now that you’re here, is there anything else I can get you?”

Alex washed down his slice of grilled cheese with some milk before wiping his mouth and commenting on the woman’s offer.

“Jesus, woman, are you that horny that you can’t even let me finish my food?

Jung-Hyun didn’t respond. Instead, she simply undressed in front of Alex. And then redressed in only her apron. She then swung around the side of the counter that he was on, so that she could sit in his lap, where she unzipped his pants to reveal his exceptionally large cock. Of which she began to stroke with a slutty smirk on her face, while whispering in his ears.

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Alex looked down at what remained of his grilled cheese, and back at Jung-Hyun. The woman was clearly making him choose between the meal she had cooked for him, or her pussy. It was a hard choice if he was being honest.

After all, the man was drowning in pussy all the time, but he could only rarely get one of Jung-Hyun’s home made grilled cheese every so often. And because of that, he was incredibly heart broken when he pushed his plate away and stood up off his seat. Where he then bent Jung-Hyun over the counter and began to fucker her, all while telling him how dissatisfied he was with her patience.

“You know, you’re going to owe me another sandwich after this is done right!?! Could you honest to God not wait five god damn minutes for me to finish!?!”

Jung-Hyun had already begun to moan ecstatically the moment Alex shoved his cock in her tight and moist twat. She had completely lost her mind the moment he did so and began to apologize.

“I’m sorry, but I was already at my limit after seeing you beat those two bastards up outside my door. Please forgive me!”

Alex responded to this by further enhancing the intensity of his thrusts into the woman’s pussy. She had gotten so horny over that? Well, it wasn’t surprising. He did have an unnatural effect on women thanks to the system and its benefits.

But still, he was going to make her pay for this later. The two of them would continue to go at it like rabbits for the rest of the evening. Where Alex would only stop so that Jung-Hyun could once more cook for him. After which they shared a lovely meal together.

Then took a bath together, followed by another long night of lovemaking. Once Alex had finished with the milf next door, he said his temporary farewells before teleporting back to his penthouse in Las Vegas.

It was only then that he saw the comments flooding his social media accounts. About what he had done to the Jung-Hyun’s ex, and her son. To this Alex only laughed, and did not respond to his haters. In a world where everyone had a camera on them at all times, it truly was difficult to be discreet with your violence.

Had the local police department not been influenced by Chun-Hei and her family? Then it was entirely possible he would have gotten into trouble with the law again. But that was not the case. Luckily for him, Alex had a get out of jail free card while in Seoul. And he had used it yet again when dealing with Jung-Hyun’s personal problems.

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